SaleAnderson Galleries, 1917 |
N Y 1894 The Romance and Tragedy of a widely known | 45 |
River Thames from its Source in Gloucester to the Nore | 70 |
frey Crayon Gent With steel portrait and a great number | 109 |
Autograph presentation copy from the author | 42 |
ingston With an Introduction by George Bancroft 2 por | 114 |
Campbells Gertrude of Wyoming Subjects from British | 43 |
Istria with Cettigne in Montenegro and the Island of Grado | 42 |
Michel de Marillac Compositions par J P Laurense gravée | 55 |
LEWIS The Bargain Book Illustrated 8vo cloth gilt | 71 |
IMITATION of Christ à Kempis Lond 1898 | 44 |
Etchings by John Leech Vols 16 Jan 1845 to Dec 1847 | 47 |