About this book
HE Firft Book of Statius his Thebais. Tranf
lated by Mr. Pope.
Page 5
Four Songs written in 1683, in order to be Sung
as Chorus's between the Acts of a Play of Shake-
fpear that was altered.
Gualterus Dannistonus ad Amicos.
P. 57
P. 66
Walter Danniston, ad Amicos. Imitated by Mr.
p. 67
Horace Lib. I. Epift. IX. To the Right Honou-
rable R---H---, Efq; By the fame Hand. p. 72
An Imitation of Chaucer. By the fame Hand. p. 74
An Epifle. By Mr. Bate.
P. 75.
The Story of Arachne, from the beginning of the
Sixth Book of Ovid's Metamorphofes. By Mr.
J. Gay.
P. 81
The Third Chapter of Habakkuk Paraphras'd.
An Ode. By Mr. Broome.
p. 96
Part of the 38th and 39th Chapters of Job. A
Paraphraft. By the fame Hand.
P. 102
The Prayer of Jeremy Paraphras'd. Prophetical-
ly reprefenting the Paffionate Grief of the Jew-
ifh People, for the Lofs of their Town and San-
Etuary. By Mr. Southcott.
p. 109
On a Flower which Belinda gave me from her Bo-
fom. By Mr. Broome.
P. 116
Ovid. Amor. Eleg. 16. Lib. 2. To his Miftrefs.
By Mr. Cromwell.
P. 119
The Story of Arethufa, tranflated from the Fifth
Book of Ovid's Metamorphofes.
P. 123
The Fable of Vertumnus and Pomona; from the
Fourteenth Book of Ovid's Metamorphofes. By
Mr. Pope.
P. 137
P. 129
To a young Lady, with the Works of Voiture. By
the fame Hand.
Two Copies of Verfes, written fome Tears fince in
Imitation of the Style of two Perfons of Quality.
By the fame Hand.
To the Author of a Poem, intitled, Succeffio. p. 147
A Poem to the Memory of Mr. John Philips. To
P. 143
a Friend. By Mr. Edmund Smith. P. 149
The Dream. The Fifth Elegy of the Third Book
of Ovid's Amours. By Mr. Cromwell. p. 164
On a Mifcellany of Poems. To Bernard Lintott.
P. 168
Verfes defign'd to be prefix'd to Mr. Lintott's Mi-
To a Lady fitting before her Glass. By Mr. Fen-
P. 176
On the Birth-Day of Mr. Robert Trefufis; being
Three Years Old, March 22, 1710-11. By Mr.
P. 179
On the Marriage of an Old Maid. By R. F. p. 181
Charlettus Percivallo fuo.
P. 182
P. 183
Percivallus Charletto fuo.
The Complaint. Cælia to Damon. In which fome
Lines of Remond's Alexias are imitated. By
Mr. Broome.
P. 188
The School of Wit, a Tale. By a Young Gen-
P. 491
On Mrs. Barbiere's First Appearance on the
Stage at the Rehearsal of Almahide. By the
fame Hand.
P. 203
On a Book written by a married Man, Entituled,
The Pleafures of Matrimony. Sent to the Au-
The Anfwer. By another Hand.
p. 204
P. 206
To a Young Lady Reading the Art of Love.
By Mr. Fenton.
P. 208
The Fair Nun. A Tale. By the fame Hand. p. 210
To a Gentleman who Corrected fome Verfes for
P. 222
Rapin Imitated, in a Paftoral fent to Belinda up-
on her leaving Hattley. By the fame Hand. p. 225
Sappho to Phaon. A Love Epiftle, Tranflated
from Ovid. By Mr. Fenton.
P. 230
Chaucer's Characters, or the Introduction to the
Canterbury Tales. By Mr. Thomas Better-
P. 245
Epitaph on the Monument of the Marquifs of
Winchester. By Mr. Dryden.
P. 283
Epitaph on Mrs. Margaret Pafton of Barning-
ham in Norfolk. By the fame Hand.
p. 284
p. 285
Paying a Vifit to a Mistress on Sunday.
Song. Set to Mufick by Mr. J. Barret.
Drinking à Glass of good Florence. Extempore.
P. 288
Part of the Fourteenth Chapter of Isaiah Para-
phras'd in Blank Verfe.
P. 289
A Song Written at Sea, by the late Earl of Dor-)
fet, in the firft Dutch War.
A La Mode.
P. 293
p. 298
The Miller of Trompington, or, the Reve's Tale
from Chaucer. By Mr. Betterton. P. 301
The Rape of the Locke. An Heroi-Comical Poem.
P. 353