Though ftanding naked on a mountain top Q. Mar. Oh, let me entreat thee ceafe, Give me thy hand, That I may dew it with my mournful tears; 2 Oh, could this kifs be printed in thy hand, [Kiffing his band, That thou might'ft think upon these by the feal, And banished I am, if but from thee, Suf. Thus is poor Suffolk ten times banished, So Suffolk had thy heav'nly company. I can no more-Live thou to joy thy life; That thou might't think upon thy hand thou mighteft think on thafe lips through which a thou fand fighs will be breathed for thee. SCENE SCENE IX.. Enter Vaux. Q. Mar. Whither goes Vaux fo faft? what news, I pr'y thee? Vaux. To fignify unto his Majefty, That Cardinal Beauford is at point of death, Q. Mar. Go tell this heavy meffage to the King. [Exit Vaux. If thou be found by me, thou art but dead. at an hour's poor los.] She means, I believe, at a lofs which any bour spent in contrivance and deliberation will enable her to fupply. Or perhaps the may And And cry out for thee to close up mine eyes, To die by thee were but to die in jeft, From thee to die were torture more than death. Q. Mar. Away. Though parting be a fretful cor- It is applied to a deathful wound. To France, fweet Suffolk. Let me hear from thee, I'll have an Iris that fhall find thee out. Suf. I go. Q. Mar, And take my heart with thee. Even as a splitted bark, fo funder we; This way fall I to death. Q. Mar. This way for me. SCENE [Exeunt feverally. X. The Cardinal's Bedchamber. Enter King Henry, Salisbury, and Warwick, to the K. Henry. HOW fares my Lord? fpeak, Beauford, Car. If thou beeft Death, I'll give thee England's Enough to purchase fuch another Island, I'll bave an Iris] Iris was the meffenger of June. Car. Car. Bring me unto my Trial when you will. Dy'd he not in his bed? where should he die? Can I make men live whether they will or no? -Oh, torture me no more, I will confefs -Alive again? then fhew me where he is, I'll give a thousand pound to look upon him. -He hath no eyes, the duft hath blinded them. -Comb down his hair; look! look! it ftands upright, Like lime twigs fet to catch my winged foul. -Give me fome drink, and bid th' apothecary Bring the ftrong poifon that I bought of him. K. Henry. O thou eternal Mover of the heav'ns, Look with a gentle eye upon this wretch; Oh, beat away the bufy, medling, fiend, That lays ftrong fiege unto this wretch's foul, And from his bofom purge this black despair. War. See, how the pangs of death do make him grin! Sal. Disturb him not; let him pafs peaceably." K. Henry. Peace to his foul, if God's good pleasure be! -Lord Cardinal, if thou think'ft on heaven's blifs,' Hold up thy hand, make fignal of thy hope. -He dies, and makes no fign!-O God, forgive him. War. So bad a death argues a monftrous life. 3 K. Henry. Forbear to judge, for we are finners all. Clofe up his eyes, and draw the curtain close, And let us all to meditation. [Exeunt.* -]tinue to be admired when prejudice fhall ceale, and bigotry give way to impartial examina tion. These are beauties that rife out of nature and of truth; the fuperficial reader cannot mifs them, the profound can image nothing beyond them. tumus effe quod hic eft. This is one of the fcenes which have been applauded by the criticks, and which will con ACT SCENE I. ACT IV. The Coast of Kent. Alarm. Fight at fea. Ordnance goes off. Enter Captain Whitmore, and other Pirates, with Suffolk, and other Prifoners. CAPTAIN. HE gaudy, blabbing, and remorfeful day TH And now loud howling wolves aroufe the jades, 4 Who with their drowsy, flow, and flagging wings [Pointing to Suffolk. 1 Gent. What is my ranfom, mafter, let me know. Maft. A thousand crowns, or elfe lay down your head. Mate. And fo much fhall you give, or off goes yours. Whit. What, think you much to pay two thousand |