| Caleb Bingham - 1811 - 316 pages
...in this House^ or in this country! Principles, equally unconstitutional, inhuman, and unchristian! My lords, I did not intend to have encroached again on your attention; but I cannot repress my indignation, I feel myself impelled by every duty. My lords we are called upon as members... | |
| 1812 - 438 pages
...notintend to have encroached again upon your attention ; but I cunnot repress my indignation. I feel myself impelled by every duty. My lords, we are called upon as members of this this house, as men, as Christian men, to protest against such notions standing near the throne, pol... | |
| William Walton - 1814 - 560 pages
...shocked to hear such principles confessed; to hear them avowed in this house, or even in this country. My lords, I did not intend to have encroached again on your attention, but I cannot repress my indignation. I feel myself impelled to speak. My lords, we are called upon, as members of... | |
| Francis Wrangham - 1816 - 532 pages
...this House, or in this country ; principles equally unconstitutional, inhuman, and unchristian ! " My Lords, I did not intend to have encroached again on your attention ; but I cannot repress my indignation. I feel myself impelled by every duty : my Lords, we are called upon as members... | |
| Vicente Pazos Kanki - 1819 - 714 pages
...SHOCKED, to hear such principles confessed ; to hear them avowed in this house or even in this country. My lords, I did not intend to have encroached again on your attention, but I cannot repress my indignation, — I feel myself IMPELLED to speak. My lords, we are called upon as members... | |
| William Davis Robinson - 1820 - 450 pages
...SHOCKED, to hear such principles confessed ; to hear them avowed in this house or even in this country. My lords, I did not intend to have encroached again on your attention, but I cannot repress my indignation, — I feel myself IMPELLED to speak. My lords, we are called upon as members... | |
| Caleb Bingham - 1821 - 312 pages
...this Houfe, or in this country ! Principles, equally unt onititutiona!, inhuman, and unchriftian ! My lords, I did not intend to have encroached again...are called upon as members of this Houfe, as men, as Chriftian men, to proteft againft fuch notions ftanding near the throne, polluting the ear of Majefty.... | |
| William Davis Robinson - 1821 - 404 pages
...SHOCKED, to hear such principles confessed ; to hear them avowed in this house, or even in this country. My lords, I did not intend to have encroached again on your attention ; but 1 cannot repress my indignation — I feel myself IMPELLED to speak. My lords, we are called upon,... | |
| Hezekiah Niles - 1822 - 514 pages
...in this bouse, or in this country! Principles, equally unconstitutional, inhuman, and unchristian! My lords, I did not intend to have encroached again on your attention; but I cannot repress my indignation. I feel myself impelled by every duty. My lords we are called upon as members... | |
| 1823 - 428 pages
...to have encroached again upon your attention ; but I cannot repress my indignation — I feel myself impelled by every duty. My lords, we are called upon as members of this house, as men, as Christian men, to protest against such notions standing near the throne, polluting... | |
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