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" When daffodils begin to peer, With heigh ! the doxy over the dale, Why, then comes in the sweet o' the year; For the red blood reigns in the winter's pale. The white sheet bleaching on the hedge, With heigh ! the sweet birds, O, how they sing! Doth set... "
Songs from the Dramatists - Page 92
edited by - 1854 - 268 pages
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The Works of Shakespeare, Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 456 pages
...[Exeunt. SCENE changes to the Country. Enter AutolicusyS»g7«g-. TJ7"HE N daffodils liegin to peere, rr With, heigh ! the doxy over the dale, Why, then comes in the fweet a' th' year ; For the red blood reigns in the 'winter's pale. The tahitejheet bleaching on the...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 586 pages
...ourfelves. Exeunt. SC EN EH. Chqnget, 'to the Ccunfry. •'Enter WH EN daffodils begin to peere* . With, heigh! the doxy over the dale, Why, then comes in the fweet o'th' year; For the red blood re'tfns in the winter's pale 7. The * Hut 1 fear the Angh.] Mr.-...
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Mr. William Shakespeare: His Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 402 pages
...ourfelves. [ExcuntSCENE II. The fame. Fields near the Shsp herd's, ' Enter AUToLICUS, fenging. Awr. When daffodils begin to peer, — with, heigh, the doxy over the dale, ~* why, then comes in thefujeet o'tbe year ; for the red blood reigns in the winter' sp ale. The white jheet bleaching on...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 472 pages
...WHEN dafladils begin to peere, With, heigh ! the- doxy over the dale,Why then comes in the fweet o'th' year ; For the red blood reigns in the winter's pale. The white fheet bleaching an the hedge, With, hey ! the fweet birds, O how they fing T Dotli fet my pugging tooth...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Twelve Volumes: Collated with the ..., Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1772 - 334 pages
...dafFadils begin to peere, With, heigh ! the doxy over the Jale, Why then comes in the fweet o' th* year ; For the red blood reigns in the winter's pale. The white fheet bleaching on the hedge, With, hey ! the fweet birds^O how they fingj Doth fet my pugging tooth...
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The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 458 pages
...tiurfon tbithtr. SCENE changes to the Country. Enter Autolicus, finging WHEN daffadils begin to peere, With, heigh ! the doxy over the dale, Why then comes in the fweet o'th' year ; For the red blood reigns in the winter's pale. * The white ftieet bleaching on the...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes: With Corrections ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1778 - 632 pages
...! —We muft difguife ourfelves. [Exeunt* SCENE II. The Country. Enter Autolycm * -finding. tyi:en daffodils begin to peer, • With, heigh ! the doxy over the dale?*-? Why, then comes in the fweet tithe year ; For the red bkod reigns in the winter s pale- 4. the, J Autolytits 3 Auiolycus was...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 586 pages
...ourfelves. [Exeunt. SCENE II. fire fame. A Road near the Shepherd's Cottage. Enter AUTOLYCUS*. Jlnging. When daffodils begin to peer, — With, heigh ! the doxy over the dale,— Why, then tomes in the jkueet a' the year ; Far the red blood reigns in the winter's pale J. 9 But, I fear the...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ...

William Shakespeare - 1793 - 646 pages
...Jinging. Wben daffodils begin to peer* With, beigh ! the doxy over the dale,— > then comes in the fiveet o' the year; For the red blood reigns in the -winter's pale* * ——fame queftion ] ie fome talk. See Vol. IV. p. •263, n. 8. MALONE. 5 Autoljcus,'] Autalycui...
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Works, Containing His Plays and Poems: To which is Added a Glossary, Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1797 - 644 pages
...ourfelves. [Exeunt i SCENE II. The fame. A Road near the Shepherd's Cottage. Enter AVTOL revs, fmging. When daffodils begin to peer, With, heigh ! the doxy over the dale, — Why, then comes in the fweet d1 the year ; For the red blood reigns in the winter s pale; The -white Jheet bleaching on the...
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