i DISSERTATION ON THE PROPHECIES, THAT HAVE BEEN FULFILLED, ARE NOW FULFILLING, OR WILL RELATIVE TO THE GREAT PERIOD OF 1260 YEARS; THE PAPAL AND MOHAMMEDAN APOSTACIES; AND THE RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN APPENDIX BY THE REV. GEORGE STANLEY FABER, B. D. Second American from the second London Edition. IN TWO VOLUMES. 2 vols, is 1. VOL. I. "Shut up the Words, and seal the Book, even to the time of the end: many NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY M. AND W. WARD, AND EVERT DUYCKINCK. George Long, printer. 1811 TO THE HONOURABLE AND RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GOD, SHUTE BARRINGTON, LL. D. LORD BISHOP OF DURHAM. MY LORD, THE kindness which I have uniformly experienced, particularly in a late instance, from your Lordship, encourages me to request permission to place the following Work under your protection. It treats of a subject peculiarly interesting to every serious Protestant: for the famous period of 1260 prophetic days, so frequently mentioned by Daniel and St. John, comprehends the tyrannical reign of those three great opponents of the Gospel, Popery, Mohammedism, and Infidelity. This period indeed may not improperly be styled the permitted hour of the powers of darkness ; since the true Church is represented as being in an afflicted and depressed state during the whole of its continuance, and since its expiration will be marked by a signal display of the judgments of God upon his enemies and by the commencement of a new and happy order of things. In the subject which I have chosen so many eminent me, that I fear my choice of it expositors hay 33 have preceded i ני |