| Friedrich Wilhelm P. Oertel - 1870 - 244 pages
...difficulty that he found the way to his own house, which he approached with silent awe, expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle....the cur snarled, showed his teeth, and passed on. This was an unkind cut indeed. " My very dog," sighed poor Rip, "has forgotten me ! " He entered the... | |
| Edward Everett Hale - 1871 - 780 pages
...wanderer returning, after the mystic sleep of twenty years, to find his house a moss-grown ruin. " A half-starved dog, that looked like Wolf, was skulking...the cur snarled, showed his teeth, and passed on. This was an unkind cut indeed. " My very dog," sighs poor Rip, " has forgotten me " ! Jefferson's sad,... | |
| Noble Kibby Royse - 1872 - 376 pages
...difficulty that he found the way to his own house, which he approached with silent awe, expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle....the cur snarled, showed his teeth, and passed on. This was an unkind cut indeed. " My very dog," sighed poor Kip, "has forgotten me!" He entered the... | |
| Ephraim Hunt - 1872 - 658 pages
...difficulty that he found the way to his own house, which he approached with silent awe, expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle....the cur snarled, showed his teeth, and passed on. This was an unkind cut indeed. " My very dog," sighed poor Rip, " has forgotten me ! " He entered the... | |
| John Heywood (ltd.) - 1872 - 232 pages
...difficulty that he found his way to his own house, which he approached with silent awe, expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle....like Wolf, was skulking about it. Rip called him by his name, but the cur snarled, showed his teeth, and passed on. This was an unkind cut indeed. " My... | |
| Noble Kibby Royse - 1872 - 382 pages
...house, which he approached with silent awe, expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Vun Winkle. He found the house gone to decay— the roof...half-starved dog that looked like Wolf was skulking about it. Kip called him by name, but the cur snarled, showed his teeth, and passed on. This was an unkind cut... | |
| Casket - 1873 - 874 pages
...found tin- way to his own house, which he approached »ith silent awe, expecting every moment to bear : > I 'jff the hinges. » half-starved dog that looked like ffolf was skulking about it. Rip called him by... | |
| Illustrated reader - 1874 - 408 pages
...difficulty that he found the way to his own house, which he approached with silent awe, expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle. He found the house gone to decay—the roof fallen in, the windows shattered, and the doors off the hinges. A half-starved dog... | |
| Cassell, ltd - 1875 - 452 pages
...difficulty he found the way to his own house, which he approached with silent awe, expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle....half-starved dog, that looked like Wolf, was skulking ahout it. Rip called him by name, but the cur snarled, showed his teeth, and passed on. This was an... | |
| 1876 - 734 pages
...difficulty that he found the way to his own house, which he approached with silent awe, expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle....the cur snarled, showed his teeth, and passed on. This was an unkind out indeed. " My very dog," sighed poor Rip, " has forgotten me!" He entered the... | |
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