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China. their armies in two bloody battles, in one of which ☑ the ground was strewed with dead bodies for upwards of four leagues.

The same year Yong-tsi was slain by his general Hujaku; and Sun, a prince of the blood, advanced in his room. After this the Moguls, attacking the em pire with four armies at once, laid waste the provinces of Shansi, Honan, Pecheli, and Shan-tong. In 1214 Jenghiz-khan sat down before Peking; but instead of assaulting the city, offered terms of peace, which were accepted, and the Moguls retired into Tartary. After their departure, the emperor, leaving his son at Peking, removed his court to Pyen-lyang near KayPeking ta- fong-fu, the capital of Honan. At this Jenghiz khan being offended, immediately sent troops to besiege Peking. The city held out to the fifth month of the year 1215, and then surrendered. At the same time the Moguls finished the conquest of Lyau-tong; and the Song refused to pay the usual tribute to the Kin.





clared war


In 1216, Jenghiz-khan returned to pursue his conChinese de- quests in the west of Asia, where he staid seven years; against the during which time his general Muhuli made great progress in China against the Kin emperor. He was greatly assisted by the motions of Ning-tsong emperor of the Song, or southern China; who, incensed by the frequent perfidies of the Kin, had declared war against them, and would hearken to no terms of peace, though very advantageous proposals were made. Notwithstanding this, however, in 1220, the Kin, exerting themselves, raised two great armies, one in Shensi, and the other in Shan-tong. The former baffled the attempts of the Song and king of Hya, who had united against them; but the latter, though no fewer than 200,000, were entirely defeated by Muhuli. In 1221, that officer passed the Whang-ho, and died after conquering several cities.


Jenghizkhan de


In 1224, the Kin emperor died; and was succeeded stroys the by his son Shew, who made peace with the king of kingdom of Hya; but next year, that kingdom was entirely destroyed by Jengbiz khan. In 1226, Oktay, son to Jenghiz-khan, marched into Honan, and besieged Kayfong fu, capital of the Kin empire, but was obliged to withdraw into Shensi, where he took several cities, and cut in pieces an army of 30,000 men. In 1227 and dies. Jenghiz-khan died, after having desired his sons to demand a passage for their army through the dominions of the Song, without which he said they could not easily vanquish the Kin.



Moguls quarrel with the Song.

After the death of that great conqueror, the war was carried on with various success; but though the Moguls took above 60 important posts in the province of Shensi, they found it impossible to force Ton-quan, which it behoved them to do in order to penetrate effectually into Honan. In April 1231 they took the capital of Shensi, and defeated the Kin army which came to its relief. Here one of the officers desired Prince Toley to demand a passage from the Song through the country of Han-chong-fu. This proposal Toley communicated to his brother Oktay, who approved of it as being conformable to the dying advice of Jenghiz-khan. Hereupon Toley, having assembled all his forces, sent a messenger to the Song generals to demand a passage through their territories. This, however, they not only refused, but put the messenger to death; which so enraged Toley that he swore to



make them repent of it, and was soon as good as his China. word. He decamped in August 1231; and having forced the passes, put to the sword the inhabitants of Wha-yang and Fong-chew, two cities in the district Exploits of of Hang-chong-fu. Then having cut down rocks to fill up deep abysses, and made roads through places almost inaccessible, he came and besieged the city of Hang-chong-fu itself. The miserable inhabitants fled to the mountains on his approach, and more than 100,000 of them perished. After this, Toley divided his forces, consisting of 30,000 horse, into two bodies. One of these went westward to Myen-chew: from thence, after opening the passages of the mountains, they arrived at the river Kyaling, which runs into the great Kyang. This they crossed on rafts made of the wood of demolished houses; and then, marching along its banks, seized many important posts. At last, having destroyed more than 140 cities, towns, or fortresses, they returned to the army. The second detachment seized an important post in the mountains, called Toutong, six or seven leagues to the eastward of Hang-chong-fu. On the other side Oktay advanced, in October, towards Pu chew a city of Shansi; which being taken after a vigorous defence, he prepared to pass the Whang-ho. Toley, after surmounting incredible difficulties, arrived in December on the borders of Honan, and made a show as if he designed to attack the capital of the Kin empire. On his first appearance in Honan through a passage so little suspected, every body was filled with terror and astonishment, so that he proceeded for some time without opposition. At last the emperor ordered his generals, Hota, Ilapua, and others, to march against the enemy. Toley boldiy attacked them; but was obliged to retire, which he did in good order. Hota was for pursuing him, saying that the Mogul army did not exceed 30,000 men, and that they seemed not to have eaten any thing for two or three days. Ilapua, however, was of opinion that there was no occasion for being so hasty, as the Moguls were enclosed between the rivers Han and Whang-ho, so that they could not escape. This negligence they soon had occasion to repent of: for Toley, by a stratagem, made himself master of their heavy baggage; which accident obliged them to retire to Tang-chew. From thence they sent a messenger to acquaint the emperor that they had gained the battle, but concealed the loss of their baggage. This good news filled the court with joy; and the people who had retired into the capital for its defence, left it again, and went into the country: but, in a few days after, the vanguard of the Moguls, who had been sent by the emperor Oktay, appeared in the field, and carried off a great number of those that had quitted the city.


In January 1232, Oktay passing the Whang-ho, Capital of encamped in the district of Kay-fong fu, capital of the the Kin Kin empire, and sent his general Suputay to besiege empire bethe city. At that time the place was near 30 miles sieged. in circumference; but having only 40,000 soldiers to defend it, as many more from the neighbouring cities, and 20,000 peasants, were ordered into it; while the emperor published an affecting declaration, animating the people to defend it to the last extremity. Oktay, having heard with joy of Toley's entrance into Honan, ordered him to send succours to Suputay. On



China. the other hand, the Kin generals advanced with 150,000 men to relieve the city; but being obliged to divide their forces, in order to avoid in part the great road, which Toley had obstructed with trees, they were attacked by the prince at a disadvantage, and, after a faint resistance, defeated with great slaugh ter, and the loss of both their generals, one killed and the other taken. The emperor now ordered the army at Tong-quan and other fortified places to march to the relief of Kay-fong-fu. They assembled accordingly, to the number of 110,000 foot and 15,000 horse; and were followed by vast numbers of people, who expected by their means to be protected from the enemy. But many of these troops having deserted, and the rest being enfeebled by the fatigues of their march, they dispersed on the approach of their pursuers, who killed all they found in the highways. After this the Moguls took Tong-quan and some other considerable posts; but were obliged to raise the sieges of Quey-te-fu and Loyang by the bravery of the governors. Kyang-shin, governor of Loyang, had only 3 or 4000 soldiers under him, while his enemies were 30,000 strong. He placed his worst soldiers on the walls, putting himself at the head of 400 brave men; whom he ordered to go naked, and whom he led to all dangerous attacks. He invented engines to cast large stones, which required but few hands to play them, and aimed so true as to hit at 100 paces distance. When their arrows failed, he cut those shot by the enemy into four pieces; pointed them with pieces of brass coin; and discharged them from wooden tubes with as much force as bullets are from a musket. Thus he harassed the Moguls for three months so grievously, that they were obliged, notwithstanding their numbers, to abandon the enterprise.


Bravery of the Lesieged.

Oktay, at last, notwithstanding his successes, resolved to return to Tartary; and offered the Kin emperor peace, provided he became tributary, and delivered up to him 27 families which he named. These offers were very agreeable to the emperor; but Suputay, taking no notice of the treaty, pushed on the siege of the capital with more vigour than ever. By the help of the Chinese slaves in his army, the Mogul general soon filled the ditch; but all his efforts seemed only to inspire the besieged with new vigour. The Moguls at that time made use of artillery, but were unable to make the least impression upon the city walls. They raised walls round those they besieged, which they fortified with ditches, towers, and battlements. They proceeded also to sap the walls of the city; but were very much annoyed by the artillery of the besieged, especially by their bombs, which sinking into the galleries, and bursting under ground, made great havock among the miners. For 16 days and nights the attacks continued without intermission; during which time an incredible number of men perished on both sides; at length, Suputay, finding that he could not Peace con-take the city, withdrew his troops, under pretence of cluded; conferences being on foot. Soon after the plague began in Kay-fong-fu; and raged with such violence, that, in 50 days, 900,000 biers were carried out, besides a vast multitude of the poorer sort, who could not afford any.


29 and broken.

In a short time two unlucky accidents occasioned a renewal of the war; which now put an end to the


empire of the Kin. Gan-yong, a young Mogul lord, having assumed the government of some cities in Kyang-nan, and killed the officer sent to take possession of them, declared for the Kin. The emperor unwarily took Gan-yong into his service, and gave him the title of prince. Upon this Oktay sent an envoy, attended by 30 other persons, to inquire into the affair; but the Kin officers killed them all, without being punished by the emperor. Suputay, having informed his master of all these proceedings, was or dered to continue the war in Honan. Shew-fu now commanded his officers to unite their troops for the defence of the capital; but before his orders could be obeyed, they were attacked and defeated, one after another, by the Moguls. This obliged him to raise soldiers from among the peasants, for whose subsistence the people were taxed ths of the rice they possessed. The city began now to be distressed for want of provisions; and as it was but in a bad posture of defence, the emperor marched with an army against the Moguls. His expedition proved unfortunate; for, sending part Cap of his army to besiege a city called Why-chew, it was aga totally cut in pieces, and Suputay a second time sat sieg down before the capital.

On hearing this bad news, the emperor repassed the and Whang-ho, and retired to Quey-te-fu. Here he had not been long before the capital was delivered up by treachery, and Suputay put all the males of the imperial race to death; but, by the express command of Oktay, spared the inhabitants, who are said to have amounted to 1,400,000 families. After this disaster, the unhappy monarch left his troops at Quey-te-fu, and retired to Juning-fu, a city in the southern part of Honan, attended only by 400 persons. Here the Sieg distance of the Moguls made him think of living at Juni ease; but while he flattered himself with these vain hopes, the enemy's army arrived before the city and invested it. The garrison were terrified at their approach; but were encouraged by the emperor, and his brave general Hu-sye-hu, to hold out to the last. As there was not in the city a sufficient number of men, the women, dressed in men's clothes, were employed to carry wood, stones, and other necessary materials to the walls. All their efforts, however, were ineffectual. They were reduced to such extremities, that for three months they fed on human flesh; killing the old and feeble, as well as many prisoners, for food. This being known to the Moguls, they made a general assault in January 1234. The attack continued from morning till night; but at last the assailants were repulsed. In this action, however, the Kin lost all their best officers; upon which the emperor resigned the crown to Cheng-lin a prince of the blood. Next morning, while the ceremony of investing the new emperor was performing, the enemy mounted the south walls, which were defended only by 200 men; and the south gate being at the same time abandoned, the whole army broke in. They were opposed, however, by Hu-sye-hu; who, with 1000 soldiers, continued to fight with amazing intrepidity. In the mean time Unha Shew-fu, seeing every thing irreparably lost, lodged fate the seal of the empire in a house; and then causing empe sheaves of straw to be set round it, ordered it to be set on fire as soon as he was dead. After giving this order he hanged himself, and his commands were executed

[blocks in formation]


War be

tween the

Song and

the Mo.



Dreadful engagement.

The empire of China was now to be shared between the Song, or southern Chinese, and the Moguls. It had been agreed upon, that the province of Honan should be delivered up to the Song as soon as the war was finished. But they, without waiting for the expiration of the term, or giving Oktay notice of their proceedings, introduced their troops into Kay-fong-fu, Lo-yang, and other considerable cities. On this the Mogul general resolved to attack them; and repassing the Whang-ho, cut in pieces part of the garrison of Lo-yang, while they were out in search of provisions. The garrison of Kay-fong-fu likewise abandoned that place; and the Song emperor degraded the officers who had been guilty of those irregularities, sending ambassadors to Oktay, at the same time, to desire a continuance of the peace. What Oktay's answer was we are not told, but the event showed that he was not well pleased; for, in 1235, be ordered his second son Prince Kotovan, and his general Chahay, to attack the Song in Se-chwen, while others marched towards the borders of Kyang-nan.

In 1236, the Moguls made great progress in the province of Huquang, where they took several cities, and put vast numbers to the sword. This year they introduced paper or silk money, which had formerly been used by Chang-tsong, sixth emperor of the Kin. Prince Kotovan forced the passages into the district of Hang-chong-fu in the province of Shensi, which he entered with an army of 500,000 men. Here a terrible battle was fought between the vast army of the Moguls and the Chinese troops, who had been driven from the passages they defended. The latter consisted only of 10,000 horse and foot, who were almost entirely cut off; and the Moguls lost such a number of men, that the blood is said to have run for two leagues together. After this victory the Moguls entered Sechwen, which they almost entirely reduced, committing such barbarities, that, in one city, 40,000 people chose rather to put an end to their own lives than submit to such cruel conquerors.

In 1237, the Moguls received a considerable check before the city of Gantong in Kyang-nan, the siege of which they were obliged to raise with loss. In 1238, they besieged Lu-chuw, another city in the same province. They surrounded it with a rampart of earth and a double ditch; but the Chinese general ordered their intrenchments to be filled with immense quantities of herbs steeped in oil, and then set on fire, while he shot stones upon them from a tower seven stories high. At the same time a vigorous sally was made; and the Mogul army being thrown into the utmost disorder, were obliged finally to abandon the siege, and retire northwards.

In 1239, these barbarians were opposed by a general called Meng-kong, with great success; who, this and the following year, gained great honour by his exploits. While he lived, the Moguls were never


able to make any considerable progress; but his death, China. in 1246, proved of the greatest detriment to the Chi nese affairs: and soon after, the Tartars renewed the war with more vigour and success than ever. In 1255, they re-entered the province of Se-chwen; but still met with vigorous opposition in this quarter, because the Chinese took care to have Se-chwen furnished with good troops and generals. Though they were always beaten, being greatly inferior in number to their enemies, yet they generally retook the cities the Moguls had reduced, as the latter were commonly obliged to withdraw for want of provisions and forage. In 1259 they undertook the siege of Ho-chew, Siege of a strong city to the west of Peking, defended by Vang-Ho-chew. kyen, a very able officer, who commanded a numerous garrison. The siege continued from the month of February till August; during which time the Moguls lost an immense number of men. On the roth of August they made a general assault in the night. They mounted the walls before the governor had intelligence; but were soon attacked by him with the utmost fury. The Mogul emperor, Meng-ko, himself came to the scalade; but his presence was not sufficient to overcome the valour of Vang-kyen. At the Moguls desame time the scaling-ladders of the Moguls were feated, and blown down by a storm; upon which a terrible slaugh- their empe ter ensued, and amongst the rest fell the emperor him-ror killed. self. Upon this disaster the Mogul generals agreed to raise the siege, and retired towards Shen-si.

On the death of Meng ko, Hupilay, or Kublay Khan, who succeeded him, laid siege to Vu-chang-fu, a city not far distant from the capital of the Song empire.

At this the emperor being greatly alarmed, distributed immense sums among his troops; and, having raised a formidable army, marched to the relief of Vuchang-fu. Unfortunately the command of this army was committed to the care of Kya-tse-tau, a man without either courage or experience in war. He was besides very vain and vindictive in his temper; often using the best officers ill, and entirely overlooking their merit, which caused many of them to go over to the Moguls. The siege of Vu-chang-fu was commenced, and had continued a considerable time, when Kya-tse tau, afraid of its being lost, and at the same time not daring to take any effectual step for its relief, made proposals of peace. A treaty was accordingly concluded, by which Kya-tse-tau engaged to pay an annual tribute of about 50,000l. in silver and as much in silk; acknowledging likewise the sovereignty of the Moguls over the Song empire. In consequence of this treaty, the Moguls retreated after the boundaries of the two empires had been fixed, and repassed the Kyang; but 170 of them having staid on the other side of the river, were put to death by Kya-tse-tau.



This wicked minister totally concealed from the Treachery emperor his having made such a shameful treaty with of a Chinese minithe Moguls; and the 170 soldiers massacred by his ster. order, gave occasion to a report that the enemy had been defeated; so that the Song court believed that they had been compelled to retreat by the superior valour and wisdom of Kya-tse-tau. This proved the ruin of the empire; for, in 1260, the Mogul emperor sent Hauking to the Chinese court to execute the treaty according to the terms agreed on with Kya-tse-tau.


China. The minister, dreading the arrival of this envoy, im- prisoned him near Nanking; and took all possible care that neither Hupilay, nor Li-tsong the Chinese emperor, should ever hear any thing of him.

It was impossible such unparalleled conduct could fail to produce a new war. Hupilay's courtiers incessantly pressed him to revenge himself on the Song for their treacherous behaviour; and he soon published a manifesto against them, which was followed by a renewal of hostilities in 1268. The Mogul army amounted to 300,000 men; but notwithstanding their numbers, little progress was made till the year 1271. Syan-yang and Fan-ching, cities in the province of Se-chew, had been besieged for a long time ineffectually; but this year an Igur lord advised Hupilay to send for several of those engineers out of the west, who knew how to cast stones of 150 pounds weight out of their engines, which made holes of seven or eight feet wide in the strongest walls. Two of these engineers were accordingly sent for; and after giving a specimen of their art before Hupilay, were sent to the army in 1272. In the beginning of 1273 they planted their engines against the city of Fan-ching, and presently made a breach in the walls. After a bloody conflict the suburbs were taken; and soon after the Moguls made themselves masters of the walls and gates Desperate of the city. Nevertheless, a Chinese officer, with only 100 soldiers, resolved to fight from street to street. This he did for a long time with the greatest obstinacy, killing vast numbers of the Moguls; and both parties are said to have been so much overcome with thirst, that they drank human blood to quench it. The Chinese set fire to the houses, that the great beams, falling down, might embarrass the way of their pursuers; but at last, being quite wearied out, and fill ed with despair, they put an end to their own lives. After the taking of Fan-ching, all the materials which had served at the siege were transported to Seyenyang. The two engineers posted themselves against a wooden retrenchment raised on the ramparts. This they quickly demolished; and the besieged were so intimidated by the noise and havock made by the stones cast from these terrible engines, that they immediately



Chinese cmpress submits.


In 1274, Pe-yen, an officer of great valour, and endowed with many other good qualities, was promoted to the command of the Mogul army. His first exploits were the taking of two strong cities; after which he passed the great river Ky-ang, defeated the Song army, and laid siege to Vu-chang-fu. This city was soon intimidated into a surrender; and Pe-yen, by restraining the barbarity of his soldiers, whom he would not allow to hurt any body, soon gained the hearts of the Chinese so much, that several cities surrendered to him on the first summons. In the mean time the treacherous Kya-tse-tau, who was sent to oppose Pe-yen, was not ashamed to propose peace on the terms he had formerly concluded with Hupilay; but these being rejected, he was obliged at length to come to an engagement. In this he was defeated, and Peyen continued his conquests with great rapidity. Having taken the city of Nanking, and some others, he marched towards Hang-chew-fu, the capital of the Song empire. Peace was now again proposed, but rejected by the Mogul general; and at last the em


press was constrained to put herself, with her son, then C an infant, into the hands of Pe-yen, who immediately sent them to Hupilay.

The submission of the empress did not yet put an end to the war. Many of the chief officers swore to do their utmost to rescue her from the hands of her enemies. In consequence of this resolution they distributed their money among the soldiers, and soon got together an army of 40,000 men. This army attacked the city where the young emperor Kongtsong was lodged, but without success; after which, and several other vain attempts, they raised one of his brothers to the throne, who then took upon him the name of Twon-tsong. He was but nine years of age when he was raised to the imperial dignity, and enjoyed it but a very short time. In 1277 he was in great danger of perishing, by reason of the ship on board which he then was being cast away. The poor prince fell into the water, and was taken up half dead with the fright. A great part of his troops perished at that time, and he soon after made offers of submission to Hupilay. These, however, were not accepted; for, in 1278, the unhappy Twon-tsong was obliged to retire into a little desert island on the coast of Quang-tong, where he died in the 11th year of his age.

Notwithstanding the progress of the Moguls, vast Dis territories still remained to be subdued before they of t could become masters of all the Chinese empire. On emp the death of Twon-tsong, therefore, the mandarins raised to the throne his brother, named Te-ping, at that time but eight years of age. His army consisted of no fewer than 200,000 men; but being utterly void of discipline, and entirely ignorant of the art of war, they were defeated by 20,000 Mogul troops. Nor was the fleet more successful; for being put in confusion by that of the Moguls, and the emperor in danger of falling into their hands, one of the officers taking him on his shoulders, jumped with him into the sea, where they were both drowned. Most of the mandarins followed this example, as did also the epress and minister, all the ladies and maids of honour, and multitudes of others, insomuch that 100,000 people are thought to have perished on that day. Thus ended the Chinese race of emperors; and the Mogul dynasty, known by the name of Iwen, commenced.

Though no race of men that ever existed were R more remarkable for cruelty and barbarity than the II Moguls; yet it doth not appear that the emperors of the Ywen dynasty were in any respect worse than their predecessors. On the contrary, Hupilay, by the Chinese called Shi-tsu, found the way of reconciling the people to his government, and even of endearing himself to them so much, that the reign of his family is to this day stiled by the Chinese the wise government. This he accomplished by keeping as close as possible to their ancient laws and customs, by his mild and just government, and by his regard for their learned men. He was indeed ashamed of the ignorance and barbarity of his Mogul subjects, when compared with the Chinese. The whole knowledge of the former was summed up in their skill in managing their arms and horses, being perfectly destitute of every art or science, or even of the knowledge of letters. In 1269, he had caused the Mogul characters to be con trived

China. trived. In 1280, he caused some mathematicians search for the source of the river Whang-ho, which at that time was unknown to the Chinese themselves. In four months time they arrived in the country where it rises, and made a map of it, which they presented to his majesty. The same year a treatise on astronomy was published by his order; and, in 1282, he ordered the learned men to repair from all parts of the empire, to examine the state of literature, and take measures for its advancement.


joined in order to come to a general engagement, China.
Chu gained a second victory, and burnt 100 of the
enemy's vessels. A third and fourth engagement hap-
pened, in both which Chu gained the victory; and in
the last, Chen-yew-lyang himself was killed, his son
taken prisoner, and his generals obliged to surrender
themselves, with all their forces and vessels.

At his first accession to the crown he fixed his residence at Tay-ywen-fu, the capital of Shen-si; but thought proper afterwards to remove it to Peking. Here, being informed that the barks which brought to court the tribute of the southern provinces, or carried on the trade of the empire, were obliged to come by sea, and often suffered shipwreck, he caused that celebrated canal to be made, which is at present one of the wonders of the Chinese empire, being 300 leagues in length. By this canal above 9000 imperial barks transport with ease, and at small expence, the tribute of grain, rice, silk, &c. which is annually paid to the court. In the third year of his reign, Shi-tsu formed a design of reducing the islands of Japan, and the kingdoms of Tonquin and Cochin-china. Both these enterprises ended unfortunately, but the first remarkably so; for of 100,000 persons employed in it, only four or five escaped with the melancholy news of the destruction of the rest, who all perished by shipwreck. Shi-tsu reigned 15 years, died in the 80th year of his age, and was succeeded by his grandson. The throne continued in the Ywen family to the year 1367, when Shun-ti, the last of that dynasty, was driven out Moguls dri-by a Chinese named Chu. During this period the ved out. Tartars had become enervated by long prosperity; and the Chinese had been roused into valour by their subjection. Shun-ti, the reigning prince, was quite sunk in sloth and debauchery; and the empire, besides, was oppressed by a wicked minister named Ama. In Exploits of June 1355, Chu, a Chinese of mean extraction, and head of a small party, set out from How-chew, passed the Kyang, and took Tayping. He then associated himself with some other malcontents, at the head of whom he reduced the town of Tu-chew, in Kyangnan. Soon after he made himself master of Nanking, baving defeated the Moguls who came to its relief. In December 1356, he was able to raise 100,000 men, at the head of whom he took the city of Uchew, in the east borders of Quang-si; and here, assembling his generals, it was resolved neither to commit slaughter nor to plunder. The most formidable enemy he had to deal with was Chen-yew-lyang, styled, " emperor of the Han." This man being grieved at the progress made by Chu, equipped a fleet, and raised a formidable army, in order to reduce Nan-chang-fu, a city of of Kyang-si, which his antagonist had made himself master of. The governor, however, found means to inform Chu of his danger; upon which that chief caused a fleet to be fitted out at Nanking, in which he embarked 200,000 soldiers. As soon as Chen-yewlyang was informed of his enemy's approach, he raised the siege of Nan-chang-fu, and gave orders for at tacking Chu's naval force. An engagement ensued between a part of the fleets, in which Chu proved victorious; and next day, all the squadrons having



VOL. VI. Part I.


In January 1364, Chu's generals proposed to pro- He is proclaim him emperor; but this he declined, and at first claimed contented himself with the title of king of U. Inking of U. February he made himself master of Vu-chang-fu, capital of Hu-quang: where, with his usual humanity, he relieved those in distress, encouraged the literati, and would allow his troops neither to plunder nor destroy. This wise conduct procured him an easy conquest both of Kyang-si and Hu-quang. The Chinese submitted to him in crowds, and professed the greatest veneration and respect for his person and government.



All this time Shun-ti, with an unaccountable negligence, never thought of exerting himself against Chu, but continued to employ his forces against the rebels who had taken up arms in various parts of the empire; so that Chu found himself in a condition to assume the title of emperor. This he chose to do at Nanking on Becomes the first day of the year 1368. After this his troops emperor of entered the province of Honan, which they presently China. reduced. In the third month, Chu, who had now taken the title of Hong-vu or Tay-tsu, reduced the fortress of Tong-quan; after which his troops entered Pecheli from Honan on the one side, and Shang-tong on the other. Here his generals defeated and killed one of Shun-ti's officers; after which they took the city of Tong-chew, and then prepared to attack the capital, from which they were now but 12 miles distant. On their approach the emperor fled with all his family beyond the great wall, and thus put an end to the dynasty of Ywen. In 1370 he died, and was succeeded Moguls by his son, whom the successor of Hong-vu drove be-driven beyond the Kobi or Great Desert, which separates Chi-yond the na from Tartary. They continued their incursions, desert. however, for many years; nor did they cease their attempts till 1583, when vast numbers of them were cut in pieces by the Chinese troops.



the Tar

The 21st dynasty of Chinese emperors, founded in China a1368 by Chu, continued till the year 1644, when they gain conwere again expelled by the Tartars. The last Chinese quered by emperor was named Whay-tsong, and ascended the tars. throne in 1628. He was a great lover of the sciences, and a favourer of the Christians; though much addicted to the superstitions of the Bonzes. He found himself engaged in a war with the Tartars, and a number of rebels in different provinces. That be might more effectually suppress the latter, he resolved to make peace with the former; and for that end sent one of his generals, named Ywen, into Tartary, at the head of an army, with full power to negotiate a peace; but that traitor made one upon such shameful terms, that the emperor refused to ratify it. Ywen, in order to oblige his master to comply with the terms made by himself, poisoned his best and most faithful general, named Mau-ven-long and then desired the Tartars to march directly to Peking, by a road different from that which he took with his army. This they accordingly did, and laid siege to the capital.



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