Ken 188. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). Limited edns. A Prose Fancy: Together with Confessio Amantis, a Sonnet. 12mo, limp boards, uncut. Lond.: Privately printed, 1893 One of a few copies on hand-made paper. Scarce. With a Bibli- Portrait. 189. - Rudyard Kipling: a Criticism. 190. pers, pp. 8. The Cry of the Little Peoples. 16mo, wrapn. p., n. d. One of a few copies privately printed at the Roycroft Press. 191. LITERARY HOURS; or, Sketches Critical, Narra-✓ 192. LITERARY SHOP (THE) and other Tales [James V 193. LITTLE MEMOIRS OF THE NINETEENTH 194. LONDON. Tallis's Illustrated London. With His-/ torical Descriptions by W. Gaspey. Numerous fine steel (E2 plates. 2 vols. (also 2 imperfect vols. of the same), 12mo, Lond. [circa 1853] half calf (as a lot, not returnable). Lond.: Cassell 196. LONGFELLOW (H. W.) The Song of Hiawatha. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1855 ✓ 197. ✔198. Bost. 1863-71 The Divine Tragedy. FIRST EDN. LARGE PAPER. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Bost. 1871 199. The Divine Tragedy; The Masque of Pandora. FIRST EDNS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 200. LOVE-STORY MASTERPIECES. dith, R. L. Stevenson, D. G. Mitchell, and Bost, 1871-75 By Geo. Mere O. W. Holmes. Uw Chosen by R. A. Lyon. Post 8vo, cloth and boards, uncut. Evanston, 1902 J 1 201. [LOWELL (J. R.)] The Boston Miscellany of Literature and Fashion. Edited by Nathan Hale, Jr. (Vol. II., July-Dec., 1842, with two original Poems by Lowell and a Review of Griswold's "Poets of America," by Poe.) Plates (some colored). Royal 8vo, half bound. Bost. 1842 ✔ 202. LYTTON (LORD). “My Novel " or, Varieties in English Life. 4 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1853 First edition. ✓ 203. MABIE (HAMILTON WRIGHT). 1204. MACAULAY (THOMAS B.) ✓ Critical, Historical, ✓ and Miscellaneous Essays. Portraits. 3 vols. thick 12mo, cloth. N.Y. [recent] ✔ 205. MACLEOD (FIONA). From the Hills of Dream. ✓ FIRST EDN. 12mo, limp parchment. Printed on Van Gelder paper. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1901 206. MALONE (WALTER). Songs of North and South. Presentation copy from author to R. Le Gallienne, with book-label. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Louisville, 1900 207. MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. The Love Affairs of. By Martin Hume. Portraits. Thick 8vo, cloth. N. Y. [Lond.] 1903 ✔ 208. MEDICAL. Rational Hydrotheropy: a Manual of✓ Physiological and Therapeutic Effects of Hydriatic Procedures and the Technique of their Application. By J. H. Kellogg. 293 illusts. in 18 colors. Thick 8vo, cloth. Phil. 1903 ✔ 209. 210. MEREDITH'S The Pilgrim's Scrip, leather, privately printed, N.Y.1903; The Cynic's Calendar for 1905 by Oliver Herford and others, San Francisco, 1905; Legends and Lyrics, by Adelaide Procter (stamp on title, bookplate of R. Le Gallienne), portrait, Lond. 1892; A Country Muse, First Series, by Norman Gale, Chicago, 1894; Life of Sir Thomas Bodley, privately printed, portrait, hand-made paper, Lond. 1894; Noll and the Fairies, by Hervey White, illust., Chicago, 1903. 6 vols. / 211. METASTASIO (PIETRO), Opere, portrait, 15 vols., In Vizza, 1785; Lettere del Pietro Metastasio, 5 vols., 1786; Osservazioni di vari Letterati sopra i Drammi del Metastasio, 2 vols., 1785. Together 22 vols. 12mo, old calf, gilt. 1785-86 . ! In ✓ 212. MEYNELL (ALICE). The Rhythm of Life, and ✓ 213. MILNES (RICHARD M.-Lord Houghton). Poeti-✓ اله ✓ 214. MILTON'S Poetical Works; Casquet of Gems; A Poet's' Harvest Home, by Wm. B. Scott; and others. 215. MITCHELL (S. WEIR). Little Stories. FIRST EDN. 216. MODERN PHYSICS [Neville); The Divine Govern- 218. MRS. PIPER AND THE SOCIETY FOR PHYSI- 219. NATURAL HISTORY OF NEW YORK. Com- 15 Mineralogy, 1 vol.; Geology, 4 vols.; Agriculture, 5 vols.; Palæontology, 5 vols. Hundreds of BEAUTIFULLY COLORED and other plates. Together 22 vols. 4to, cloth (a few plates missing, therefore sold as it is). ✓ 220. NAUNTON'S Fragmenta Regalia: the Court of Bound with Naunton's Memoirs, with some of his posthumous 221. NESTS AND EGGS OF FAMILIAR BIRDS [Adams], colored plates, 1871; The Naturalist in Siluria [Reid], illust., 1890; Gardening for Profit [Henderson], illust., 1891. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. ✓ 222. NEW ENGLAND, WALKS IN. By C. G. Whiting. lu Numerous full-page illusts. in tint. ✓ 223. NEW ENGLAND FREEMASONS. The Advantages Subject ARTHUR BROWNE. 8vo, calf gilt, gilt top edges, ENTIRELY See item by the same author below. ✔ 224. NEW ENGLAND IMPRINT. Browne (Arthur). Presentation copy from the author to Captain Joseph Mead, with inscription on title. The author was an Episcopal clergyman of Portsmouth, and the father of Marmaduke Browne, Rector of Trinity Church, Newport, R. I. 225. NEW ENGLAND MISSIONS. A Sermon preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at their Anniversary Meeting, Feb. 20, 1735. By John Lynch. 8vo, calf gilt, gilt top edges, entirely uncut. FINE COPY. Lond. 1736 The "Proceedings" include reports from missionaries at North Groton, Stratford, New-Town, Town, Reading, Scituate, New London, Windham, Newport, Boston, Portsmouth, Long Island, Staten Island, etc. 226. NEW YORK CITY. The Mysteries and Miseries of the Great Metropolis. By “А. Р.” 1llusts. 1227. دو New Amsterdam and its People. 228. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1874 By J. H. N. Y. 1902 J Brief History of the Lotos Club. By John Elderkin. Illusts., with numerous portraits inserted. Crown 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Ν. Υ. [1895] 229. New York by Sunlight and Gaslight: a work descriptive of the Great American Metropolis. By Jas. D. McCabe. Numerous illusts. Thick 8vo, cloth. Phil. [recent] / 230. NEW YORK STATE. the State of New-York: arranged under the direction of the Hon. Christopher Morgan. By Dr. E. B. O'Callaghan. Folding maps and other illusts. 4 vols. 8vo, original cloth (backs of 2 vols. damaged). Documentary History of mony Albany, 1849-51 Men ✔ 231. NORRIS (FRANK). The Pit, FIRST EDN.; The Responsibilities of the Novelist, front. portrait; A Deal in Wheat, illust. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Ν. Υ. 1903 ✔232. NORWAY. The Naturalist in; or, Notes on the✓ Wild Animals, Birds, Fishes and Plants of that Country. Full-page colored plates. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1869 ✓ 233. OBELISKS. Egyptian Obelisks. By Henry H. Gorringe. Richly illust. with over 100 illusts., 51 of which are full-page. Folio, original cloth. N. Y. 1882 Fine copy of the Large Paper edition. With accounts of the ancient methods of quarrying, transporting and erecting, etc. ✓ 234 ODD VOLUMES. Dictionary of National Biography,✓ Vol. 31 [Kenlam]; Beecher's Life of Christ, Vol. 1, N. Y. 1871 (large and small paper copies, cloth and full sheep); EL The Henry Irving Shakespeare, Vol. 8, cloth; and others. 7 vols. 235. O'KEEFE (JOHN---Eminent Actor). Recollections ✔236. OLD ENGLISH DRAMA. [Mayne (Jasper).] The 238. OLD FRIENDS [Andrew Lang], Lond. 1892 (bookplate of R. Le Gallienne, badly pencil-marked in places); Ballads of Books, edited by Brander Matthews, N. Y. 1900; Hawthorn and Lavender, by W. E Henley (bookplate of Elwyn B. Gould), N. Y. 1901. 3 vols. cloth. ✓ 239. OLD FURNITURE BOOK (THE), with a Sketch of 240. ORNAMENTAL ART. Principles of By F. Edward✓ Alfred ✓ 211. PARABLES FROM Lond. 1867 ✔242. PARABLES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PRACTICALLY UNFOLDED. By Rev. Wm. B. Stevens. With full-page steel engravings. Square 8vo, stamped leather (slightly rubbed). Phil. 1855 ✔243. PARIS. Le Diable à Paris; Paris et les Parisiens; Min plate of R. Le Gallienne); When Valmond came to Pontiac. FIRST EDNS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1894-95 |