Yet even in death Eurydice he sung, Eurydice the floods Eurydice the rocks, and hollow mountains rung. " Music the fiercest grief can charm, Our joys below it can improve, And antedate the bliss above. This the divine Cecilia found, And to her Maker's praise confin'd the sound, Of Orpheus now no more let poets tell, 1 CHAP. XXXIII. ALEXANDER'S FEAST. TWAS at the royal feast, for Persia won By Philip's warlike son: Aloft in awful state The god-like hero sate On his imperial throne; His valiant peers were plae'd around; Their brows with roses and with myrtle bound: So should desert in arms be crown'd. The lovely Thais by his side Sat, like a blooming eastern bride, In flow'r of youth and beauty's pride. Happy, happy, happy pair; None but the brave, None but the brave, None but the brave deserves the fair. Timotheus plae'd on high Amid the tuneful quire, With flying fingers touch'd the lyre, The song began from Jove; When he to fair Olympia press'd, A present deity, the vaulted roofs rebound: With ravish'd ears And seems to shake the spheres. The praise of Bacchus then, the sweet musician sung: Sound the trumpets, beat the drums; Flush'd with a purple grace He shews his honest face. Now give the hautboys breath; he comes, he comes ! Bacchus ever fair and young, Bacchus' blessings are a treasure, Drinking is the soldier's pleasure. Rich the treasure,, Sweet the pleasure; Sweet is pleasure after pain. Sooth'd with the sound, the king grew vain; And thrice he routed all his foes; and thrice he slew the slain. The master saw the madness rise; Soft pity to infuse: He sung Darius great and good, By too severe a fate,. Fall'n, fall'n, fall'n, Fall'n from his high estate, Mm2 Deserted at his utmost need, By those his former bounty fed, With not a friend to close his eyes With downcast look the joyless victor fate, Revolving in his alter'd soul The mighty master smil'd, to see Softly sweet in Lydian measures, Never ending, still beginning, Take the good the gods provide thee. Now strike the golden lyre again; And rouse him, like a rattling peal of thunder. Hark, Hark, the horrid sound And amaz'd, he stares around. Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries, See the snakes that they rear, And the sparkles that flash from their eyes! Behold a ghastly band, Each a torch in his hand, These are Grecian ghosts, that in battle were slain, And unbury'd remain Inglorious on the plain; Give the vengeance due Behold how they toss their torches on high, The princes applaud, with a furious joy; And the King seiz'd a flambeau, with zeal to destroy; Thais led the way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fired another Troy. Thus, long ago, Ere heaving bellows learn'd to blow, While organs yet were mute; Could swell the soul to rage, or kindle soft desire. The sweet enthusiast, from her sacred store, Enlarg'd the former narrow bounds, With nature's mother-wit, and arts unknown before. 1 |