A native grace Sat fair-proportion'd on her polish'd limbs, Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp of dress; for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is when unadorn'd adorn'd the most. The Seasons, and Castle of Indolence ... - Page 132by James Thomson, Dr. Johnson - 1818 - 279 pagesFull view - About this book
| Truths - 1885 - 572 pages
...painting, pain, and cost. Kraut }i. — Thomson. A NATIVE Grace Sat fair-proportion'd on her polish' d Limbs, Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire,...Ornament, But is when unadorn'd adorn'd the most. itirautll. — Joanna Baillie. WHEN I approach Her Loveliness, so absolute she seems And in herself... | |
| 1886 - 552 pages
...star Of evening, shone in tears. A native grace Sat fair-proportioned on her polished limbs, Veiled in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp...Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorned, adorned the most ; Thoughtless of beauty, she was Beauty's self, Recluse amid the close-embowering... | |
| Martin Ambrose Foran - 1886 - 482 pages
...obscured Hebe or Pandora, her only adornment her natural beauty, crowned with a loveliness which — " Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is when unadorn'd adorn'd the most." " Pardon me, Miss Marmane, if I intrude, but seeing you here, I thought I would speak to you about... | |
| Gertrude Strohm - 1887 - 212 pages
...Belle of the Ball. — WIXTHROP MACKWOKTH PKAED. A native graceSat fair proportion'd on her polish'd limbs, Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire,...Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorned, adorn'd the most ; Thoughtless of beauty, she was beauty's self. — THOMSON. A violet by... | |
| James Thomson - 1891 - 458 pages
...200 Of evening, shone in tears. A native grace Sat fair-proportioned on her polished limbs, Veiled in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp...loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, 205 A myrtle rises far from human eye And breathes its balmy fragrance o'er the wild, So flourished... | |
| 1891 - 556 pages
...loveliness? Byron, MATERIAL OF. The fringe of the garment of God Bailey. NEEDS NO OBN-AMENT. — — for loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorned, adorn'd the most. Thomson. NOT то BE FORGOTTEN. When I forget that the stars shine in... | |
| William M. Thayer - 1893 - 376 pages
...it their goddess. It is against excess in the matter that we warn them. " Her polished limbs Veiled in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp...ornament, But is, when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most." Thomson. CHAPTER XVI. Connection with Two Preceding Chapters.—Mary Lyon on this Subject.— Dr. Hitchcock's... | |
| Rev. James Wood - 1893 - 694 pages
...touch of it in a room, in a street, even on a door-knocker, is a spiritual force. i'*,y~. Drummami. Loveliness ' Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, / But is, when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most. '1 iiDttison. Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, ' Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend... | |
| 1895 - 768 pages
...And you be left, like an unsavoury snuff, Whose property is only to offend. Sen Jonson. Her polish'd limbs, Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire,...the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorn'd, adorn 'd the most. Thomson, Autumn, Be plain in dress, and sober in ycur diet ; In snort, my deary,... | |
| Henry Coppée - 1895 - 552 pages
...star. Of evening, shone in tears. A native grace Sat fair-proportioned on her polished limbs, Veiled in a simple robe, their best attire, Beyond the pomp...Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorned, adorned the most ; Thoughtless of beauty, she was Beauty's self, Recluse amid the close-embowering... | |
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