| William Shakespeare - 1806 - 412 pages
...heaven drowsy with the harmony. Never durst poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's sighs ; O, then his lines would ravish...proves excellent: Then fools you were, these women to forssvear; Or, keeping what is sworn, you will prove fools. For wisdom's sake, a word that all men... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1807 - 322 pages
...heaven drowsy with the harmony. Never durst poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's sighs ; O, then his lines would ravish...world ; Else, none at all in aught proves excellent : Or, keeping what is sworn, you will prove fools. For wisdom's sake, a word that all men love ; Or... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1811 - 452 pages
...heaven drowsy with the harmony. Kever durst poet tonch a pen to write, Until hts ink were temper'd with love's sighs ; O, then his lines would ravish...sparkle still the right Promethean fire; They are the hooks, the arts, the academes. That show, contain, and nourish all the world; Else, none at all in... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1810 - 418 pages
...heaven drowsy with the harmony.8 Never durst poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were tempered with love's sighs ; O, then his lines would ravish...world; Else, none at all in aught proves excellent : TThen fools you were these women to forswear ; Or, keeping what is sworn, you will prove fools. For... | |
 | Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 pages
...Never durst poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were tempered with love's sight: O then his eyes would ravish savage ears, And plant in tyrants mild...world ; Else, none at all in aught proves excellent. ff'ite Men greatest Fools in Love. Ri. None are so surely caught, when they are catch'd As wit turn'd... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1824 - 380 pages
...Makes heaven drowsy with the harmony. Never durst poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink werotemper'd with love's sighs ; O, then his lines would ravish...still the right Promethean fire; They are the books, thearts, the academes, That show, contain, and nourish all the world; Else, none at allin aught proves... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1828 - 378 pages
...heaven drowsy with the harmony. Never durst poct touch a pen to write, Until his ink were tcmper'd with love's sighs ; O, then his lines would ravish...contain, and nourish all the world ; Else, none at all in anght proves excellent : Then fools you were these women to forswear ; Or, keeping what is sworn, you... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1831 - 502 pages
...; O, then his lines would ravish savage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility. From women's eves this doctrine I derive : They sparkle still the right...aught proves excellent : Then fools you were these womt-n to forswear; Or, keeping what is sworn, you will prove foou. For wisdom's sake, a word that... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1831 - 542 pages
...ravish savage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility. From woman's eyes this doctrine I derive : TTtey the printers f the old copy. Yet eitremo gusts will blow out Aro and all : So those women to forswear ; Or, keeping what is sworn, you will prove fools. For wisdom's sake, a word... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1838 - 1130 pages
...heaven drowsy with the harmony. Never durst poet touch a pen to write. Until his ink were tempcr'd á Ǝ # ' ... U ˳ # r 䁀 shew, contain, and nourish all the world ; Else, none at all in ought proves excellent : Then fools... | |
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