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" ... murky air; and I don't know that it is one, for it's nothing but a glare; of deep and angry crimson, where the sun and wind together; set a brand upon the clouds for being guilty of such weather; and the widest open country is a long dull streak of... "
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Page 403
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Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, Volumes 5-6

1846 - 908 pages
...the widest open country is a long dull streak of black; and there's hoar-frost on the flnger-post, and thaw upon the track ; and the ice it isn't water,...say that anything is what it ought to be; but he's corning, coming, coming ! * And here, if you like, the Cricket DID chime in ! with a chirrup, chirrup,...
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The Cricket on the Hearth: A Fairy Tale of Home

Charles Dickens - 1846 - 198 pages
...the widest open country is a long dull streak of black ; and there's hoar-frost on the finger-post, and thaw upon the track ; and the ice it isn't water,...couldn't say that anything is what it ought to be ; but he 's coming, coming, coming ! And here, if you like, the Cricket DID chime in ! with a Chirrup, Chirrup,...
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A Christmas Carol in Prose: The Chimes; The Cricket on the Hearth

Charles Dickens - 1846 - 306 pages
...the widest open country is a long dull streak of black; and there *s hoar-frost on the fingerpost, and thaw upon the track; and the ice it isn't water,...and you couldn't say that anything is what it ought 16 be; but he'scorning, coming, coming! — And here, if you like, the Cricket DID chime in! with a...
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The Christian Parlor Magazine, Volume 3

1847 - 440 pages
...a long dull streak of black , And there's hoar-frost on the finger-post, And thaw upou the track i And the ice it isn't water, And the water isn't free ; And you couldn't ltay that anything Is what it ought to be." It is Christopher North, we believe, who rebukes inordinate...
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Tiny Tim, Dot and the Fairy Cricket: From the Christmas Stories

Charles Dickens - 1856 - 192 pages
...a stream of song so cosy and hilarious, as never maudlin nightingale yet formed the least idea of. And here, if you like, the Cricket DID chime in with a chirrup, chirrup, chirrup, by way of chorus. The fair little listener ; for fair she was, and young — though something of what...
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Christmas Books

Charles Dickens - 1859 - 582 pages
...the widest open country is a long dull streak of black ; and there 's hoar-frost on the fingerpost, and thaw upon the track ; and the ice it isn't water,...couldn't say that anything is what it ought to be ; but he 's coming, coming, coming ! And here, if you like, the Cricket DID chime in ! with a Chirrup, Chirrup,...
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Christmas Books: A Christmas carol ; The chimes ; The cricket on the hearth

Charles Dickens - 1861 - 316 pages
...the widest open country is a long dull streak of black ; and there's hoar-frost on the fingerpost, and thaw upon the track ; and the ice it isn't water, what it ought to be ; but he's coming, coming, corning ! • AnoTEere, if you like, the Cricket DID chime in ! with / a Chirrup, Chirrup, Chirrup...
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Analytical Fifth Reader: Containing an Introductory Article on the General ...

Richard Edwards - 1867 - 372 pages
...the widest open country is a long dull streak of black ; and there's hoar-frost on the finger-post, and thaw upon the track ; and the ice it isn't water,...what it ought to be ; but he's coming, coming, coming ! — 15. And here, if you like, the Cricket DID chime in with a Chirrup, Chirrup, Chirrup of such...
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Analytical Fifth-[sixth] Reader: Containing an Introductory Article on the ...

Richard Edwards - 1867 - 386 pages
...the widest open country is a long dull streak of black ; and there's hoar-frost on the finger-post, and thaw upon the track; and the ice it isn't water,...say that anything is what it ought to be ; but he's coining, coming, coming!— it !) that if it had then and there burst itself like an overcharged gun,...
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Works of Charles Dickens: Christmas Books, Volumes 1-2

Charles Dickens - 1868 - 638 pages
...the widest open country is a long dull streak of black ; and there's hoar-frost on the fingerpost, and thaw upon the track ; and the ice it isn't water, what it ought to be ; but he's coming, coming, And here, if you like, the Cricket DID chime in ! with a Chirrup, Chirrup, Chirrup of such magnitude,...
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