| William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 560 pages
...fore-done. Now the wafted Brands do glow, Whilft the Scritch-Ow^i fcritching loud, Puts the Wretch that lyes in Woe In remembrance of a Shroud. Now it is the time...Graves, all gaping wide, Every one lets forth his Spright, In the Church-way Paths to glide ; And we Fairies, that do run By the triple Hecates team,... | |
 | Charles Gildon - 1718 - 394 pages
...Now the wafted Brands do glow, Whilft the Scritth-Owl, fcritthing loud;, Puts the Wretth that lyes in Woe In remembrance of a Shroud, Now it is the time...Graves, all gaping wide, Every one lets forth his Spright, Iu the Church. way Paths to glide; And we Fairies, that do run By the triple Hecate's Team,... | |
 | English poets - 1801 - 382 pages
...roars, And the wolf behowls the moon, Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, All with weary task foredone. Now the wasted brands do glow ; Whilst the scritch-owl,...graves, all gaping wide, Every one lets forth his spright, In the churchway paths to glide ; And we fairies, that do run By the triple Hecat's team,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1803 - 424 pages
...snores, All with weary task fordone. " Now the wasted brands do glow, Whilst the scritch-owl, switching loud. Puts the wretch, that lies in woe, In remembrance...gaping wide, Every one lets forth his sprite, In the church-way paths to glide : And we fairies, that do run By the triple Hecat's team, From the presence... | |
 | George Ellis - 1803 - 468 pages
...snores, All with weary task foredone. Now the wasted brands do glow ; Whilst the scritch-owl, scutching loud, Puts the wretch, that lies in woe, In remembrance...graves, all gaping wide, Every one lets forth his spite, In the churchway paths to glide; And we fairies, that do run By the triple Hecat's team, From... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 518 pages
...roars, And the wolf behowls the moon; Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, All with weary task fordone.3 Now the wasted brands do glow, Whilst the scritch-owl,...gaping wide, Every one lets forth his sprite, In the church-way paths to glide: heavy gait — ] ie slow passage, progress. And we fairies, that do run... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 414 pages
...roars, And the wolf behowls the moon; Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, All with weary task fordone. 3 Now the wasted brands do glow, Whilst the scritch-owl,...gaping wide, Every one lets forth his sprite, In the church-way paths to glide: And we fairies, that do ran By the triple Hecat's team, From the presence... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 384 pages
...with striving, tnd fore-done with the tyran. nous rage of her enemy." Now it is the time of night,7 That the graves, all gaping wide, Every one lets forth...to glide: And we fairies, that do run By the triple Hecate's team, From the presence of the sun, Following darkness like a dream, Now are frolic ; not... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 402 pages
...intended to be represented, I make no question but the poet wrote: " And the wolf behawla the moon." Now the wasted brands do glow, Whilst the scritch-owl,...wretch, that lies in woe, In remembrance of a shroud. So, in Marston's Antonio and Mellida, where the whole passage seems to be copied from this of our author:... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1806 - 412 pages
...And the wolf behowls the moon ; Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, All with weary task fordone 7°. Now the wasted brands do glow, Whilst the scritch-owl,...gaping wide, Every one lets forth his sprite, In the church-way paths to glide : And we fairies, that do run By the triple Hecat's team, From the presence... | |
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