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Keen as derision, as thy utterance, slow!
Oh no, for pity! Emma wildly cries:
And swiftly 'cross the vast apartment flies.
Mistaken youth! accord the Prince reply,
Nor quite subdue bis failing clemency-A

"Then adds, in low, and supplicating tone, For my sake, dearest Edgar, mine alone.' His lips are moving to the fond appeals! But who their whisper'd accents may reveal? That look of tender interest, soft concern, The lover's language, which none others learn, Its wish'd response, expressive, pure and fair, That wafts the soul to Heav'o, and holds it there,

Have met the royal gaze; but ere dispers'd
His gathering rage, ere verbal fury burst,
Edgar, whose thoughts, at that same suppliant

Roll'd sadly, wearily, to earth again;
Yes, if to answer only, might release

Who climbs not, falls not; who o'er-reaches, mista

Weeds ne'er to saplings grow, tho' such their will, These bend, incline, but they are rising, still."



"If e'er in mortal gaze, expression dwell, Which all of sufferance in one may tell Rage, disappointment, pity, grief, despair, Such found her speaking eye, and settled there. Then, God forgive thee!! from her chill heart

Portentous words! her lowliest, her last.
For on that breast, which warmth so late had

She fell, of sense and life, at once bereft.
She fell, the last lone relic of the waste,
When war's wild hurricane all nature chas'd,
Thus whirlwinds burst from some dread calm

My limbs from chains, and lead my love to peace;"

Then 'lightnings flash, and thunder rolls around,

Then louder, Mostillustrious Chief!" he said:
My King commanded, and my duty led
Across your camp; whate'er the service be,
'Tis done, thy mandate answer'd, am I free?"


Deep groans the troubled earth, it yawns, it quakes,

Of rivers, sand, of streams, a deluge makes, While stranger-floods rush madly down the steep,

""Aye, free thy mighty secret to disclose." It is my Sovereign's, Prince, and here are fues.'

'Fore Heav'n! it shall be told, right speedily, Or ere the coming sun-rise, die with thee; For now I know thee, and thy treacherous wiles,

Assumptive graces, and insidious smiles: Thou two-fold traitor! in our sheltering land, Now waving far and wide sedition's brand, And now, to gain the acme of thy art,

Thou steal'st the daughter's, wring'st the

father's heart.

Whole forests crackling fall, and clog the deep.

Mountain and vale lie levell'd, and the same An awful, dreary wreck, without a name. Forth comes the kid, the wolf and fox are there,

And nestlings too, tho falcons cleave the air, The land-birds fly for rescue towards the wave, The sea-fowl shelter where no pow'r can save. Destruction stalks abroad-no pause, no rest, And thus by war, was Cambria's land opprest, For louder, loftier yet, the tempest grew,

What! shall the race of heroes, princes, kings, || The pine-tree fell, and crush'd its seedling

Whose blood, from time's unstoried fountain

springs, Descending headlong from the great and brave, Owe perpetuity to peasant slave?"

No! sooner o'er yon cliff the lake shall rise,
Th' aspiring mountains cling around the skies,
Sooner this hand shall strike a daughter low,
Than royal gifts on beggary bestow.
Learn thou, young grov'iler in ambitious dust,


Peace to thine ashes! lov'd, illustrious maid! One, far more luckless, hovers o'er thy shade, With grief supprest, fixt eye, and stifßed breath, He views the dread tranquillity of death. With feelings e'en more wretched than despair, Since doubt press'd foremost, tho' no hope was there."







TRIOUS AND DISTINGUISHED CHA- Topographical Museum, 10, 67, 120, 165, 211,


Miss Clara Fisher, 3

Duchess of Cambridge, 51

Duchess of Kent, 99

Miss Blanchard, 147

Mrs. Yates, 195

Mrs. West, 243



History of Music, 4, 52, 100, 143, 196, 244


The Chieftain's Daughter; a Tale, 12

Depreciation of Benefits, 15

Disguise and no Disguise; a Tale, 19, 61
The Gleaner's Port-Folio, 22, 57, 106, 154, 201

[blocks in formation]

Pierre Huet, 75

Anecdotes of Illustrious Females. -Mrs. Dela- The Wonder of Wonders, 77, 117

ney, 5

Brief account of Vienna, 79

Mrs. Bennet, 6

Interesting Extracts from Ancient History, 109

Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, 54

The Sojourner, 112

The Countess de Grammont, 102

My Upholsterer, 115

Lady Northesk, ib,

Curious Observation on the Dress of Ladies, 120

Lady Carhampton, 150

Siroes and Mirame; a Tale, 125

Miss Russell, ib.

Original Letter from Mr. Burke, 128

Maria Louisa, 197

The Reformed Gambler, 161

The Grand Duchess of Saxe-Wei- Independence of the French Character, 165

[blocks in formation]

Historical and Select Anecdotes, Incident in || Jahia and Meimoune; a Tale, 174, 215

Particulars of Dr. Johnson's marriage, ib.

relative to Bonaparte, 7, 247

Theatrical Anecdote, ib.

Anecdote of the author of Caroline de Litchfield,


Charles XII. of Sweden, 55
Mozart, ib.

- Sheridan, ib.

Dr. Franklin, 56

the King of Denmark, ib.

the Marquis de Sonvre, 104
relative to Heyliu, ib.

the lawful King of Sweden, 105
related by Dr. Pepys, 151
Dr. Lee, ib.

the Prince of Bavaria, 152
of Pelisson, ib.

John II. King of Sweden, 105
the Duke of Rohan, 153
Webb the Pedestrian, ib.
the Bishop of Meaux, ib.
Robert Ferguson, ib.
Frederic the Great, 200

An Academicul Meeting, 209
George and Sophia 220:00
Filial Disobedience, 222, 260
Sketches of Public Characters, 249
History of Regencies, 257

Tour through the Grisons, 266
Peregrine Forrester, 268

The Menagerie, 271

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


वा Charles 1, and Lord Falkland, 248

The Father of George 111., 248

a Dutch Postillion; br

High sense of honour in a Peon, 55

Saxon Anecdote, 56

Curions particulars of Mr. Day, 105

Courageous Inditierence, 151

Absence of Mind, ib.

Fortunate Superstition, 153

Intrigues of the 9th Nov. 1799, 201

French Gratitude, 249

Lines Written by King James L., ib.

The Sailor and Monkey, ib.

Mad Song, ib.

On the Death of the Dangliter of Sir T. Ack-

The Song of the Regent, ib.

What is a Name? ib.

Extracts from Lee's Poem, 224

Ode on Education, 226

Tribute to the Memory of Sir S. Romilly, 227

The Water Melon, ib.

Lines from Moore's National Melodies, ib.

Characters of Celebrated French Women. The The Dead Soldier, ib.

Countess de Charlus, 103

Olympra de Segur, 150

- Duchess de Montebello, 199

Abridgment of Natural History, 8, 65, 110, 204

On Hearing a Lady Sing, 226

Lines to the Memories of Sir Samuel and Lady

Romilly, ib.

Valentine's Eve, ib,

[blocks in formation]

Summer Ball Dress and Parisian Bonnets, 37
Parisian Walking Dress and English Dinner
Dress, 84

Promenade Parisian Dress and English Autumnal
Half-dress, 132

Walking Dress and Ball Dress, 181
Carriage Dress and Evening Dress, 229
Fancy Mourning Dinner Dress, 276
General Observations on Fashions and Dress,

37,84, 132, 181, 229, 277

Cabinet of Taste, 38, 86, 133, 182, 277

Remarks on the Progressive

Dress, 39, 134, 279

[blocks in formation]

Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 48, 96, 144, 192,
238, 288


Kinneir's Journey through Asia Minor, &c. 292
Tuckey's Expedition to the River Zaire, 297

Improvement in Birkbeck's Journey in America, 300

Deseription of a young Mogul Beauty, 87
Letter from a young Married Lady to her Sister,


Costume of the Spanish Ladies, 184

Dress of the Females at the Hague, ib.

Turkish Ladies at Alexandria, 278

Court and General Mourning, 230


London Theatricals, 40, 89, 135, 184, 280

French Theatricals, 42, 90, 136, 185

Capt. Hall's Voyage to the West Coast of Corea,
and the Great Loo Choo Islands, 303
Bramsen's Travels through Sweden, Prussia,

&c. 305

An Autumn near the Rhine, 311
Moir's Inquiry into subjects of History and
Science, 312

Sir H. Davy on Safety Lamps, 315
Phillips's Recollections of Curran, &c. 318
Miss Benger's Memoirs of Mrs. Hamilton, 322
Life and Errors of John Dutton, 324

Lucy Aikin's Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth,


Literary Intelligence, 43, 91, 137, 187, 237, 282 Anecdotes of the Court and Family of Bona.

Works in the Press, 93, 130, 189, 282

Musical Review, 92, 139, 287

Wonderful Discovery, 47

The Eidephone, ib.

Extraordinary Memory, ib.

The Kaleidoscope, ib.

Singular Zoophyte, ib.

The Principality of Hombourg, 94

Madame Manson, 95

Public Amusements in Paris, ib.

[blocks in formation]


No. CXII. A correct Likeness of Miss Clara Fisher, of Covent Garden Theatre.

A Whole-length Figure in the Fashions of the Season, and Parisian Bonnets.
Elegant Patterns for Needle-Work.

No. CXIII. A correct Likeness of her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge.
Two Whole-length Figures in the Fashions of the Seasons.
Elegant Parisian Patterns for Needle-Work

No. CXIV. A correct Likeness of her Royal Highness the Duches of Keut.
Two Whole-length Figures in the Fashions of the Season.
Elegant Parisian Patterns for Needle-Work.

No. CXV. A correct Likeness of Miss Blanchard.

Two Whole-length Figures in the Fashions of the Season.
Elegant Patterns for Needle-Work.

No. CXVI. A correct Likeness of Mrs. Yates, of Covent Garden Theatre.
Two Whole-length Figures in the Fashions of the Season.
Elegant Patterns for Needle-Work.

No. CXVII. A correct Likeness of Mrs. West of Drury-Lane Theatre.
A Whole-length Figure in the Fashion of the Season,
Elegant Patterns for Needle-Work.

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