That, when they fhall be open'd, black Macbeth Macd. Not in the legions Of horrid hell can come a devil more damn'd, Luxurious, avaricious, falfe, deceitful, 3 Sudden, malicious, fmacking of ev'ry fin That has a name. But there's no bottom, none, In my voluptuoufnefs; your wives, your daughters," All continent impediments would o'er-bear, Macd, Boundless intemperance In nature is a tyranny; it hath been Th' untimely emptying of the happy Throne, As will to Greatnefs dedicate themselves, Mal. With this, there grows, In my moft ill-compos'd affection, fuch 3 Sudden, malicious-] Sudden, for capricious. WARB. Rather violent, paffionate, hafty. Quar Quarrels unjust against the good and loyal, 4 Sticks deeper; grows with more pernicious root Mal. But I have none; the King-becoming graces, Acting it many ways. Nay, had I power, I should All unity on earth. Macd. Oh Scotland! Scotland! Mal. If fuch a one be fit to govern, speak. I am as I have spoken, Macd. Fit to govern? No, not to live. O nation miferable, With an untitled tyrant, bloody-scepter'd, When fhalt thou fee thy wholefome days again? By his own interdiction ftands accurft, And does blafpheme his Breed. Thy royal father Was a moft fainted King; the Queen, that bore thee, Oftner upon her knees than on her feet, Dy'd every day fhe liv'd. Oh, fare thee well! These evils, thou repeat'ft upon thyself, Have banish'd me from Scotland. Oh, my breaft! Mal. Macduff, this noble Paffion, Child of integrity, hath from my foul Wip'd the black fcruples; reconcil'd my thoughts No lefs in truth than life. My firft falfe-speaking Be commonly read, conveys no -and the chance, of goodness, That is, may the event be, of the goodnefs of heaven, [pro juftitia divina] answerable to the caufe. But Be like our warranted quarrel! Why are you filent? Mard. Such welcome, and unwelcome things at once, 'Tis hard to reconcile. SCENE V. Enter a Doctor. Mal. Well, more anon.-Comes the King forth, I pray you? Dot. Ay, Sir, there are a crew of wretched fouls, That stay his cure; their malady convinces. The great affay of art. But, at his Touch, Mal. I thank you, Doctor. Macd. What's the Difeafe he means? [Exit. A most miraculous work in this good King, But I am inclined to believe that Shakespeare wrote, -and the chance, O goodness, Be like our warranted quarrel! This fome of his tranfcribers wrote with a small o, which another imagined to mean of. If we adopt this reading, the fenfe will be, and 0 thou fovereign Goodness, to whom we now op Το To the fucceeding Royalty he leaves The healing Benediction. With this ftrange virtue, And fundry bleffings hang about his Throne, SCENE Enter Roffe. Macd. See, who comes here! VI. Mal. My countryman; but yet I know him not. Macd. My ever-gentle Coufin, welcome hither. Mal. I know him now. Good God betimes remove The means that make us ftrangers! Roffe. Sir, Amen. Macd. Stands Scotland where it did? Roffe. Alas, poor Country, Almoft afraid to know itself. It cannot Be call'd our Mother, but our Grave; where nothing, Is there scarce afk'd, for whom; and good men's lives Dying, or ere they ficken. Macd. Oh, relation had a mind to hint that the cure of the Evil was to defcend to the fucceffors in the royal line in compliment to James the firft. But the Confeffor was the first who pretended to this gift: How then could it be at that time generally spoken of that the gift was hereditary?This he has folv ed by telling us that Edward had the gift of prophecy along with it. WARBURTON. 9 A modern ecftafie-] That is, no more regarded than the contorfions that Fanatics throw themfelves into. The author was thinking of thofe of his own times. WARBURTON. I believe modern is only feelifb or trifling. Ma!. |