A Legend of the Wars of Montrose, Volume 7, Part 2Columbia University Press, 1995 - 271 pages "I think this fellow Dalgetty is one of those horse-leeches, whose appetite for blood being only sharpened by what he has sucked in foreign countries, he is now returned to batten upon that of his own". Such is one character's view of the Scottish mercenary of the seventeenth century. Yet there is in Dugald Dalgetty's professional ethic, his blundering Latin, his loving care of his horse, and his own self-absorption, more genuine humanity than in the political and religious principles of Royalists and Covenanters alike. And the picture which emerges is not of violence imported into Scotland from Germany but of a country destroyed by uncompromising religious hatred, political bigotry, tribal feud and personal enmity. A Legend of the Wars of Montrose centres on one episode in the most bloody of Scotland's civil wars, Montrose's campaign for King Charles I in 1644-45; it is a short and savage tale. |
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Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Allan MacAulay ancient Anderson Angus MacAulay Annot Lyle answered Argyle Argyle's Argyleshire arms army Ballantyne battle better Captain Dalgetty castle cavalier changes chief clan command Convention of Estates Covenant Covenanters Dalgetty's Darnlinvarach Donald Drumthwacket Dugald Dalgetty Earl Earl of Menteith Editorial EEWN emendations enemy English father follow forces Gaelic gentlemen German glen Gustavus Adolphus hand head Highland honour horse Interleaved Set Inverara James James Ballantyne King Knight of Ardenvohr lady Laird Latin Legend Loch London looked Lord Menteith lordship low countries Lowland MacCallan MacDonald Magnum Major Dalgetty manuscript military Mist Monro Montrose's motto mountain noble occasions ODEP person Perthshire pike plaid Presbyterian present Prince proof correction proverbial punctuation Ranald MacEagh rank regiment replied respect Ritt-master royalist Scotland Scots Scottish shew Sir Dugald Sir Duncan Campbell soldier Swedish sword tion Wars of Montrose Waverley Novels whilk words wound