daughters, survived him. The death of one of the daughters, Mrs. H. Louis Duhring, Jr., recently occurred. After the death of Major Lambert memorial services were held in the Second Presbyterian Church, Germantown, Philadelphia. Addresses were delivered by clergymen, statesmen, and soldiers. The Rev. John Harvey Lee's short address seemed to summarize the others. He said: "The finest product of God in this world is the Christian man. He whose memory we would keep green and whom we are delighted to honor today was the highest type of a Christian man. He was a Christian soldier, devoting himself, in the furtherance of his patriotism, to the service of his country. He was a Christian philanthropist, giving without stint to the uplift of humanity. He was a Christian business man, exhibiting the finest abilities, and the highest principles of integrity and honor. He was an ardent churchman, devoting all his heart and soul to the church of Jesus Christ. He was in every sense of the term a cultured, Christian gentleman." The Lincoln Fellowship was formed in the autumn of 1907 at a meeting of two score admirers of Abraham Lincoln, held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. The membership consisted mainly of collectors of Lincolniana and naturally Major William H. Lambert was elected president. He presided at the annual dinners, and on one of these occasions the members presented to him the medal designed by Roiné to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of Lincoln's birth. After the death of their president the members of the Fellowship published various addresses on the life and public services of Major Lambert, and several tributes to his memory, from which these extracts are made: "For almost half a century Major Lambert had been a collector of Lincolniana, having first been inspired to take up the pleasant pursuit by receiving a gift from his father of a copy of Dr. J. G. Holland's 'Life of Lincoln.' Major Lambert presented the most unselfish attitude of any collector that I have ever known. His incomparable Lincoln and Thackeray treasures were always at the service of others, as well as his unusual knowledge of the writings and familiarity with the career of the American statesman and the English author."-General James Grant Wilson, author of "Thackeray in the United States," a work dedicated to Major Lambert "to whose unrivalled collection of Thackeryana the author is chiefly indebted for the illustrations contained in this work." Of some six score portraits and other illustrations, "almost half the number," says General Wilson, "were kindly contributed by Major Lambert from his unequalled collection." "Major Lambert was a loyal and untiring servant of the Republic in more ways than one, but he builded better than he knew when he undertook to assemble and preserve the historical data bearing upon the life of Abraham Lincoln. This was, I venture to say, his greatest public service."Frederick Trevor Hill. "Major Lambert was a born collector. On one occasion he told me that he first started to collect books about the Holy Land, and after exhausting that line of endeavor, he bought Boyd's collection on Lincoln. Boyd's collection was one of the earliest formed and this will explain how Major Lambert had so many items that other collectors could not find. He got them early. There is, I think, no question but that his collection of Lincoln books and pamphlets surpasses any other collection, not only in its completeness but in the number of rare items. In autograph letters Major Lambert's collection is without a rival."--Judd Stewart. "Soon after beginning to gather up the books and pamphlets pertaining to Abraham Lincoln I learned that Major Lambert owned a superb collection of them. Naturally I applied to him for advice and assistance. A long correspondence followed and innumerable kindnesses, all so unstintedly and graciously given that gratitude speedily ripened into affection. We had few opportunities for meeting; but once, for a whole precious day, a day of more than twenty-four hours. I was a guest in his home, with that unrivalled store of Lincoln memorabilia spread around us in delightful profusion. That visit, with two or three brief interviews elsewhere, are cherished memories, and big bundles of his explicit and helpful letters are as rifts in the cloud that has gathered between us. It is a joy to tell of his goodness to one in the far outer circle of his friendships. Once he sent me a packet of Lincoln pamphlets, duplicates from his great collection. Among them was one of a rare edition which I had despaired of ever possessing. I knew that it had sold in the book mart for a monstrous price. Fearing that he had overlooked its money value I offered to restore it. The copy was slightly defective. He begged that I would return that copy-sending a perfect one in exchange. It is worth while being a collector, just to know how to appreciate so beautiful a courtesy. The dear Major had more than one hobby, but only one character, that of a Christian gentleman." - Daniel Fish. "Major Lambert was an ardent admirer of Lincoln, whom he had known personally, and became an eager collector of letters and other material associated with the great Emancipator. No man in the country obtained a closer view of the life, deeds, and thoughts of the War President. Major Lambert also specialized as a collector of Thackerayana, and this gave him a reputation on two continents, as he possessed a collection of Thackeray manuscripts and other material admitted to be unsurpassed, gathered after much travel and infinite search. His Lincoln collection was virtually complete, for it is believed to contain every life of the Emancipator published, and in addition contains an extensive collection of portraits of the Civil War President." - Philadelphia "Ledger." "Major Lambert began to collect material relating to Abraham Lincoln immediately after the Civil War, and it is generally conceded, by all who really know, that his Lincoln collection was the greatest in this country. Besides autograph letters and manuscripts he owned all the lives of Lincoln, all the funeral sermons printed and accessible, many personal relics, such as Lincoln's writing desk used in his law office in Springfield, all the known engravings and photographs, and many other items. Of Thackeray it is well within the bounds of accuracy to state that Major Lambert's was the finest collection extant, even including that of Lady Richmond Ritchie, Thackeray's daughter. It is sometimes the part of wisdom to be a prophet rather than a follower, and Major Lambert had the far-seeing wisdom to begin his Thackeray collection when quite a young man. Although at no time a rich man, he once told the editor that he had bought steadily for thirty-five years, and finally got to where he felt that the prices were so high that even he could not acquire everything he wanted. Of first editions he had a complete set; in original drawings, books from Thackeray's library, let. ters, manuscripts, etc., the collection was very rich. Apropos of the above paragraph it will be remembered that Augustine Daly owned the original letters written by Thackeray to Mrs. Brookfield, which were begun and published in the initial number of 'Scribner's Magazine.' At the Daly sale in 1900, these fetched the handsome sum of $16,200 and are safely placed in the library of Mr. J. P. Morgan. This Brookfield correspondence was edited by James Russell Lowell while Minister to the Court of St. James's. Some of the letters were of so intimate and private a character that Mr. Lowell did not think it advisable to publish them. The rejected letters were in the Thackeray collection of Major Lambert, and he used to point with satisfaction and pride to the fact that while Mr. Morgan owned the letters the public had read, he possessed the letters the public had never seen." From the "Book-Lover's Quarterly," December, 1912. After these encomiums and the universal opinion of collectors generally throughout the world that the Lincoln and Thackeray collections owned by Major Lambert were the finest in existence, nothing remains for us to say except that as he enjoyed these treasures not only for what they meant to him but because of the knowledge they imparted to students of history and literature and the pleasure they gave to his intimate friends, he looked forward also to the dispersal of them, that his brother collectors might have the joy of acquisition that had once been his. Special Features of this Sale. Books from Lincoln's Library-ten lots embracing thirteen volumes. Broadsides, including some of great rarity. Bronzes, including Volk's life mask, 1860; casts of the two hands, life mask by Mills. One of fifty copies of the Emancipation Proclamation printed in 1863 and signed by Lincoln and Seward. One of three duplicate copies of the Thirteenth Amendment signed by Lincoln, Hamlin, and Colfax. Ford's theatre play bills, including the original bills issued at the theatre the day of Lincoln's assassination. Extraordinary collection of letters, documents, and legal papers in the handwriting of Lincoln or signed by him. Leaf from Lincoln's sum-book, dated 1824. Letter regarding Mary Owens to whom Lincoln proposed marriage. Original manuscript of Lincoln's Plan of Campaign, 1861. Original manuscript drafts of the bill to abolish slavery in Delaware. Original manuscript of the Baltimore address. Photographs of Lincoln from life, including four ambrotypes and daguerreotypes. Political Debates between Lincoln and Douglas-presentation copy from Lincoln. Lincoln relics, including a lock of his hair, sleeve button taken from his cuff after he was shot, inkstand used in his office, his office chair, cane presented by William O. Snyder, and others. Surgeon Taft's note book of events at Lincoln's death bed. NOTE-Part I of the Lambert Catalogue consists of the most important portion of the Lincoln Autographs, Books, and Relics. Part II, which will be sold in February, will embrace the whole of the great Thackeray Collection. Part III, which will include the remainder of the Lincolniana, will be sold later in the season. LIBRARY SECTION FIRST 2. ABOTT (ABOTT A.). The Assassination and Death Another copy in wrappers, uncut. 4. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. A Study. Entered at Sta- tioners Hall. By R. Y. 12mo, half morocco (somewhat 5. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. A Threnody. 12mo, half morocco, original covers bound in. St. Louis: Privately printed, 1866 6. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, demonstrated to be the Gog of the Bible, as foretold by the Prophet Ezekiel. The Thirteen Confederate States shown to be the Mountains of Israel, etc. 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in. * AN EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE SOUTHERN PUBLICATION. The Lossing copy sold for $115.00. 7. ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S Lost Speech. A Souvenir of the Eleventh Annual Lincoln |