A NORTHERN SUMMER; OR TRAVEL S ROUND THE BALTIC, THROUGH DENMARK, SWEDEN, RUSSIA, PRUSSIA, AND PART OF GERMANY, IN THE YEAR 1804. BY JOHN CARR, ESQ. AUTHOR OF THE STRANGER IN FRANCE, &c. &c. London: PRINTED FOR RICHARD PHILLIPS, NO. 6, BRIDge street, BLACKFRIARS. By T. Gillet, Salisbury-square. TO THE HONOURABLE SIR JAMES MACKINTOSH, KNT. RECORDER OF BOMBAY. SIR, WHILE you are imparting new light to those regions, so gloriously illuminated by the genius and the virtues of the late Sir William Jones, will you allow a Traveller to express his thoughts to you in contemplating your character and situation? I cannot but felicitate that race of my fellow-creatures who are placed within the protection of your judicial care; yet, in recollecting how many listened to you with delight in this country, I feel your distance from it, in one point of view, a source of national regret. Conscious that these sentiments are sincere, I am encouraged by them to request, that you will honour with indulgent acceptance, a book, whose author has endeavoured to unite amusement and information. |