: domestic life, his lot, though humble, was a happy placed under the care of a village school-master, to one. He is the village pastor of the "Deserted be instructed in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Village," so exemplary in his character, and "pass- This pedagogue, whom his scholar afterwards so ing rich with forty pounds a year." It is to this happily describes in the "Deserted Village," had brother, who was the guide and protector of Gold- been a quarter-master in the army during the wars smith during his childhood, and to whom he was of Queen Anne, and, in his own estimation, a man tenderly attached, that he addresses those beautiful of no small pith and moment. Having passed lines in his poem of the Traveller: through various parts of Europe, and being of an eccentric turn of mind, he acquired habits of romancing that bordered on the marvellous, and, like many other travellers, was possessed with a prodigious itch for detailing his adventures. He himself was most commonly the redoubted hero of his own story, and his pupils were always the amazed and willing auditory: Where'er I roam, whatever realms to see, His family also form the ruddy and joyous scribes: Bless'd be those feasts with simple plenty crown'd, And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew, The tales of wonder recounted by this second Pinto are said to have had surprising effects on his youthful hearers; and it has been plausibly conjectured that to the vivid impressions thus made on the young imagination of our author, may be ascribed those wandering propensities which influenced his after life. The whimsical character of the Man in Black, in the "Citizen of the World," so rich in eccentricities and in amiable failings, is said to have been likewise drawn partly from his brother, part- After he had been for some time with this inly from his father, but in a great measure from the different preceptor, his mother, with whom he was author himself. It is difficult, however, to assign always a favourite, exerted her influence to perwith precision the originals of a writer's characters. suade his father to give him an education that would They are generally composed of scattered, though qualify him for a liberal profession. Her solicitaaccordant traits, observed in various individuals, tions, together with the passionate attachment which which have been seized upon with the discriminat- the boy evinced for books and learning, and his ing tact of genius and combined into one harmoni- early indications of talent, prevailed over all scruous whole. Still, it is a fact, as evident as it is de- ples of economy, and he was placed under the care lightful, that Goldsmith has poured out the genu- of the Rev. Mr. Griffin, schoolmaster of Elphin. ine feelings of his heart in his works; and has had He was boarded in the house of his uncle, John continually before him, in his delineations of simple Goldsmith, Esq., of Ballyoughter, in the vicinity. worth and domestic virtue, the objects of his filial Here the amiableness of his disposition and the and fraternal affection. amusing eccentricity of his humour rendered him a Goldsmith is said, in his earlier years, to have universal favourite. A little anecdote, preserved been whimsical in his humours and eccentric in his by the family of his uncle evinces the precocity of habits. This was remarked in his infancy. Some- his wit. times he assumed the gravity and reserve of riper At an entertainment given by this gentleman to 3 Our herald hath proclaim'd this saying, On the 11th of June, 1744, Goldsmith, then fif- mained two years; but the ill health of the master The youthful poet could not brook this outrage With this view he disposed of his books and clothes, He was accustomed afterwards to give a ludiHis father's house was distant about twenty crous account of his adventures in this expedition, miles from Edgeworthstown, and when on his jour- although it was attended by many distressful cirney thither for the last time, he had devoted so cumstances. Having contrived to subsist three much time to amusement on the road, that it was whole days on the shilling he set out with, he was almost dark when he reached the little town of Ar- then compelled by necessity to sell the clothes off dagh. Some friend had given him a guinea, and his back, and at last was so reduced by famine, that Oliver, who was never niggard of his purse, re- he was only saved from sinking under it by the solved to put up here for the night, and treat him- compassion of a young girl at a wake, from whom self to a good supper and a bed. Having asked he got a handful of gray peas. This he used to say for the best house in the village, he was conducted was the most delicious repast he had ever made. to the best house, instead of the best inn. The While in this state of hunger and wretchedness, owner, immediately discovered the mistake, but be- without money and without friends, the rashness ing a man of humour, resolved to carry on the joke. and folly of his undertaking became every moment Oliver was therefore permitted to order his horse more apparent, and, in spite of his lacerated feelto the stable, while he himself walked into the par- ings, and the dread of Wilder, he resolved to prolour, and took his seat familiarly by the fire-side. pose a reconciliation with his friends, and once The servants were then called about him to receive more to return to the college. Before he had his orders as to supper. The supper was soon reached the place of embarkation, therefore, he conproduced; the gentleman, with his wife and daugh- trived to get notice conveyed to his brother of his ters, were generously invited to partake; a bottle miserable condition, and hinted that if a promise of wine was called for to crown the feast, and at of milder treatment were obtained from his tutor, going to bed, a hot cake was ordered to be prepared he should be inclined to return. His affectionate for his breakfast. The laugh, to be sure, was ra- brother instantly hastened to relieve his distress, ther against our hero in the morning, when he equipped him with new clothing, and carried hin called for his bill, and found he had been hospitably back to college. A reconciliation was also in some entertained in a private family. But finding that degree effected with Wilder, but there was never his host was an acquaintance of his father's, he en- afterwards between them any interchange of friendtered into the humour of the scene, and laughed as ship or regard. heartily as the rest. From the despondency resulting from his tutor's 1 ! : ! ill treatment, Goldsmith is said to have sunk into | Week after week passed away, and no tidings The chagrin and vexation attending his unlucky shabby little pony, not worth twenty shillings; in the pocket of the captain. As this singular unpremeditated step had been Mortified and disappointed, he lingered about taken without consulting any of his friends, and Cork, irresolute what to do, until the languishing as no intelligence could be obtained either of him- state of his purse, which was reduced to two guiself or the motives which had prompted his de- neas, admonished him to make the best of his way parture, his family became much alarmed for his home. He accordingly bought a poor little pony, safety, and were justly offended at his conduct. which he called Fiddleback, and found that he had just five shillings left to defray the travelling expen *During his studies at the university, he was a contempo ses of himself and his steed. This pittance, howrary with Burke; and it has been said that neither of them ever, was rather too scanty for a journey of a hungave much promise of future celebrity. Goldsmith, however, dred and twenty miles, and he was at a loss how obtained at such examination is more honourable than any to procure a further supply. He at last bethought ether, because it ascertains the person who receives it to be himself of an old college friend, who lived on the the first in literary merit. At the other examinations, the road, not far from Cork, and determined to apply person thus distinguished may be only the second in merit; to him for assistance. Having been often pressed he who has previously obtained the same honorary reward, by this person to spend a summer at his house, he answerer; it being a rule, that not more than one premium had the less hesitation in paying him a visit under his present circumstances, and doubted not that he would at once obtain all the aid his situation re- | "return home immediately. You can never do withquired. When on the road to the house of his out the assistance of your friends; and if you keep friend, a poor woman with eight children, whose them longer in suspense and alarm by remaining husband had been thrown into jail for rent, threw away, you will only widen the breach which your herself in his way and implored for relief. The rashness must have already occasioned, and perhaps feelings of humanity being ever most easily awak- induce them to throw you off altogether." "But," ened in Oliver's bosom, he gave her all that re- rejoined Oliver, "how am I to get on without momained in his purse, and trusted his own wants to ney? I told you I had not a shilling left, and it is the expected liberality of his old fellow-collegian. quite impossible for me to proceed on the journey, This dear friend, whose promised hospitalities unless you should be so obliging as to lend me a were so securely relied on, received him with much guinea for the purpose." Here again his friend's apparent satisfaction, and only appeared anxious countenance fell. He pleaded his inability to lend, to learn the motive which could have prompted in consequence of having spent all his ready cash this chance visit. Charmed with this seeming cor- during his late illness, interlarding this apology diality with which he was received, Oliver gave with many sage aphorisms on the disadvantages of him an artless and honest account of his whole ex- borrowing, and the sin of running into debt. "But pedition; and did not even conceal the offence my dear fellow," resumed he, "I'll tell you how which his departure musthave given to his friends, you may get over the difficulty. May you not His good host listened with profound attention, sell the little horse you brought with you last and appeared to take so much interest in the detail night? The price of it will be sufficient for all of our poet's adventures, that he was at length in- your expenses till you arrive among your friends, duced to disclose the immediate object of his visit, and, in the mean time, I think I can furnish you This chanced to be the true touch-stone for try- with another to help you forward on the jouring the liberality of so honest a friend. A profound ney." Oliver could discover no objection to a plan sigh, and querulous declamation on his own in- so feasible, and therefore agreed to it at once; but firm state of health, was the only return to his hint when he asked for a sight of the steed which was for assistance. When pressed a little further, this to carry him home, his host, with solemn gravity, kind friend drily remarked, that for his part he drew from under the bed a stout oaken staff, which could not understand how some people got them- he presented to him with a grin of self-approbaselves into scrapes; that on any other occasion he tion. Our poor poet now lost all patience, and was got a premium at a Christmas examination; and a premium sometimes receiving a written certificate that he was the best should be adjudged to the same person in one year. - would have been happy to accommodate an old just about to snatch it from him, and apply it to comrade, but really he had been lately so very ill, his pate, when a loud rap announced a visiter. A and was, even now, in such a sickly condition, person of interesting appearance was immediately that it was very inconvenient to entertain compa- afterwards ushered into the room, and, when the usny of any kind. Besides, he could not well ask a ual compliments were over, Oliver was presented to person in health to share in his slops and milk him by his host, as if nothing had happened, and diet. If, however, Mr. Goldsmith could think of described as the learned and ingenious young man putting up with the family fare, such as it was, he of whom he had heard so much while at college. would be made welcome; at the same time he The agreeable manners of this gentleman soon must apprise him that it might not soon be got gave an interesting turn to the conversation. Harready. The astonishment and dismay of our poet mony appeared to be once more restored between at the conclusion of this speech was sufficiently Oliver and his host, and the stranger invited them visible in his lengthened visage. Nothing but the both to dine with him the following day. This utter emptiness of his purse, and his great distance was not acceded to on the part of the poet, withfrom home, could have induced him to pocket the out considerable reluctance; but the gentleman's insult, or accept so inhospitable an invitation. No pressing solicitations prevailed on him to consent. better, however, could be made of it in his present The hospitality and kindness displayed at this percircumstances; so without showing his chagrin, he son's table was a striking contrast to the penury good-humouredly partook of a miserable supper of and meanness exhibited by his fellow-collegian, brown bread and butter milk, served up at a late and Oliver could hardly refrain from making some hour by a miserable looking old woman, the fit sarcastic remarks on the difference. The hints on handmaid of so miserable a master. eseed under 1 this subject which were occasionally hazarded by Notwithstanding the base colours in which our the poet, led the gentleman to suspect that the two poet's host had exhibited himself, the former had too friends were not on the most cordial terins. He thach good-nature to harbour resentment. When was therefore induced to invite cordial terms. they met in the morning, therefore, he entered fa- few days at his house. An invitation of this kind, miliarly into conversation, and even condescended so opportunely and handsomely given, was a forto ask what he would advise him to do in his pre- tunate circumstance for Oliver. He did not hesisent difficulty. "My dear fellow," said his host, tate a moment to accept it, and at parting with his dear fellow-collegian, archly recommended to him deposited his trunk in lodgings than he sallied out to take good care of the steed kept at so much ex- to see the town. He rambled about until a late pense for the use of his friends; and, of all things, hour, and when he felt disposed to turn his face to beware of surfeiting them with a milk diet. To homeward, recollected for the first time that he this sarcasm the other only replied by a sneer at knew neither the name nor address of his landlady. the poet's poverty and improvident disposition. In this dilemma, as he was wandering at random, Their host being well acquainted with the charac- he fortunately met with the porter who had carried ter of his neighbour, seemed, when Oliver after- his baggage, and who now served him as a guide. wards recounted to him all the circumstances that had taken place, to be more amused than surprised at the detail. In the University of Edinburgh, at that time be coming famous as a school of medicine, he attended the lectures of the celebrated Monro, and the other professors in medical science. What pro In the house of this new friend Goldsmith experienced the most hospitable entertainment for seve- gress he made in this study, however, is not parral days. Two beautiful daughters, as well as the ticularly ascertained. Riotous conviviality, and host himself, were emulous in finding amusement tavern adjournments, whether for business or pleafor their guest during his stay; and when about to sure, were at that time characteristic of Edinburgh depart, he was offered money to defray the expense society; and it does not appear that our poet was of his journey, and a servant to attend him on able to resist the general contagion. His attention horseback. The servant and horse he declined, to his studies was far from being regular. Dissibut accepted of a loan of three half-guineas; and pation and play allured him from the class-room, with sentiments of the deepest respect and grati- and his health and his purse suffered in consetude, took leave of his benevolent host. quence. About this period, his contemporaries have He now pursued his journey without any fur- reported, that he sometimes also sacrificed to the ther interruption, and arrived at his mother's house Muses, but of these early effusions no specimen in the sudden and unexpected manner already nar- seems to have been preserved. rated. Once more reconciled to his friends, he did The social and good-humoured qualities of our not fail to transmit to his kind benefactor suitable poet appear to have made him a general favourite acknowledgments expressive of the grateful sense with his fellow-students. He was a keen particihe entertained of such unlooked-for and generous pator in all their wild pranks and humorous frolics. hospitality. He was also a prime table companion: always rea It was now considered essential that he should dy with story, anecdote, or song, though it must be fix on a profession, the pursuit of which might di- confessed that in such exhibitions he was far from vert him from idle and expensive habits. After being successful. His narrations were too frequentvarious consultations, it was determined that he ly accompanied by grimace or buffoonery; nor was should begin the study of the law, and his uncle his wit of that chaste and classical kind that might Contarine agreed to advance the necessary funds. have been expected from his education. On the Provided with money for the expenses of his jour- contrary, it was generally forced, coarse, and unney, and to enable him to enter on his studies at natural. All his oral communications partook of the Temple, Oliver set out for London, but his these defects; and it is a fact not less true than sincustomary imprudence again interfered. He fell gular, that even in after life he was never exempt by accident into the company of a sharper in Dub- from them, although accustomed to the politest lilin, and being tempted to engage in play, was soon plundered of all his money, and again left to find When conversing on this feature in our poet's his way home without a shilling in his pocket. character, his friend Dr. Johnson many years afterHis friends now almost despaired of him. Not-wards, justly, but perhaps rather severely, remarkwithstanding the brilliancy of his natural talents, ed, "The misfortune of Goldsmith in conversation it was feared that his habitual carelessness and im- is this: he goes on without knowing how he is to get providence would form a bar to his success in any off. His genius is great, but his knowledge is small. profession whatever. That it would be vain for As they say of a generous man, it is a pity he is him to pursue the study of the law with such dis- not rich, we may say of Goldsmith, it is a pity he is positions was obvious; and, of course, it was neces- not knowing: he would not keep his knowledge to ธาร once more to cast about for a profession. Af- himself." terary society. ter various consultations, therefore, it was finally On another occasion, Johnson being called on for determined that physic should be his future pur- his opinion on the same subject, took a similar view suit; and his kind uncle, who had been prevailed of it, with much critical acumen, and all his usual on to pardon him once more, took him again under power of amplification. "Goldsmith," said he, his protection, and at last fixed him at Edinburgh "should not be for ever attempting to shine in conas a student of medicine, about the end of the year versation; he has not temper for it, he is so much 1752. On his arrival in that city, he had no sooner mortified when he fails. A game of jokes is com |