But going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts, talking well, and drawing fine pictures of it, — this is so far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form a habit of it, in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind in a contrary... Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind - Page 475by Dugald Stewart - 1813 - 509 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Joseph Butler (bp. of Durham.) - 1740 - 488 pages
...himfclf, is a virtuous Act. All thefe, therefore, may and will contribute towards forming good Habits. But going over the Theory of Virtue in one's Thoughts,...talking well, and drawing fine Pictures, of it ; this is fo far from neceflarily or certainly conducing to form an Habit of it, in him who thus employs himfelf... | |
 | Joseph Butler - 1804 - 462 pages
...himself, is a virtuous act. All these, therefore, may and will contribute towards forming good habits. But going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts,...far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form an habit of it in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind in a contrary course, and... | |
 | 1810 - 596 pages
...formed by any external course of action, otherwise than as it proceeds from these principles," &c. " But going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts,...far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form an habit of it in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind to a contrary course, and... | |
 | 1810 - 612 pages
...by any external course of action, other, wise than as it proceeds from these principles," &c. " But going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts, talking •well, and drawing tine pictures of it ; this is so far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form an habit of it... | |
 | 1811 - 872 pages
...this subject; for, as Bishop Butler has most acutely and usefully remarked, in the same chapter ; " going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts,...far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form an tiabit of it in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind in a contrary course,... | |
 | 1811 - 868 pages
...this subject ; for, as Bishop Butler has most acutely and usefully remarked, in the same chapter ; " going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts,...far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form an habit of it in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind in a contrary course, and... | |
 | Joseph Butler - 1813 - 496 pages
...is a virtuous act. All these, therefore, may and will contribute towards forming good habits. But, going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts,...far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form an habit of it in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind ill a contrary course,... | |
 | Daniel Wilson - 1818 - 594 pages
...real conversion. But all this ie nothing. fc The going over the theory of virtue," says Bishop Butler, "in one's thoughts, talking well, and drawing fine...far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form an habit of it in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind in a contrary course, and... | |
 | Joseph Butler (bp. of Durham.) - 1819 - 362 pages
...is a virtuous act. All these, therefore, may and will contribute towards forming good habits. But, going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts,...far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form an habit of it in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind in a contrary course, and... | |
 | Joseph Butler, Samuel Hallifax - 1819 - 260 pages
...good habits. Cut going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts, talking well, s--ii /;~uwir:£ fine pictures of it, — this is so far from necessarily or certainly conducing to form an habit of it, in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind in a contrary course,... | |
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