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Imitated by Mr. P RIO R.

Tudious, the bufie Moments to deceive,


That fleet between the Cradle and the Grave,

I credit what the Grecian Dictates fay,

And Samian Sounds o'er Scotia's Hills convey. When mortal Man refigns his tranfient Breath, The Body only I give o'er to Death:

The Parts diffolv'd and broken Frame I mourn; What came from Earth, I fee to Earth return: The Immaterial Part, th' Etherial Soul,

Nor can Change vanquish, nor can Death controul:

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Qualia conveniunt Divis, Queis fata volebant

Vitai faciles molliter ire vias,

Vinaque Calicolis media inter gaudia libo,

Et me quid majus fufpicor effe viro.

Sed fuerint nulli, forfan, quos fpondeo, cæli,

Nullaque fint Ditis Numina, nulla Jovis ;

Fabula fit terris agitur quæ vita relictis,

Quique fuperftes, Homo, qui nihil, efto Deus.

Attamen effe hilares & inanes mittere curas

Proderit, ac vita commoditate frui,

Et feftos agitaffe dies, avique fugacis

Tempora perpetuis detinuiffe jocis.


Glad I release it from its Partner's Cares,
And bid good Angels waft it to the Stars.
Then in the flowing Bowl I drown thofe Sighs,'
Which Spite of Wisdom from our Weakness rise;
The Draught to the Dead's Mem'ry I commend,
And offer to the now immortal Friend.

But if oppos'd to what my Thoughts approve,
Nor Pluto's Rage there be, nor Pow'r of Jove,
On its dark Side, if thou the Prospect take,
Grant all forgot beyond black Lethe's Lake:
In total Death suppose the Mortal lye,
No new Hereafter, nor a future Sky;

Yet bear thy Lot content, yet ceafe to grieve;
Why, e'er Death comes, do'st thou forbear to live?
The little Time, thou haft 'twixt Inftant now
And Death's Approach, is all the Gods allow;
And of this little haft thou ought to spare
To fad Reflection, and Corroding Care?

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His me parentem præceptis occupet Orcus;

• Et mors feu Divum, feu nibil effe velit.

Nam Sophia Ars illa eft quæ fallere fuaviter horas

Admonet, atque orci non timuiffe minas.

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