| David M. Main (ed) - 1881 - 496 pages
...France ; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance ; Townfolks my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise...Think Nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shot awry ! The true cause is, Stella looked on ; and from her heavenly face Sent forth the beams which... | |
| George Gilfillan - 1881 - 744 pages
...France; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance ; Townfolks my strength ; a daintier judge applies 114 His praise to sleight which from good use doth rise...Think nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shot awry ! the true cause is, Stella look'd on, and from her heavenly face Sent forth the beams which... | |
| F A LEO - 1881 - 498 pages
...FRANCE ; Horsemen my skill in horsetnanship advance: Townfolks my strength, a daintier Judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise:...of both sides I do take My blood from them, who did exctl in this, Think Nature me a man of armi did make. How far they shot awryl the true cause is, STBLLA... | |
| Charles Lamb - 1882 - 460 pages
...France : Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance ; Townsfolk my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise...Think Nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shot awry ! the true cause is, STELLA looked on, and from her heavenly face Sent forth the beams which... | |
| Fritz Krauss - 1882 - 256 pages
...France; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance: Townfolks my strength, a daintier Judge applies His praise to sleight. which from good use doth rise:...excel in this. Think Nature me a man of arms did make. Ho w far they shot awry? the true cause is, Stella looked on, and from her heavenly face Sent forth... | |
| Fritz Krauss - 1882 - 262 pages
...France; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advauce: Townfolks my streugth, a daintier Judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise:...them, who did excel in this. Think Nature me a man of arans did make. How far they shot awry? the true cause is, Stella looked on, and from her heavenly... | |
| Samuel Waddington - 1882 - 280 pages
...France ; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance ; Townfolks my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise...from them who did excel in this, Think Nature me a man-at-arms did make. How far they shot awry ! the true cause is, Stella looked on ; and from her heavenly... | |
| Epes Sargent - 1882 - 1002 pages
...advance ; Townsfolk my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good uso on sense! See mystery to mathematics fly ! In vain! they gaze, turn giddy, rave, and die. mo a man of arms did make. How far they shot awry! The true cause is, Stella looked on, and from her... | |
| Charles Lamb - 1884 - 546 pages
...skill in horsemanship advance ; Townsfolk my strength; a daintier judge applies His praise to slight, which from good use doth rise ; Some lucky wits impute...Think Nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shot awry ! the true cause is, STELLA looked on, and from her heavenly face Sent forth the beams which... | |
| Charles Witcomb - 1884 - 180 pages
...France; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance; Townfolks my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise...Others because, of both sides, I do take My blood from those who did excel in this, Think nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shoot awry ! The... | |
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