WEBB, CHARLES HENRY (John Paul). Journalist; author. Rouse Point, N. Y., 1834-Lives, Nantucket, Mass. With a Nantucket Publishers: HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co., Boston. WEBSTER, DANIEL. Statesman; orator. Salisbury (now Franklin), N. H., 1782Marshfield, M as s., 1852. Memory of the Heart. WEIR, HARRISON WILLIAM. Artist: author; jour nalist. England, 1824-. English Robin, The... WELBY. AMELIA ii 447 vi 238 V 425 Clergyman. England, 1785-1806. Early Primrose, The.. Star of Bethlehem. i 346 v 327 B. VOL. PAGE COPPUCK. Go, lovely rose," Stanza added to.. WHITE, JOSEPH Clergyman. Spain, 1841. Night WHITMAN, SARAH HELEN POWER. Still Day in Autumn, A. WHITMAN, WALT. ii 37 V 64 vii 157 St. Michael's, Md., 1819 1852. Twilight at Sea. v 411 Manahatta vii 245 Publishers: D. APPLE- Myself (Song of My self) vii 102 WESLEY, CHARLES. Clergyman; writer. England, 1708-1788. Wrestling Jacob "O Captain! my Cap hymn tain vii 28 "Out from behind iv 79 Clergyman; founder of WESLEY, JOHN. Methodism. England, 1703-1791. Love of God Supreme, The (German of Tersteegen) iv 130 this mask " (Wound- vii 100 vi 198 iii 362 HENRY. WILDE, RICHARD Lawyer. Ireland, 1789 1847. Life VOL. PAGE WILKINS, WILLIAM. WILKINSON, WILLIAM Baptist clergyman; cago. Old Year and the New. Publishers: CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, New York. WILLARD, ᎻᎪᎡᎢ. EMMA Educator; author. New Rocked in the Cradle of WILLIS, NATHANIEL PARKER. "Idle vi 230 ix 165 vi 194 iv 30 Journalist; poet. Port land, Me., 1806 wild," near New burgh, N. Y., 1867. Belfry Pigeon, The.. Annoyer, The Leper, The Parrhasius Unseen Spirits.. Publishers; MAYNARD, MERRILL & Co., New WILLSON, BELLA M. ii 75 v 325 vii 315 ix 8 iii 204 ARA ix 355 Canandaigua, N. Y. To the "Sextant" WILLSON, [BYRON] FORCEYTHE. Journalist. Little Publishers: HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co., Boston. viii 338 WIFFEN, BENJAMIN B. Rome, To (Spanish of WILCOX. WHEELER. ELLA Poet. Johnstown Centre, Wis., 1855 Lives, Short Beach, Conn. Life Publishers: THE W. B. CONKEY CO., New York and Chicago. WILDE. GALL OSCAR FIN O'FLAHER TIE WILLS. Dramatist. Ireland, 1856-France, 1900. Ave Imperatrix viii "She was a phantom of delight ii 422 not anything " Sonnet, The Skylark, To the. Sleeplessness Sonnet: "Earth has Tables Turned, The.. V 296 vi 434 vii 229 vii 55 V 23 "The world is too much with us V 3 "Three years she grew Tintern Abbey V 11 Clergyman. 1791-1823. WOLFE, CHARLES. Burial of Sir John Ireland, Moore viii 283 Critic; WOODBERRY, GEORGE EDWARD. Beverly, Mass., 1855 Lives, New York. At Gibraltar Publishers: THE MAC- WOODS, MARGARET L. Novelist. England, 1859-. Rest WOODWORTH, educator. viii 439 vi 431 SAM Journalist. Scituate, Mass., 1785-New York, 1842. Old Oaken Bucket, The. i 91 His Mistress, To. In Praise of Angling.. v 136 See Lady Ann Bothwell's Lament iii 47 Lavender iii 358 Life's Love, A. ix 382 Lines to Miss Florence Huntingdon ix 453 Lord Lovel vii 373 Love Lightens Labor. ii 428 "Love me little, love me long' "Love not me for comely grace" ii 188 ii 78 Love's Logic ii 164 Modern Hiawatha, The. ix 414 DOBELL, YENDYS. SIDNEY. THOMPSON. YOUNG, EDWARD. Clergyman. England, 1684-1765. SIDNEY Friendship (Night i 340 Matter and Man Immor- iv 406 vi 190 Time (Night Thoughts). vi 187 ZANGWILL, ISRAEL. land, 1864-Lives, Blind iii 461 New York, The. ix 352 ii 253 iv 426 Not One to Spare. ment Our Skater Belle l'assage in the Life of St. Augustine, A.... VOL. PAGE i 288 i 162 iv 1 Te Deum Laudamus.. They are dear fish to Peace Perils of Thinking. iii 437 ix 380 Popping Corn ii 193 Query, A iv 146 Remonstrance with the Snails v 352 Robin Hood and Allan- Three Children, The.. Twa Corbies, The. i 175 i 109 i 104 i 43 iv 292 vii 375 Saddened Tramp, The. ix 395 Vicar of Bray, The. ix 251 iii 45 iii 247 Saint Anthony's Ser- ix 239 iv 253 ix 426 viii 254 vi 298 ii 162 mon to the Fishes.. "Stone the woman, iv 322 V 332 Watching for Papa. "Where are you go- Woman's Complaint, A. viii 382 iii 414 i 368 iv 232 ii 155 ii 36 iii 146 ix 197 ii 426 viii 411 |