tory, 226 She Stoops to Conquer, or, the Mistakes of a An Oratorio; first printed in the Paris edi- tion, in 1825, from the original in Dr. PREFACES AND CRITICISM. XI. The benefits of luxury in making a : XXXII. Of the degeneracy of some of the room feast among the Tartars, 285 XXXIII. The manner of writing among tinued. He begins to be dis- 287 .288 290 291 LIII. The absurd taste for obscene and LIV. The character of an important 1 MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF Oliver Goldsmith. 491 44 500 506 510 516 517 519 521 533 525 There are few writers for whom the reader feels | villages claim the honour of having given him sense, throughout his writings; win their way ir- pier and better men. His father was equally distinguished for his liteWe have been curious therefore in gathering to- rary attainments and for the benevolence of his gether all the heterogeneous particulars concerning heart. His family consisted of five sons and two poor Goldsmith that still exist; and seldom have we daughters. From this little world of home Goldmet with an author's life more illustrative of his smith has drawn many of his domestic scenes, works, or works more faithfully illustrative of the both whimsical and touching, which appeal so forauthor's life. His rambling biography displays cibly to the heart, as well as to the fancy; his fahim the same kind, artless, good humoured, excur- ther's fireside furnished many of the family scenes sive, sensible, whimsical, intelligent being that he of the Vicar of Wakefield; and it is said that the appears in his writings. Scarcely an adventure or learned simplicity and amiable peculiarities of that a character is given in his page that may not be worthy divine have been happily illustrated in the traced to his own parti-coloured story. Many of character of Dr. Primrose. his most ludicrous scenes and ridiculous incidents The Rev. Henry Goldsmith, elder brother of promise of his youth, both when at school and at "The present biography is principally taken from the Scotch edition of Goldsmith's works, published in 1821. friends, by entering into matrimony at the early 5:26 1 |