Then with a Curt'fy took her leave,: And thank'd him for the Wit he gave: And going homeward, on her way Her Coufin Nan discover'd foon, And what a stock of Wit he had. Then fays, Dear Coufin, let me crave, Pray whence got you the Wit you have? Why Why Faith! to tell the truth, quoth she, How, Lucy cries, my Brother Jo! Or which way could be, good now Nanny, Ask your own Mother, he can tell, Your Mother knows this Truth full well, ON Mrs. BARBIERE'S First Appearance on the Stage at the Rehearsal of Almahide. N° By the fame Hand. Pleasure now from Nicolini's Tongue, On a Fair Syren we have fix'd our Choice, When lo! the Nymph by bashful Awe betray'd! Her faultring Tongue denies her Looks its Aid; But fo much Innocence adorns her Fears, And with fuch Grace her Modesty she wears; ON A Book written by a married Man, Entituled, The Pleasures of Ma trimony. Sent to the Author: its Weight, HO can but fmile, when those, that feel WHO [State? Take Pains to recommend the Nuptial Thus Ducks decoy'd themselves their kindred [cheat, And strive to ease their own, by others Fate. One One while the rants with never-ceafing Voice; Jove's loudest Thunder makes a smaller Noise: ! Next Moment she employs her fofter Airs, ⠀ ⠀ And like th' Hyana drops diffembling Tears: Pride, Jealoufie, Revenge have each their share, And all the Plagues of Life by turns appear. Th'unmarried Youth no anxious Cares moleft, No Sorrows difcompofe his peaceful Breast; His Heart and Thoughts are as his Perfon free, And Pleasure courts him with Variety. With sparkling Wines he oft revives his Soul, And drowns all Trouble in the Cordial Bowl: Then finds fome Nymph who freely yields her [Heart, And ftrives to eafe the faithful Lover's Smart; Who thinks her Kindness Charm enough to move, And scorns all other Bonds, but those of Love. Nor's |