A SELECT COLLECTION OF ENGLISH SONGS, WITH THEIR ORIGINAL AIRS: AND A HISTORICAL ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF NATIONAL SONG, BY THE LATE JOSEPH RITSON, Esq. IN THREE VOLUMES. THE SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDITIONAL SONGS AND OCCASIONAL NOTES. By THOMAS PARK, F. S. A. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, Рно! pox o'this nonsense, I prithee give o'er, Let finical fops play the fool and the ape ; They dare not confide in the juice of the grape : B 'Tis wine, only wine, that true pleasure bestows; Our joys it increases, and lightens our woes; Remember what topers of old us'd to sing, 'The man that is drunk is as great as a king.' If Cupid assaults you, there's law for his tricks; What's life but a frolic, a song, and a laugh ? SONG II. "ROUND O." BETTER our heads than hearts should ake, Wine sweetens all the cares of peace, Better our heads than hearts should ake, SONG III. SOME say women are like the seas, Some the waves, and some the rocks; Some the rose that soon decays; Some the weather, and some the cocks: As wine, wine, women and wine, they run in a parallel. Women are witches, when they will, So is wine, so is wine; 'Tis wine, wine, women and wine, they run in a parallel. What is't that makes your visage so pale ? 'Tis wine will make you sick when you're well; 'Tis women that make your forehead to swell: 'Tis wine, wine, women and wine, they run in a parallel. SONG IV. THE women all tell me I'm false to my lass, That I quit my poor Chloe, and stick to my glass; But to you men of reason, my reasons I'll own; |