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1. The saints of God! Their conflict past, And life's long battle won at last,

No more they need the shield or sword, They cast them down before their Lord:

O happy saints! for-ever blest, At Je-sus' feet how safe you rest! A MEN.

2 The saints of God! Their wanderings done,

No more their weary course they run,
No more they faint, no more they fall,

No foes oppress, no fears appall:

O happy saints! forever blest,

In that dear home, how sweet your rest!

3 The saints of God! Life's voyage o'er,
Safe landed on that blissful shore,
No stormy tempests now they dread,
No roaring billows lift their head:

O happy saints! forever blest,
In that calm haven of your rest!

4 The saints of God their vigil keep,
While yet their mortal bodies sleep,
Till from the dust they too shall rise
And soar triumphant to the skies:

O happy saints! rejoice and sing:
He quickly comes, your Lord and King!

5 O God of saints! To Thee we cry;
O Saviour! plead for us on high;
O Holy Ghost! our guide and friend,
Grant us Thy grace till life shall end;
That with all saints our rest shall be
In that bright Paradise with Thee!


Bp. W. W. How.



1. For all the saints, who from their labors rest,

Who Thee by

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2 Thou wast their Rock, their Fortress, and their Might:
Thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought fight;
Thou, in the darkness drear, the one true Light. Alleluia.

3 Oh, may Thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold,

Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old,

And win, with them, the victor's crown of gold. Alleluia.

4 O blest communion, fellowship divine!

We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;

Yet all are One in Thee, for all are Thine. Alleluia.

5 And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long. Steals on the ear the distant triumph-song,

And hearts are brave again, and arms are strong. Alleluia.

6 The golden evening brightens in the west;
Soon, soon to faithful warriors cometh rest;
Sweet is the calm of Paradise the blest. Alleluia.

7 But lo! there breaks a yet more glorious day;
The saints triumphant rise in bright array;
The King of glory passes on His way. Alleluia.

8 From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast,
Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,
Singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia!


Bp. W. W. HoWE. MARLBORO', 11.10.

Arr. by A. SULLIVAN.

1. O King of saints, we give Thee praise and glo

ry For the bright

cloud of wit-ness-es un - seen, Whose names shine forth like stars, in sa-cred

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Guid-ing our steps to realms of light se rene. A - MEN.

2 And for Thy hidden saints, our praise adoring,
Fount of all sanctity, to Thee we yield,
Who in Thy treasure-house on high, art storing
Jewels whose lustre was, on earth, concealed.

3 Thine arm sustained them all in conflict mortal
With sin, the world, and all the powers of hell;
Thy hand hath oped for all, the shining portal
To realms where peace and joy forever dwell.

4 There are the throned and white-robed elders, casting
Before the King of kings, their crowns of gold;
And there are crowns and mansions everlasting,
And palms and harps for multitudes untold.

5 Though, in Thy service, we too oft have slumbered,
Like the ten virgins, foolish ones and wise;
Yet with Thy saints, may we at last be numbered,
And at Thy call with burning lamps arise.

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From age to age, Thy chos-en saints With fruits of holiness. A - MEN.

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In one communion ever knit,
One fellowship of love.

4 Jesus, Thy Name we bless,
And humbly pray that we
May follow them in holiness,
Who lived and died for Thee.

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Clothed in white apparel, hold-ing Palms of vic- t'ry in their hands. A-MEN.

2 Patriarch, and holy prophet,

Who prepared the way for Christ,

King, apostle, saint, confessor,
Martyr and evangelist;
Saintly maiden, godly matron,

Widows who have watched to prayer,

Joined in holy concert, singing
To the Lord of all, are there.

3 Marching with Thy cross, their banner. They have triumphed, following Thee, the Captain of salvation,

Thee, their Saviour and their King. Gladly, Lord, with Thee they suffered; Gladly, Lord, with Thee they died; And by death to life immortal They were born and glorified.

4 Now they reign in heavenly glory,
Now they walk in golden light,
Now they drink, as from a river,
Holy bliss and infinite:

Love and peace they taste forever,
And all truth and knowledge see

In the beatific vision

Of the blessed Trinity.

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