The Journey from Chester to LondonWilkie and Robinson, 1811 - 622 pages |
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abbey abbot afterwards Alban's antient arches arms Baron beard beautiful Bedford bequethe bestowed bishop bishop of Lichfield built buried called castle chapel Charles Cheshire church Countess Countess of Bedford Coventry daughter death dedicated to St died Digby dress Dugdale Duke duke of Hereford Earl Earl of Bedford Earl of Mercia Edward Edward III elegant Erdeswik Esquire figure Francis full-length Grey hair hand head Henry VI Henry VIII honor inscription James Kent king knight lady Landscape length Lichfield Lord manor marriage Mary master miles monks monument Nantwich noble nobleman Northampton painted parish parlement Pentlowe portrait possessed present prince priory Queen Elizabeth reign of Henry Richard road Robert robes Roman royal ruff Saron seat shew side Sir John Sir Thomas Sir William soul Stafford sterlinge stiled stone tion tomb tower town tyme Vandyck Verulamium wardins Warwick wife yowr graces
Popular passages
Page 481 - I offer my mind any inferior consolation to supply this loss. No ; I most willingly forsake this world, this vexatious, troublesome world, in which I have no other business, but to rid my soul from sin, secure by faith and a good conscience my eternal interests, with patience and courage bear my eminent misfortunes, and ever hereafter be above the smiles and frowns of it.
Page 238 - This ilke monk lette olde thinges pace, And held after the newe world the trace. He yave not of the text a pulled hen, That saith, that hunters ben not holy men...
Page 48 - To hoarse or mute, though fall'n on evil days, On evil days though fall'n, and evil tongues; In darkness, and with dangers compass'd round, And solitude...
Page 463 - But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers...
Page 235 - Norfolk was not fully set forward, when the king cast down his warder, and the heralds cried,
Page 187 - Whitchureh, twenty miles; the second day, to the Welsh Harp ; the third, to Coventry ; the fourth, to Northampton ; the fifth, to Dunstable ; and, as a wondrous effort, on the last, to London before the commencement of night. The strain and labor of six good horses, sometimes eight, drew us through the sloughs of Mireden, and many other places. We were constantly out two hours before day, and as late at night ; and in the depth of winter proportionably later.
Page 481 - I know I have deserved my punishment, and will be silent under it ; but yet secretly my heart mourns, too sadly, I fear, and cannot be comforted, because I have not the dear companion and sharer of all my joys and sorrows. I want him to talk with, to walk with, to eat and sleep with. All these things are irksome to me. The day unwelcome, and the night so too ; all company and meals I would avoid, if it might be...
Page 500 - In days of old here Ampthill's towers were seen, The mournful refuge of an injur'd queen. Here flow'd her pure, but unavailing tears; Here blinded zeal sustain'd her sinking years. Yet Freedom hence her radiant banners wav'd, And love aveng'da realm by priests enslav'd. From Catherine's wrongs a nation's bliss was spread, And Luther's light from Henry's lawless bed.
Page 75 - The cottage, instead of being half covered with miserable thatch, is now covered with a substantial covering of tiles or slates, brought from the distant hills of Wales or Cumberland. The fields, which before were barren, are now drained, and by the assistance of manure, conveyed on the canal toll-free, are clothed with a beautiful verdure.
Page 187 - Whitchurch, twenty miles ; the second day to the " Welsh Harp," the third to Coventry, the fourth to Northampton, the fifth to Dunstable; and, as a wondrous effort, on the last to London before the commencement of the night. The strain and labour of six horses, sometimes eight, drew us through the slough of Mireden and many other places.