Earl of Northumberland, Lords on King Henry's. side. Earl of Westmoreland, Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York. Edmund, Earl of Rutland, George, afterwards Duke of Clarence, Duke of Norfolk, Marquis of Montague, Earl of Warwick, Earl of Pembroke, Lord Hastings, Lord Stafford, Sir John Mortimer, his Sons. of the Duke of York's Sir Hugh Mortimer, Uncles to the Duke of York. Henry, Earl of Richmond, a Youth. Lord Rivers, Brother to Lady Grey. Sir William Stanley. Sir John Montgomery. Sir John Somerville. Tutor to Rutland. Mayor of York. Lieutenant of the Tower. A Nobleman. Two Keepers. A Huntsman. A Son that has killed his Father. A Father that has killed his Son. Queen Margaret. Lady Grey, afterwards Queen to Edward IV. Soldiers, and other Attendants on King Henry and King SCENE, during Part of the Third Act, in France; during all the rest of the Play, in England. SCENE 1. LONDON. The PARLIAMENT-HOUSE. Drums. Some Soldiers of YORK's Party break in. Then enter the DUKE of YORK, EDWARD, RICHARD, NORFOLK, MONTAGUE, WARWICK, and others, with white Roses in their Hats. War. I WONDER how the king escap'd our hands. York. While we pursu'd the horsemen of the north, He slily stole away, and left his men: Whereat the great lord of Northumberland, I cleft his beaver with a downright blow; [Showing his bloody Sword. Mont. And, brother, here's the earl of Wiltshire's Which now the house of Lancaster usurps, York. Assist me then, sweet Warwick, and I will; For hither we have broken in by force. Norf. We'll all assist you; he, that flies, shall die. York. Thanks, gentle Norfolk,-Stay by me, my lords; And, soldiers, stay, and lodge by me this night. War. And, when the king comes, offer him no violence, Unless he seek to thrust you out by force. [They retire. York. The queen, this day, here holds her parliament, But little thinks, we shall be of her council: By words or blows, here let us win our right. Rich. Arm'd, as we are, let's stay within this house.. War. The bloody parliament shall this be call'd, Unless Plantagenet, duke of York, be king; And bashful Henry depos'd, whose cowardice Hath made us by-words to our enemies. York. Then leave me not, my lords; be resolute; I mean to take possession of my right. War. Neither the king, nor he that loves him best, Dares stir a wing, if Warwick shake his bells. Flourish. Enter KING HENRY, CLIFFORD, NORTHUMBERLAND, WESTMORELAND, EXETER, and others, with red Roses in their Huts. K. Hen. My lords, look where the sturdy rebel sits, Even in the chair of state! belike, he means (Back'd by the power of Warwick, that false peer), To aspire unto the crown, and reign as king.Earl of Northumberland, he slew thy father;- [venge And thine, lord Clifford; and you both have vow'd reOn him, his sons, his favourites, and his friends. North. If I be not, heavens, be reveng'd on me! Cliff. The hope thereof makes Clifford mourn in steel. West. What,shall we suffer this? let's pluck him down: My heart for anger burns, I cannot brook it. K. Hen. Be patient, gentle earl of Westmoreland. Cliff. Patience is for poltroons, and such as he; He durst not sit there, had your father liv'd. My gracious lord, here in the parliament Let us assail the family of York. North. Well hast thou spoken, cousin; be it so. K. Hen. Ah, know you not, the city favours them, And they have troops of soldiers at their beck? Exe. But when the duke is slain, they'll quickly fly. K. Hen. Far be the thought of this from Henry's heart, To make a shambles of the parliament-house! Cousin of Exeter, frowns, words, and threats, Shall be the war that Henry means to use. [They advance to the Duke. Thou factious duke of York, descend my throne, And kneel for grace and mercy at my feet; I am thy sovereign. York. Thou art deceiv'd, I am thine. Exe. For shame, come down; he made thee duke of York. York. "Twas my inheritance, as the earldom was. In following this usurping Henry. Cliff. Whom should he follow, but his natural king? War. True, Clifford ; and that's Richard, duke of York. K. Hen. And shall I stand, and thou sit in my throne? York. It must and shall be so. Content thyself. War. Be duke of Lancaster, let him be king. West. He is both king and duke of Lancaster: And that the lord of Westmoreland shall maintain. War. And Warwick shall disprove it. You forget, That we are those, which chas'd you from the field, And slew your fathers, and with colours spread March'd through the city to the palace gates. North. Yes, Warwick, I remember it to my grief; And, by his soul, thou and thy house shall rue it. West. Plantagenet, of thee, and these thy sons, Thy kinsmen, and thy friends, I'll have more lives, Than drops of blood were in my father's veins. Cliff Urge it no more; lest that, instead of words, I send thee, Warwick, such a messenger, As shall revenge his death, before I stir. War. Poor Clifford! how I scorn his worthless threats! York. Will you, we show our title to the crown? If not, our swords shall plead it in the field. K. Hen. What title hast thou, traitor, to the crown? Thy father was, as thou art, duke of York; Thy grandfather, Roger Mortimer, earl of March: Who made the dauphin and the French to stoop, War. Talk not of France, sith thou hast lost it all. Father, tear the crown from the usurper's head. Let's fight it out, and not stand cavilling thus. [fly. |