And hamlets brown, and dim-discover'd spires; The gradual dusky veil. While Spring shall pour his show'rs, as oft he wont, While Summer loves to sport While sallow Autumn fills thy lap with leaves; And rudely rends thy robes; So long, regardful of thy quiet rule, Shall Fancy, Friendship, Science, smiling Peace, And love thy fav'rite name! ODE TO PEACE. THOU, who bad'st thy turtles bear Swift from his grasp thy golden hair, And sought'st thy native skies; When War, by vultures drawn from far, To Britain bent his iron car, And bade his storms arise! Tir'd of his rude tyrannic sway, His sullen shrines to burn: But thou who hear'st the turning spheres, What sounds may charm thy partial ears, And gain thy blest return! O Peace, thy injur'd robes up-bind! Of all thy beamy train! The British Lion, goddess sweet, Lies stretch'd on earth, to kiss thy feet, Let others court thy transient smile, But come to grace thy western isle, By warlike Honour led; And, while around her ports rejoice, While all her sons adore thy choice, With him for ever wed! E THE MANNERS. AN ODE. FAREWELL, for clearer ken design'd, The dim-discover'd tracts of mind; Farewell the porch whose roof is seen Arch'd with th' enlivening olive's green: Where Science, prank'd in tissu'd vest, By Reason, Pride, and Fancy, drest, Comes, like a bride, so trim array'd, Youth of the quick uncheated sight, Thy walks, Observance, more invite! O thou who lov'st that ampler range, Where life's wide prospects round thee change, And, with her mingling sons allied, Throw'st the prattling page aside, To me, in converse sweet, impart To read in man the native heart; To learn, where Science sure is found, From nature as she lives around; And, gazing oft her mirror true, By turns each shifting image view! Till meddling Art's officious lore Reverse the lessons taught before; Alluring from a safer rule, To dream in her enchanted school: Thou, Heav'n, whate'er of great we boast, Retiring hence to thoughtful cell, As Fancy breathes her potent spell, |