Public characters [Formerly British public characters] of 1798-9 - 1809-10, Volume 6

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Page 276 - In genial spring, beneath the quiv'ring shade, Where cooling vapours breathe along the mead, The patient fisher takes his silent stand, Intent, his angle trembling in his hand: With looks unmov'd, he hopes the scaly breed, And eyes the dancing cork, and bending reed.
Page 8 - There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat; And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.
Page 288 - Whereas the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster, lawfully, fully and freely representing all the estates of the people of this realm...
Page 276 - The bright-ey'd perch with fins of Tyrian dye, The silver eel, in shining volumes roll'd, The yellow carp, in scales bedropp'd with gold, Swift trouts, diversified with crimson stains, And pikes, the tyrants of the watery plains. Now Cancer glows with Phoebus...
Page 186 - Accordingly, on that day, he moved for leave to bring in a bill " for vesting the affairs of the East India company in the hands of certain commissioners, for the benefit of the proprietors and the public ;" and also a bill " for the better government of the territorial possessions and dependencies in India.
Page 190 - I cannot consider myself warranted to lay before the Prince of Wales an address purporting to invest his Royal Highness with powers to take upon him the government of this realm, before he shall be enabled by law to do so.
Page 282 - ... conversation to the ministry, who, provided the colonies would subject themselves, might after all, or might not, at their pleasure, make any alterations in the former instructions to governors, or propose in parliament any amendment of the acts complained of...
Page 288 - That it is the opinion of this committee, that his majesty is prevented, by his present indisposition, from coming to his parliament, and from attending to public business, and that the personal exercise of the royal authority is thereby, for the present, interrupted.
Page 297 - And whereas to pursue schemes of conquest and extension of dominion in India are measures repugnant to the wish, the honour, and policy of this nation...
Page 306 - In 1801 appeared a splendid edition, from the press of Bulmer, of " the Tragedies and Poems of Frederick Earl of Carlisle, Knight of the Garter,

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