SaleAnderson Galleries, 1912 |
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12 vols 8vo and 12mo American autograph binding Bliss Carman blue levant morocco Book bookplate Bost bound in half brown levant morocco Charles Dickens colored plates copies printed covers bound DICKENS CHARLES doublure Edinb English Engraved title Essays etchings facsimiles folio Frontispiece George Cruikshank gilt edges gilt tops green levant morocco half calf half green half morocco half polished half red half-title Henry History Illus India paper Inserted James Japan paper John KELMSCOTT PRESS LARGE PAPER COPY leaf Letters levant mo levant morocco gilt Library Limited Edition Lond Lord maps Memoirs Morris newly bound Numerous illustrations old calf original cloth covers original wrappers Paris partly uncut Phila Poems polished calf gilt Portraits and illustrations Presentation copy RARE rebacked red levant morocco red morocco Rivière Robert rocco Royal 8vo rubbed SCARCE Shakespeare Sketches Small 4to THACKERAY WILLIAM Thomas tions Translated uncut vellum W. M. Thackeray woodcuts Zaehnsdorf