Scotch gentleman told me (and faith, I believe he was right) that I was a very great pedant for my pains. Now I am come to the ladies; and to show that I love Scotland, and everything that belongs to so charming a country, I insist on it, and will give him leave to break my head that denies it, that the Scotch ladies are ten thousand times finer and handsomer than the Irish. To be sure, now, I see your sisters Betty and Peggy vastly surprised at my partiality; but tell them flatly, I don't value them, or their fine skins, or eyes, or good sense, or-a potato; for I say, and will maintain it, and as a convincing proof (I am in a great passion) of what I assert, the Scotch ladies say it themselves. But to be less serious; where will you find a language so prettily become a pretty mouth as the broad Scotch? And the women here speak it in its highest purity: for instance, teach one of your young ladies at home to pronounce the "Who ar wull I gong?" with a becoming widening of the mouth, and I'll lay my life they'll wound every hearer. 66 We have no such character here as a coquet, but alas! how many envious prudes! Some days ago, I walked into my Lord Kilconbry's (don't be surprised, my lord is but a glover), when the Duchess of Hamilton (that fair, who sacrificed her beauty to her ambition, and her inward peace to a title and gilt equipage) passed by in her chariot : her battered husband, or more properly, the guardian of her charms, sat by her side. Straight envy began, in the shape of no less than three ladies who sat with me, to find faults with her faultless form. "For my part," says the first, "I think, what I always thought, that the Duchess has too much of the red in her complexion." Madam, I am of your opinion," says the second. "I think her face has a pallid cast too much on the delicate order." "And let me tell you," added the third lady, whose mouth was puckered up to the size of an issue, "that the Duchess has fine lips, but she wants a mouth. At this every lady drew up her mouth as if going to pronounce the letter P. But, how ill, my Bob, does it become me to ridicule women with whom I have scarcely any correspondence? There are, 'tis certain, handsome women here; and 'tis as certain they have handsome men to keep them company. An ugly and a poor man is society only for himself; and such society the world lets me enjoy in great abundance. I leave you to your own choice what to write. While I live, know you have a true friend in Yours, &c., &c., OLIVER GOLDSMITH. P.S.-Give my sincere respects, (not compliments,) do you mind, to your agreeable family, and give my service to my mother, if you see her; for, as you express it in Ireland, I have a sneaking kindness for her still. Direct to me-Student in Physic, in Edinburgh. GOLDSMITH'S "VICAR OF WAKEFIELD."—(Page 277.) There is no end to the delight afforded by the Vicar of Wakefield. Moore read it to his wife Bessy, and notes: "What a gem it is! we both enjoyed it so much more than Joseph Anderson." Again: "finished the Vicar of Wakefield to Bessy; we both cried over it.” GOLDSMITH IN THE TEMPLE.-(Page 285.) Goldsmith did not remove direct from the Library Staircase, Inner Temple, to Brick-court, Middle Temple, but to Garden-court, in the latter Inn, and thence to Brick-court. It was in Garden-court that he sat at the window and watched the rooks; and whilst living here, he practised medicine for a short time, as described at page 287. THE GOLDSMITH FAMILY AND GENERAL WOLFE. In a paper of genealogical memoranda of the Poet's family, obligingly communicated by a Correspondent, we find the following note as to a Will of Edward Goldsmith, of the City of Limerick, Esq., dated 27th October, 1762, proved 10th December, 1764: leaving 1000l. to "my esteemed Kinsman, Major-General James Wolfe, payable on the death of my dearest and most esteemed aunt, Henrietta Wolfe, mother of the said General Wolfe," &c. It appears that General Wolfe, the hero of Quebec, died 19th September, 1759: he was the son of Colonel Edward Wolfe and Henrietta his wife, who, in Burke's Landed Gentry, vol. ii. p. 1389, is set down as daughter of Edward Thompson. STATUE OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH. In the year 1857, the admirers of Thomas Moore erected, by subscription, upon College-green, and close to Trinity College, Dublin, a Statue of this distinguished Poet. At the inauguration ceremony, on the 14th of October, in the above year, His Excellency the Earl of Carlisle stated Moore to be the first of "the sacred band of poets," to whom a statue had been erected in the open air in London or Dublin, and the Attorney-General O'Hagan further observed that Moore was the first Irishman of whom a statue had been set up in Dublin. It was subsequently suggested by the Earl of Carlisle that a similar memorial of Oliver Goldsmith should be placed in the same locality; His Excellency munificently contributed 1007. to the statue fund, and a Committee was formed to carry the design into effect; the Prince Consort heading the subscription list with a contribution of 1007. An essential part of the plan is to place the statue in such a site that, while it will connect the memory of the poet in a particular manner with the university in which he received his education, it may be open to the view of the inhabitants of Dublin, and be regarded by them as an ornament to the city. A site has been selected which will fulfil both these requirements, and has received the approbation of the Board of Trinity College. A considerable proportion of the necessary funds has already been subscribed; and the Committee have given directions for the execution of the statue by the eminent Irish sculptor, Mr. John H. Foley, R.A.; and the statuette has been completed, and was exhibited at the Royal Academy, in London, in 1860. The statue will be placed within the inclosure in front of Trinity College, and facing Collegegreen. The erection of these Memorials is highly honourable to the public spirit of the citizens of Dublin, and the admirers of the two Poets who have contributed to these tasteful commemorations of the genius of their country. It is proposed hereafter to place, in the same locality, a statue of that illustrious Irishman, Edmund Burke. MISCELLANIES, BY FOOTE. The original of Sir Matthew Mite (his father having been a cheesemonger,) was a General Smith, to whose countryhouse some one took Foote on their way to town: he slept there, and was treated with every civility by Smith; but said, before they were a hundred yards from his house, “I think I can't possibly miss him now, having had such a good sitting." A canting sort of lady said, “Pray, Mr. Foote, do you ever go to church ?" "No, madam," replied Foote; "not that I see any harm in it.” Tarring and Feathering.-You are found in tar and feathers for nothing. "When properly mixed," says Foote, "they make a genteel kind of dress: it is very light, keeps out the rain, and sticks extremely close to the skin." Wedderburn, (Lord Loughborough,) though he loved society, never shone in it. "What can he mean," cried Foote, by coming among us? He is not only dull himself, but the cause of dulness in others." Yet, to men of genius he was uniformly kind, and showed himself the enlightened and generous protector of literary merit. E INDEX. Addison and Steele at Oxford, 125. Battle of the Books, 10. Chambers's Domestic Annals of COLMAN, GEORGE: Avarice of Lord Bath, 340; the, 341; Clive's, Kitty, Letter, 344; Colman, Francis, COLMAN, GEORGE: (cont.) 346; Horace's Art of Poetry, COLMAN, GEORGE, THE YOUNGER: COLMAN, GEORGE, THE YOUNGER : 321. Don Saltero's Museum, and Coffee- FOOTE, SAMUEL: Advantage of being in Debt, English Aristophanes, the,' FOOTE, SAMUEL: the Bedford, 203; Garrick's |