| Robert Chambers - 1844 - 692 pages
...My blood from them who did excel in this, Think nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shot 8 j } во fair my race. In martial sports I had my cunning tried, And yet to break more staves did me address... | |
| Charles Lamb - 1845 - 396 pages
...France ; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance, Townsfolk my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise...Think Nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shot awry ! the true cause is, STELLA looked on, and from her heavenly face Sent forth the beams which... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1847 - 712 pages
...strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to slei 'ht which from good use doth rise ; Some lucky nits th her fair looks, to be aveng'd On him who had stole...fire. Thus, at their shady lodge arriv'd, both stood, roan of arms did make. How far they shot awry ! the true cause is, Stella look'd on, and from her heavenly... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1847 - 712 pages
...from good uoe doth rise ; Seme lucky wits impute it but to chance ; Other*, because of both side» ign of charity, his duty met with the infirmities...man, and anger was its instrument ; and the instr shot awry ! the true cause is, Sttlla look'd on, and from her heavenly face Sect forth the beams which... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1849 - 710 pages
...France ; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance ; Tcwnfulks my strength ; a daintier judge applies trees, do close, To weave the garlands of repose. Fair Quiet, have I found thee here, And Inn ; ( ithers, because of both side» I do take My blood from them who did excel in this, Think nature... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1850 - 710 pages
...France ; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance ; Townfulks my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight which from good use doth rise...Think nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shot awry ! the true cause is, Stella look'd on, and from her heavenly fuce Sent forth the beams which... | |
| Charles Lamb, Thomas Noon Talfourd - 1850 - 490 pages
...France ; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance ; Townsfolk my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise;...impute it but to chance ; Others, because of both sides 1 do take My blood from them, who did excel in this, Think Nature me a man of arms did make. How far... | |
| Charles Lamb - 1851 - 396 pages
...France ; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance, Townsfolk my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise...Think Nature me a man of arms did make. How far they shot awry ! the true cause is, STELLA looked on, and from her heavenly face Sent forth the beams which... | |
| Charles Lamb, Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd - 1851 - 964 pages
...advance • ' Townsfolk my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from gcixi use doth rise; Some lucky wits impute it but to chance...do take My blood from them, who did excel in this Ihink Nature me a man of arms did make How far they shot awry ! the true cause is ' Il*,Lr t»'i.00.li'dilt''... | |
| Charles Lamb - 1852 - 684 pages
...France ; Horsemen my skill in horsemanship advance ; Townsfolk my strength ; a daintier judge applies His praise to sleight, which from good use doth rise...impute it but to chance ; Others, because of both aides I do take My blood from them, who did excel in this, Think Nature me a man of arms did make.... | |
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