Offering their own lives in their young's defence? Should lofe his birth-right by his father's fault; Ah, what a fhame was this! look on the boy, To hold thine own, and leave thine own with him. But, Clifford, tell me, didft thou never hear, Ah, coufin York; would, thy best friends did know, [nigh; K. Henry. Edward Plantagenet, arife a Knight; And learn this leffon, draw thy fword in right. (10) And happy always was it for that fon, Whofe father for bis boarding went to bell.] Mr. Roque and Mr. Pope in this pointing have err'd with fome of the old impreflions, and quite fubverted the poet's meaning. They make the King affert a fentiment, which he, in fact, is calling in queftion. I have reftor'd the true pointing from the old Quarto, which Mr. Pope would have us believe he had collated. The King would argue thus; "Tho' 'tis "a general faying, that the fon is happy, whofe miferly father goes "to the devil; yet is every fuch fon, without exception, happy, in having had fuch a parfimonious father?" Prince. Prince. My gracious father, by your kingly leave, I'll draw it as apparent to the crown, And in that quarrel use it to the death. Clif. Why, that is fpoken like a toward Prince. Enter a Meffenger. Mef. Royal commanders, be in readiness; Clif. I would, your Highnefs would depart the field: Edw. Now, perjur'd Henry, wilt thou kneel for grace, And fet thy diadem upon my head; Or bide the mortal fortune of the field? Queen. Go rate thy minions, proud infulting boy. Becomes it thee to be thus bold in terms Before thy Sovereign and thy lawful King? Edw. I am his King, and he should bow his knee; I was adopted heir by his confent; Since when, his oath is broke; for as I hear, You that are King, though he do wear the crown, To blot out me, and put his own fon in. Clif. And reafon too: Who thould fucceed the father, but the fon? Rich. Are you there, butcher? O, I cannot speak. Clif. Ay, crook-back, here I ftand to answer thee, Or any he, the proudest of thy fort. F 4 Rich. Rich. "Twas you that kill'd young Rutland, was it not? Clif. Ay, and old Fork, and yet not fatisfy'd. Rich. For God's fake, Lords, give fignal to the fight.. War. What fay'ft thou, Henry, wilt thou yield the crown? Queen. Why, how now, long-tongu'd Warwick, dare you speak? When you and I met at St. Albans last, Your legs did better fervice than your hands. War. Then 'twas my turn to fly, and now 'tis thine. Clif. You faid fo much before, and yet you fled. War. 'Twas not your valour, Clifford, drove me thence. North. No, nor your manhood, that durft make you stay. Rich. Northumberland, I hold thee reverently. Break off the parle, for fcarce I can refrain The execution of my big-fwoln heart Upon that Clifford, that cruel child-killer. Clif. I flew thy father, call'ft thou him a child? Rich. Ay, like a dastard and a treacherous coward, As thou didst kill our tender brother Rutland: But, ere fun fet, I'll make thee curfe the deed. K. Henry. Have done with words, my Lords, and hear me speak. Queen. Defy them then, or else hold close thy lips: K. Henry. I pr'ythee, give no limits to my tongue; I am a King, and privileg'd to fpeak. [here, Clif. My Liege, the wound, that bred this meeting Cannot be cur'd by words; therefore be still. Rich. Then, executioner, unheath thy sword : By him that made us all, I am refolv'd Prince. If that be right, which Warwick fays is right, There is no wrong, but every thing is right. Rich. Who ever got thee, there thy mother ftands, For, well I wot, thou haft thy mother's tongue. Queen. But thou art neither like thy fire nor dam, But 1 But like a foul mif- fhapen ftigmatick, As venomous toads, or lizards dreadful ftings.. (As if a channel should be call'd the sea) Sham'ft thou not, knowing whence thou art extraught,, Edw. A wifp of straw were worth a thousand crowns For what hath broach'd this tumult, but thy pride ♪ Had flipt our claim until another age.. Cla. But when we faw, our fun-fhine made thy fpring, And that thy fummer bred us no increase,, We set the axe to thy ufurping root; And though the edge hath fomething hit ourselves, Not willing any longer conference, Queen, Stay, Edward F 5 Edw.. Edw. No, wrangling woman, we'll no longer ftay: These words will coft ten thousand lives this day. [Exeunt omnes. SCENE changes to a Field of Battle at Ferribridge in Yorkshire. Alarum. Excurfions. Enter Warwick. War. Fore-fpent with toil, as runners with a race, a For ftrokes receiv'd, and many blows repaid, Have robb'd my strong-knit finews of their ftrength; Enter Edward running. Edw. Smile, gentle heav'n! or ftrike, ungentle death! For this world frowns, and Edward's fun is clouded. War. How now, my Lord, what hap? what hope of good? Enter Clarence. Cla. Our hap is lofs, our hope but fad despair; Edw. Bootlefs is flight, they follow us with wings; And weak we are, and cannot fhun pursuit. Enter Richard. Rich. Ah, Warwick, why haft thou withdrawn thyself? Thy brother's blood the thirsty earth hath drunk, (11) ' Broach'd (11) Thy brother's blood the thirsty earth bath drunk,] This paffage, from the variation of the copies, gave me no little perplexity. The old 4to applies this description to the death of Salisbury, Warwick's father. But this was a notorious deviation from the truth of hiftory. For the Earl of Salisbury in the battle at Wakefield, wherein Richard Duke of York loft his life, was taken prifoner, beheaded at Pomfret, and his head, together with the Duke of York's, fix'd over Yorkgates. Then, the only brother of Warwick, introduc'd in this play, is the Marquifs of Montacute; (or Montague, as he is call'd by our author:) but he does not die, till ten years after, in the battle at Barnet; where Warwick likewife was kill'd. The truth is, the brother, here mention'd, is no perfon in the Drama; and his death is |