Forster, Mr., his analyses of Foote's Comedies, 207. Gay and Swift, 56.
Animated Nature, 314, 315; Assemblies in the last century, 233; Ballad-singer, 306; Birth of, 252; Blackstone, his neigh- bour, 286; Borrowing and Pay- ing, 307; Boswell's jealousy, 324; Boyhood, 255; Burial-place in the Temple, 298; Burke, fellow- student, 259; Campbell, Dr., on, 268; Canonbury Tower, Islington, 277; Characteristics, Personal Traits, and Opinions, 299-330, Chastises a Publisher, 321; Choice of a Profession, 260; Citizen of the World, 272; "Club, the," 281; Club at Ballymahon, 261; Clubs and Taverns, 273; Cock-lane Ghost pamphlet, 273; College Life, 258; Colman the younger, 306; Colman's management, 285; Compilations, various,
Cradock, his friend, 289; Cum- berland repaid, 329; "Deserted Village, the," 253, 282; Devil Tavern, 273; Dies in Brick- court, 292; Dinner at Dilly's, 323; Dispute with Dr. John- son, 323; Druggist's assistant in Monument-yard, 264; Early Rhymes, 257; Enquiry into Polite Learning, 270; Evans, the publisher, thrashed, 321; Failure at Surgeon's Hall, 268; Family of the Goldsmiths, 251; Fiddleback, his horse, 260; Forster's account of Goldsmith's landlady, 274; Funeral in the Temple churchyard, 295; Gar- rick's sensitiveness, 304; Globe Tavern, 275; Goëthe on the Vicar of Wakefield, 277; Gold- smith, Charles, at Somers Town, 310; Good-natured Man produced, 269; Gray's-Inn Chambers, 279; Grecian and the Globe, 283; Green Arbour- court Lodging, 270; Harris of
Salisbury, 325; Haunch of Venison, the, 317; Histories of Greece, Rome and England, 315, 316; Health declines, 288; Hornecks the Jessamy Bride, 325; Hung up in History, 306; Hyde Farm, 289; Inde- pendence, 309; Irving, Forster, and Macaulay, 301; James's Fever Powders, 293; Jessamy Bride, 294; Johnson, Dr., 285, 294; Johnson's Epitaph, 296; Johnson, Scott, and Byron, and Lord Dudley, 300; Judge Day's Recollections, 287; Lines by Angelica Kauffmann, 326; Lissoy, 253; "Literary Club, the," 282; Love of Dress, 313; Macaulay's description, 255; Magazine Contributions, 271; Medical practice, 287; Memo- rials, 296; Mistake at Bath, 303; Mistake of a Night, 256; Monthly Review, 267; Natural History, 290; Newbery, the publisher, 272; Newcastle ar- rest, 261; Northcote's Recol- lections, 318; Northumberland, Earl of, 281; Old Supper-house in Soho, 320; Pallismore house, 253; Public Ledger started, 273; Retaliation, 291; Return to England, 264; Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 305; Reynolds's visit to Canonbury, 280; Richard- son's reader, 265; Schools, 256; School-days, early, 254; Scribbling for Bread in a Garret, 311; Secretaryship of the So- ciety of Arts, 305; She Stoops to Conquer, 256, 283; Sheridan dramatizes the Vicar of Wake- field, 329; Shoemaker's Holi- day, 282; Smollett and British Magazine, 273; Strange Com- pany with Shuter, 308; Supping at the Mitre, 307; Temple Chambers, 285; Tenure-custom, 252; Thackeray's tribute, 302; Tragedy written, 265; Travels to Leyden, 261, 262; Traveller, the, 279; Trinity College,
Dublin, Goldsmith at, 258; Ugolino suggested to Reynolds, 288; Usher at Peckham, 266; Vauxhall Gardens, 289; Vicar of Wakefield, 275-277; Vol- taire, Fontenelle, and Diderot, 263; Walpole, Chatterton, and Goldsmith, 327; Walpole's de- traction, 303; Walpole's mis- take, 284; Washington Irving at Green Arbour-court, 271; Westminster Abbey tablet, 297; "When lovely Woman stoops to Folly," 312; White Conduit House, 278; Who wrote Goody Two Shoes? 316; Wine-office- court Supper, 272; "Written Mountains," 266; Young, Dr., 265.
Goodrich church and Dean Swift, Grub-street account of the Duchess of Kingston, 233. Gulliver's Travels, 51-54. Halifax's Court Letter, 29. Hannay's Satire and Satirists,
Haymarket Theatre, account of the, 236.
Johnson, Dr., and Samuel Foote, 224-227.
Kingston, Duchess of, her quarrel with Foote, 228-234. Kit-Kat Portraits, 149, 150. Mackintosh, Sir J., on the Tale of a Tub, 19.
Macklin, 204, 205, 207, 208. Marley Abbey and Vanessa, 44. Mayor of Garrett, Election of,
Multiplication Table," Steele's,
Newton, Sir Isaac, and Swift, 85. Oratory ridiculed by Foote, 214. Oxford, Earl of, and Swift, 47, 118.
Partridge and Swift, 24, 25. Political Intrigue in Swift's days, 32.
Pope's first letter to Swift, 36. Pope, Tickell, and Phillips, and the Guardian, 145. Punch at Oxford, 126-188.
Queen Anne's Bounty, 21. Rabelais and Swift, 103. Savage and Steele, 178, 179. Scotland, Steele in, 159, 160, 161, 163.
Scott, Sir W., his Life of Swift,
Sidi Hamet's Rod, 27. South Sea Bubble and Swift, 45. Spectator started, 140-142. Spectator, Forster and Macaulay, on, 141, 142.
Addison at Oxford, 125; After Marriage, 133; Ancestry, 122; Beau Fielding, 183; Birth of, 221; Bloomsbury-square, 156; Boevey, Mrs., 181,182; Button's Coffee-house, 151; Character- istics, Personal Traits, and Opinions, 179-186; Charter- house, at, 123; Christian Hero, 128; Conscious Lovers, 166; Controversy with Swift, 153; Correspondence, Extracts from, 143-137 ; Coverley House- hold, 143; Courtship, second, 130; Cutts, Lord, 127; Death at Carmarthen, 168; Dennis, controversy with, 173, 174; Dick Eastcourt, character of, 171; Don Saltero's at Chelsea, 184; Dying, Modes of, 177; Edinburgh, Journey to, 159; Edinburgh, Reception in, 161; Edinburgh revisited, 163; En- lists in the Horse Guards, 127; Father dies, 123; Forster and Macaulay, on, 170; Friends with Addison, 176; Friendship for Savage, 179; Funeral and Lying Lover, 129; Guardian started, 144; Hampton Court, 136, 156; Haverstock Hill Cottage, 156; Hoadly, Bishop, at Blenheim, 175; Irish Under- Secretaryship, 137; Kit-Kat Club, 149, 150; Lady Steele dies, 163; Ladies' Library, 183; "Liveries," 179; Love for Love, 149; Macaulay's de- preciation, 139, 158; Marriage,
First, 129; Medical Confession, 150; Mendicants' Feast, 164; Monument to, 169; "Multipli cation Table," 147; Oxford, at, 125; Packingtons, of West- wood, 143; Parliament, re- turned to, 145; "Perverse Widow," who was she? 180; Play, First, 128; Players at Drury-lane, 148; "Poor Dick," 177; Portraits, 186; Portraits, Kit-Kat, 149; Practical Chris- tianity, 147; Presbyterians, 164; Puppet-shows and Punch, 126; Quarrel with Addi- son, 157; Quarrel with Swift,
153; Retires to Wales, 167; Savage, dinner to, 178; Sir Roger de Coverley, 142; Spec- tator started, 140-142; Tatler started, 137-140; Tatler's Club, 152; Thackeray and Steele's Charter-house days, 124; "Tower of Repentance,' 165; Trumpet in Shire-lane, 138, 152; Wales, retires to, 167; Whiston, 173; Whig Meeting, Great, 151; Will's and the Grecian, 137; Woman, homage to, 175; York-buildings speculation, 165.
Steele, Lord Chancellor, 122. Stella, (Esther Johnson,) 11, 17,
Stella to Swift, lines, 46.
Addison, 107; Anglo-Latin and Anglo-English, 107; An- tipathy to Projectors, 45; Asparagus eating, 7; Auto- graph, 3; Bargaining with the publishers, 55; Barton, Miss, 119; Battle of the Books, 10; Beggars' Opera, 56; Beggars' Wedding, 97; Benevolence, 83; Bettesworth, Serjeant, 66; Birthplace in Dublin, 2; Bishop of Kilmore, 99; Blunder, Odd, 109; Bonhomie, 89; "Both Sides of the Question," 34; Broadsides and Punch, 111;
Burial-place, 72; Burlington, Lady, 99; Busts, 74; Button's Coffee-house, 37, 38; Carlow Church, 96; Carriage started, 98; Characteristics, Personal Traits, and Opinions, 77-121; Chelsea lodgings, and buns, 26; Childhood, 2; Clerical Race, 34; Clubs and Coffee-houses, 37; College life, 5; Company, how Swift tried, 100; Conver- sation, 110; Court Letter, model, 28; Criticism hazarded, 109; Dean defended, 62; Deanery obtained, 33; Disap- pointment, Early, 3; Drapier's Letters, 48; Dryden, cousin, 8; Eclipse Hoax, 96; Examiner, 23, 28; Family, 1; Faulkner, Alderman, 7; Favour, high, 35; Favoured Fair Correspon- dent, 101; Fifty New Churches in London, 21; First Satire, 10; Footman, 95; Fox, C. J., 80; Genius and character, 120 Grub-street, 111; Gulliver's Travels, 51–54, 55; Harrison, sympathy for, 31; Hoax, bene- ficial, 89; Hoey's-court, Dublin, house in, 2; "" Hospital for In- curables," 111; Household, 67; Independence, 77; Ingratitude to, 90; Irony, 105; Johnson, Dr., 108; Jonathan born, 1; Journal to Stella, 22, 23, 27; Julius Cæsar, person of, 86; Kilroot charge, the, 84; Lara- cor, journey to, 14; Last in England, 57; Last Epigram, 107; Last illness, 68-72, 115; Laugh, did Swift ever? 92; Literature befriended, 78; Loss of Friends, 64; Love of Low Life, 96; Macaulay and Swift, 117; Marley Abbey, 44; Mason, Monck, 80; Memory, 113; Me- morials, 73; Miniatures, 74; Misanthropy, 79; Mock Court of Law, 65; Mohocks, the, 41; Moor Park, 6, 81; Mother dies, 25; Motte, the publisher, 55 "Naboth's Vineyard," 98;
Newton, Sir Isaac, 85; October Club, 40; Orrery, Lord, his Remarks, 92; Outwitted, 86; Oxford, verses at, 8; Oxford, Earl of, 47, 118; Parsimony, 88; Partridge, the astrologer, 24; Pendarves, Mrs., Letters to, 101, 102; Pilkingtons, the, 100; Political Intrigue, 32; Political Pamphlet, first, 17 ; Pope's first letter, 36; Pope, parting from, 57; Pope, Swift, and Byron, 108; Popularity of the Dean, 50; Portraits, 74; Preferment, 14; Psyche, on, 112; Puns and Proverbs, 106; Rabelais, 103; Rhyme, worth of, 98: Riley, the farmer, 63; Roger Coxe, 16; St. James's Coffee-house, 38; St. Patrick's Hospital, 66; Saturday and Brothers' Club, 39; Schomberg Monument, the, 63; School at Kilkenny, 3; Scott, Sir W., vindicates, 84; Scribblerus Club, 40; Skulls of Stella and Swift, 115; Second Table at Moor Park, 83; Servants, 93; "Shut the Shaving, 117; Door," 94; Sidi Hamet's Rod, 27; South, Dr., 33; Stella dies, 58; Stella, lines by, 46; Stella removes to Ireland, 17; Stella, who was she? 11; Sur- geon at Cavan, 88; Swift, Godwin, 4, 6; Swift, Rev. Thomas, 4; Swift and Steele quarrel, 153; Swift, Theophilus, 6; Swift, William Dryden, 4; Swiftiana, 113, 114; Tale of a Tub, 4, 19; Tatler, the, esta- blished, 25, 140-142; Teasing, love of, 104; Temple, Sir W., death of, 9; Temple, Sir W., introduced to, 6; Toryism of Swift, 22; Tracts, 1708-9, 21; Trinity College, Dublin, 4;
Troublesome neighbour, 97; Vanessa, who was she? 41; Vanhomrighs, 41, 42, 43; Va- rina, who was she? 12; Veri- similitude, 110; Verses, 107; Verses on his Death, 76; Vicar- age at Laracor, 16; Walpole's injustice, 60; Waryng, college chum, 5; Weekly Rhyme, 110; Westminster Election, 26; Whiggism of Swift, 18; Why Swift did not marry, 91; Wilde's Closing Years, 2, 79, 116; William III. and aspara- gus, 7; Windsor Prophecy, 29, 30; Writing English, 112. Thackeray, Mr., and Sir R. Steele's schooldays, 124.
Thomas, Moy, his account of Savage, 181.
Vanessa and Swift, 41. Vanhomrighs, the, 42, 43. Varina and Swift, 12.
Willis's Notes on Sir Roger de Coverley, 143.
York Buildings, Steele's specula- tion at, 165
Goldsmith at Edinburgh, 386. Family and Gen. Wolfe, 389.
in the Temple, 388.
Statue, 389.
Vicar of Wakefield, 388.
Kit-Kat Club, the, 382.
Mayor of Garrett, Mock Election of, 385.
Miscellanies, by Foote, 390. Pope's last letter to Swift, 380. Steele in Parliament, 382. Swift baited by Bettesworth, 378. Temple, Sir W., at Sheen and Moor Park, 376. Vanhomrighs, the, 376.
Savill & Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.
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