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ENGLAND. Circumstances of the Country at the commencement of the year

1851-Prevalent Feeling of the Nation respecting the Papal Aggression-

Anticipations of the Great Exhibition of Industry-State of Trade, Re-

venue, and Condition of the Lower Classes-Complaints of the Agricul-

tural Interest-Opening of Parliament by the Queen in Person, on the

4th of February-Her Majesty's Speech from the Throne-Debates in

both Houses In the Lords, the Address is proposed by the Earl of Effing-

ham, and seconded by Lord Cremorne-Speeches of Lord Stanley,

Duke of Richmond, Earl of Winchilsea, Lord Camoys, and the Marquis of

Lansdowne The Address is agreed to nem. con.-In the Commons, the

Address is moved by the Marquis of Kildare, and seconded by Mr. Peto—

Speeches of Mr. Roebuck, Sir R. Inglis, Mr. J. O'Connell, Mr. A. B. Hope,

Mr. Chisholm Anstey, Mr. Plumptre, Mr. Hume, Mr. Bankes, Lord John

Russell, and Mr. Disraeli-The Motion is carried without a Division-

Retirement of the Earl of Shaftesbury from the Office of Chairman of

Committees, and Election of Lord Redesdale in his room-'
-Tribute of

Respect to the Memory of Mr. J. H. Ley, late Clerk of the Table in the

House of Commons. ECCLESIASTICAL TITLES BILL-On the 7th of February

Lord John Russell moves for leave to bring in a Bill for counteracting

the Aggressive Policy of the Church of Rome-His able and interesting

Speech on that occasion-The Debate on the preliminary question of

introducing the Bill is protracted during four nights by successive Ad-

journments-The Motion is supported by the Attorney-General, Mr. W.

Page Wood, Sir George Grey, Sir R. H. Inglis, Mr. Disraeli, Mr. Napier,

and numerous other Members-It is opposed, among others, by Mr. Philip

Howard, Mr. Roebuck, Mr. Hume, Mr. Moore, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Keogh,

Mr. A. B. Hope, Mr. Oswald, and Mr. Frederick Peel-On a Division the

Motion for leave to introduce the Bill is carried by 395 against 63;

Majority, 332
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Locke King moves for leave to bring in a Bill to extend the Franchise in

Counties to 10%. Occupiers-His Motion is supported by Mr. Hume and

Mr. Cobden, and opposed by Lord John Russell, but is carried against the

Government by 100 votes against 52. THE BUDGET-First Financial

Statement of the Year made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer

on the 17th of February His Propositions respecting the Income

Tax, and Partial Repeal of the Window Tax-The Statement is very

unfavourably received by the House-Adverse Criticisms from various

Members. THE MINISTERIAL CRISIS-On the 20th of February the Re-

signation of Lord John Russell's Cabinet is announced in the Newspapers

-Reasons generally alleged for this step-On the meeting of the Houses

on the 21st, the Ministerial Leaders propose Adjournments till the 24th—

On the 24th Explanations are given in both Houses-Statement of the

Marquis of Lansdowne in the House of Lords-Remarks of Lord Stanley

-Similar Statement by Lord John Russell in the House of Commons-

Remarks of Mr. Disraeli and Mr. Roebuck-Further Adjournments till the

28th are proposed and agreed to-On that day the Marquis of Lansdowne,

in the Upper House, enters into a detailed account of the Negotiations

carried on for the reconstruction of the Ministry-He announces that the

Queen had had recourse to the Duke of Wellington for advice at this

juncture-Speeches of the Earl of Aberdeen and Lord Stanley relative to

the parts taken by them in the late transactions-In the Commons, on

the same evening, Lord John Russell enters into a full Statement of what

had occurred-Important Speech of Sir James Graham-Remarks of Mr.

Disraeli, Mr. Hume, Sir R. Inglis, and other Members-Ultimate adjust-

ment of the Ministerial Crisis, and Reinstalment of the late Cabinet

announced on the 3rd of March-Discussions in both Houses on this

occasion-Declarations by Irish Members of determined hostility to the

Ecclesiastical Titles Bill - Remarks of Lord John Manners and Mr.

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