| 1765 - 428 pages
...bieak away, Or mofs-crowti'd fountains mitigate the day, 1Û vain ye hope the green delights te knew, Which plains more bleft, or verdant vales beftow :...alone, and taftelefs fands are found, And faint and fukly winds forever howl around. ' Sad was the hour, and lucklds was the day, < When firft fipm Schiraz'... | |
| English poetry - 1801 - 224 pages
...griefs a more than equal shave ! » Here , where no springs in murmurs break away i » Or moss-crown'd fountains mitigate the day , » In vain ye hope the green delights to know , E a » Which plains more blest , or verdant vales, bestow : » Here rocks alone and tasteless sands... | |
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