The Savvy Part-time Professional: How to Land, Create, Or Negotiate the Part-time Job of Your Dreams

Front Cover
Capital Books, Incorporated, 2006 - 268 pages
In "The Savvy Part-time Professional," respected career and life coach Lynn Berger makes a strong case for part-time employment as a viable option for: Parents who want more time with their children but can't risk breaking the family budget Seniors seeking both stimulation and a cushion for dwindling retirement funds and Stressed-out overachievers who want more from life than a sixty-hour work week and a McMansion mortgage. But Lynn doesn't stop there. She gives readers the tools, know-how, and inspiration needed to land, create, or negotiate the position they want, for the money they want. "The Savvy Part-Time Professional" includes: Real life examples of people who have made the switch Ideas and options for part-time positions & tips for working part-time within an organization or at home Questionnaires and work sheets to help people determine life/work needs and desires Information on job-sharing, telecommuting, starting a small business and more Ideas on how to negotiate or create the position you want Resources to get you started and see you through the process The book also contains inspirational stories of those who have made the switch, information on job-sharing and resources to get you started.

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