| James Boswell - 1791 - 564 pages
...in it." . I introduced the fubjecl: of toleration. JOHNSON. " Every fociety has a right to preferve publick peace and order, and therefore has a good...propagation of opinions which have a dangerous tendency. To fay the magi/irate has this right, is ufing an inadequate word : it is the fociety for which the magiftrate... | |
| James Boswell - 1791 - 554 pages
...things in it." I introduced the fubject of toleration. JoHNSON. "Every fociety has a right to preferve publick peace and order, and therefore has a good...propagation of opinions which have a dangerous tendency. Td fay the magi/Irate has this right, is ufing an inadequate word : it is the fociety for which the... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1798 - 464 pages
...introduced the fubject of toleration, Johnfon faid, " Every Society has a right to preferve public peace and order, and therefore has a good right to...propagation of opinions which have a dangerous tendency. To fay the magiftrate has this right, is ufmg an inadequate word : it is the Society for which the magiftrate... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1807 - 228 pages
...must therefore make her nest quickly, and consequently it will be slight."—G. " The nidificatiori of birds is what is least known in natural history, though one of the most curious things in it." The master of a public school at Campbelltown, in Scotland, had been suspended from his office, on... | |
| James Boswell - 1817 - 466 pages
...therefore make her nest quickly, and consequently it will be slight." GOLDSMITH. " The nidification of birds is what is least known in natural history,...propagation of opinions which have a dangerous tendency. To eay the magistrate has this right, is using uĜ inadequate word : it is the society for which the magistrate... | |
| John Selden - 1818 - 682 pages
...make her nest quickly, and consequently it will be slight." — G. " The nidification of birds is'what is least known in natural history, though one of the most curious things in it." The master of a public school at Campbelltown, in Scotland, had been suspended from his office, on... | |
| James Boswell - 1820 - 442 pages
...The nidification of birds is what is least knowu in natural history, though une of the most curions things in it." I introduced the subject of toleration....prohibit the propagation of opinions which have a dangerons tendency. To say the magistrate has this right, is nsing nn inadequate word : it ie (he society... | |
| James Boswell - 1820 - 372 pages
...Dilly's, the subject of toleration was introduced. JOHNSON. " Every society has a right to preserve public peace and order, and therefore has a good right to...has this right, is using an inadequate word : it is tiie society, for which the magistrate is agent. He may be morally or theologically wrong in restraining... | |
| James Boswell - 1820 - 382 pages
...Billy's, the subject of toleration was introduced. JOHNSON. " Every society has a right to preserve public peace and order, and therefore has a good right to...the propagation of opinions which have a dangerous tend,i'liry. To say the magistrate has this right, is using an inadequate word: it is the society,... | |
| James Boswell - 1820 - 384 pages
...therefore make her nest quickly ; and consequently it will be slight." GOLDSMITH. " The nidification of birds is what is - least known in natural history, though one of the most curious things in it." Boswell told him, that he heard Dr. Percy was writing the history of the wolf in Great Britain. JOHNSON.... | |
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