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If all the bluft'ring Winds fhou'd fwell the Seas,
Nor intervening Gods their Rage appease,
Since bold Leander brav'd their loud Alarms, :)
The Light extinct which led to Hero's Arms;
Wou'd you those snowy Arms around me caft,
I'd bear them all, and grafp my Treasure fast.
Here, tho' luxuriant Vines oppress the Land,
And Rivers ebb and flow, when we command;
Tho' univerfal Nature feems to fmile,

Scarce can I think I view my native Soil:
O'er Sythian Wilds, and Caucafus. I rove;
All, without you, muft Rocks and Defarts prove.
Trees can enjoy their Loves ;---an Elm the Vine,
These I behold in ftrict Embraces twine;


Why then, ye cruel Powers, am I divorc'd from Absence, you swore, fhou'd ne'er disturb our Joys, By me you fwore, and by my Stars, your Eyes. Light as Autumnal Leaves are Female Vows, Shook and difpers'd with ev'ry Wind that blows!

If in your Heart I have the leaft Remains,
Or if my Paffion may deferve your Pains,
Oh hafte away---Let your fwift Chariot move,
As if 'twas born upon the Wings of Love;
Then, as you pass, let Mountains Homage pay,
And bow their Tow'ring Heads to smooth your

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Eres defires to know the wondrous Cause

Why Arethusa now a Fountain flows.

[ftood, The Streams their Murmurs hufh'd and filent Whofe Goddess strait appear'd above the Flood; And dry'd the Sea-green Treffes of her Head, And told Alpheus' ancient Love, and said.


A Nymph I was, and of th' Achaian Train, That ne'er drew Bow, nor darted Spear in vain: None bent more eagerly the Toils to fet,

To chase the Boar, or pathless Woods to beat.

And tho' no Toys, no Drefs I made

my Care, Tho' bold; yet was I ftill reputed Fair. Our Female Arts I fcorn'd, preventing Praise, And fimple, thought it ev'n a Crime to please.

One Day as from Stymphalus' Wood I came, Hot with the Chace, the Sun encreas'd my Flame; Unruffled in its Course a Flood I spy'd,

So calm, fo fmooth, it fcarcely feem'd to glide; So deep, and yet fo clear, that ev'ry Stone, With borrow'd Luftre, from the bottom fhone: The pendent Banks with hoary Willows crown'd Diffus'd a fweet, refreshing Shade around.

I came, and in the Brink my Foot I dipp'd;
Then to the Knee in dimpling Curls I flipp'd;
Nor cool'd, upon a Bough my Veil I hung:
And, on the Bank my airy Garments flung,
Into the bounding Tyde I naked leap;

And as I frisk'd and wanton'd in the Deep,
Amidst the bubbling Flood furpriz'd I hear
A hollow gurgling Noife, and ftruck with Fear
I fhriek'd, and rufhing made the nearer fide,
When rifing from his Waves Alpheus cry'd,
Oh! whither, Arethufa! doft thou fly?
Whither! he shouted with an eager Cry.

Juft as I was, without my Cloaths I fled;
(Upon the other Bank my Cloaths were laid)
The more did he with raging Paffion burn,
Naked he thought me fitter for his Turm


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