vince and being subjects to the British Crown.' The There was a Board of Education consisting of five members appointed to each district, who had the oversight of the schools. Each school section met annually at what was called the School Meeting, and appointed three trustees, who engaged teachers, and superintended the general management of the schools in their section. law required that every teacher should be a subject or take the oath of allegiance, and he was paid by a fee of fifteen shillings per quarter for each scholar, and received a further sum of $100 from the Government if there were not less than twenty scholars taught in the school. Upper Canada College, the only one in the Province, began this year (1830) under the management of Dr. Harris. Grantham Academy, in the Niagara District, was incorporated, and the Methodist Conference appointed a Committee to take up subscriptions to build an academy and select a site. It was located in Cobourg, and the building, which was begun in 1832, was completed, and the school opened in 1836. There were 11 district and 132 common schools, with an attendance of 3,677 and an expenditure of £3,866 11s. 6d.* There was very little change in our school laws for several years. Grants were annually made in aid of Common Schools, but there was no system in the expenditure, consequently the good effected was not very apparent. The first really practical school law was passed in 1841, the next year after the Union of the Provinces, and in 1844, Dr. Ryerson was appointed Chief Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada, which office he held for thirty-two years. During that time, through his indefatigable labours, our school laws have been moulded and perfected, until it is safe to say we have the most complete and efficient school system in the world. The influence it Journals of the House of Assembly, 1831. has exercised on the intellectual development of the people has been very great, and it is but reasonable to expect that it will continue to raise the standard of intelligence and high moral character throughout the land. Our Government has, from the very first, manifested an earnest desire to promote education in the Province, and, during Dr. Ryerson's long term of office, it liberally supplied him with the necessary means to mature his plans and introduce such measures as would place our educational system on the best footing that could be devised; and it has been accomplished in a way that does honour, not only to the head that conceived it, but to the enlightened liberality of the Government that seconded the untiring energy of the man who wrought it out. The advantages which the youth of Ontario to-day possess in acquiring an education over the time when I was first sent to school with dinner basket in hand, trudging along through mud or snow, to the old school-house by the road side, where I was perched upon a high pine bench without a back, with a Mavor's spelling book in hand, to begin the foundation of my education, are so many and great, that it is difficult to realize the state of things that existed, or that men of intelligence should have selected such a dry and unattractive method of imparting instruction to children of tender years. It is to be feared that there are many of our Canadian youth who do not appreciate the vantage ground they occupy, nor the inviting opportunities that lie within the reach of all to obtain a 'generous education.' There is absolutely nothing to prevent any young person possessing the smallest spark of ambition from acquiring it, and making himself a useful member of society. It is the only thing, says Milton in his 'Literary Musings,'' which fits a man to perform justly, skilfully, and magnanimously, all the offices both private and public of peace and war.' There seems to be a growing disposition in the public mind to do away with the first important educational landmark established in the Province. Why this should be, or why its influence for good should at anytime have been so much crippled, as even to give a chance to call its usefulness in question, seems strange. One would think that its intimate connection with our early history; the good work accomplished by it, and the number of men who have passed out of it to fill the highest public positions in the gift of the Province, would save it from violent hands, and furnish ample reasons for devising means to resuscitate, if it needs resuscitation, and to place it in a position to hold its own with the various institutions that have come into existence, since its doors were first thrown open to the young aspirants for a higher education half a century ago. The opening of Upper Canada College in 1830, in many respects, was one of the most important events of that year, and gave an impetus to education, which soon began to be felt through the whole country. It was impossible in the nature of things that with increasing population and wealth, there should be no advance in the educational status of the Province. If the forty-six years that were passed, had been almost exclusively devoted to clearing away the bush and tilling the land, a time had now been reached when matters of higher import to future success and enjoyment pressed themselves upon the attention of the people. Except the few small towns and villages, the largest of which was Kingston, embracing altogether about five per cent. of the whole population, the remainder were agriculturists. But the farm could not produce all the requirements of life, nor furnish congenial employment to many active minds. The surplus products of the field and forest, in order to become available as a purchasing power had to be converted into money, and this set in motion the various appliances of commerce. Vessels were needed to carry the produce to market, and merchants to purchase it, who in turn supplied the multifarious wants of the household. Then came the mechanic and the professional man, and with the latter education was a necessity. It was not to be expected that the tastes of the rising generation would always run in the same groove with the preceding, and as wealth and population increased, so did the openings for advancement in other pursuits; and scores of active young men throughout the Province were only too anxious to seize upon every opportunity that offered to push their way up in life. Hence it happened that when Upper Canada College first threw open its doors, more than one hundred young men enrolled their names. In a comparatively short time, the need for greater facilities urged the establishment of other educational institutions, and this led to still greater effort to meet the want. Again, as the question pressed itself more and more upon the public mind, laws were enacted and grants made to further in every way so desirable an object, hence what was a crude and inadequate school organization prior to 1830, at that time and afterwards began to assume a more concrete shape, and continued to improve until it has grown into a system the country may well be proud of. The contrast we are enabled to present is wonderful in every respect. Since the parent college opened its doors to the anxious youths of the Province, five Universities and the same number of Colleges have come into existence. The Faculties of these several institutions are presided over by men of learning and ability. They are amply furnished with libraries, apparatus and all the modern requirements of first-class educational instiutions. Their united rolls show an attendance of about 1500 students last year. There are 10 Collegiate Institutes and 94 High Schools, with an attend ance of 12,136 pupils; 5,147 Common Schools, with 494,424 enrolled scholars; and the total receipts for school purposes amounted to $3,226,730.* Besides these, there are three Ladies' Colleges, and several other important educational establishments, devoted entirely to the education of females, together with private and select schools in almost every city and town in the Province, many of which stand very high in public estimation, though I regret I am unable at the present time to give more information about them. There are two Normal Schools for the training of teachers. The one in Toronto has been in existence for 29 years, and is so well known that it is unnecessary for me to attempt any description of it. The total number of admissions since its foundation have been 8269. The Ottawa school, which has only been in operation for about two years, has admitted 433. Three other important educational institutions have been established by the Government in different parts of the Province, viz: the Deaf and Dumb Institute at Belleville, pleasantly situated on the shore of the Bay of Quinte, a little west of the city. The number in attendance is 269†, and the cost of maintenance for the past year was $38,589. The Institute for the Blind at Brantford numbered 200 inmates, and the expenditure $29,515. These institutions erected at a very large outlay, are admirably equipped and under the best management, and prove a great boon to the unfortunate class for whom they were designed. The Agricultural College at Guelph, for the training of young men in scientific and practical husbandry, though in its infancy, is a step in the right direction, and must exercise a beneficial influence upon the agricultural interests of the country. Of Medical Corporations and Schools, there are the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; the Faculty of the Toronto School of Medicine; Trinity Medical School; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons; Canada Medical Association; Ontario College of Pharmacy; Royal College of Dental Surgeons; and Ontario Veterinary College. There is also a School of Practical Science, now in its fourth year. This, though not a complete list of the educational institutions and schools of the Province, will, nevertheless, give a pretty correct idea of the progress made during the fifty years that are gone. The accommodation furnished by the school sections throughout the country has kept pace with the progress of the times. As a rule the school-houses are commodious, and are built with an eye to the health and comfort of the pupils. The old pine benches and desks have disappeared before the march of improvement-my recollection of them is anything but agreeable and the school-rooms are furnished with comfortable seats and desks combined. The children are no longer crowded together in small unventilated rooms. Blackboards, maps and apparatus are furnished to all schools. Trained teachers only are employed, and a uniform course of study is pursued, so that each Common School is a stepping-stone to the High School, and upward to the College or University. Great attention has been paid by the Board of Public Instruction in selecting a uniform series of text books throughout the course, adapted to the age and intelligence of the scholars, and if any fault can be found with it, I think it would be in the number. The variety required in a full course-even of English study-is quite a serious matter. The authorities, however, have laboured earnestly to remove every difficulty that lies in the student's path, and to make the way attractive and easy. That they have succeeded to a very great extent, is evident from the highly satisfactory report recently presented by the Min ister of Education. With the increasing desire for a better education, there seems to be a growing tendency on the part of young men to avail themselves of such aids as shall push them towards the object in view with the smallest amount of work, and instead of applying themselves with energy and determination, to overcome the difficulties that face them in various branches of study, they resort to the keys that may be had in any bookstore. It is needless to repeat what experience has proved in thousands of instances, that the young man who goes through his mathematical course by the aid of these, or through his classical studies by the use of translations, will never make a scholar. Permanent success in any department of life depends on earnest work, and the more arduous the toil to secure an object, so much the more is it prized when Furthermore, it is certain to prove more lasting and beneficial. won. The same causes that have hindered the progress of education, also retarded the advance of religion. The first years of a settler's life were years of unremitting toil, a struggle in fact for existence; yet, though settlers had now in a measure overcome their greater difficulties, the one absorbing thought that had ground its way into the very marrow of their life, still pressed its claims upon their attention. The paramount question with them had been how to get on in the world. They were cut off too from all the amenities of society, and were scattered over a new country, which, prior to their coming, had been the home of the Indian, where all the requirements of civilization had to be planted and cultivated anew. They had but barely reached a point when really much attention could be devoted to anything but the very practical aim of gaining their daily bread. It will readily be admitted that there is no condition in life that can afford to put away religious instruction, and there is no doubt that the people at first missed these privileges, and often thought of the time when they visited God's House with regularity; but the toil and moil of years had worn away these recollections, and weakened the desire for sacred things. There can be no doubt, that prior to, and even up to 1830, the religious sentiment of the greater portion of the people was anything but strong. The Methodists were among the first, if not the first, to enter the field and call them back to the allegiance they owed to the God who had blessed and protected them.* Colonel Neal and McCarty began to preach in 1788, but the latter was hunted out of the country.† Three years later, itinerant preachers began their work and gathered hearers, and made converts in every settlement. But these men, the most of whom came from the United States, were looked upon with suspicion, by many who did not fall in with their religious views; and it is not surprising, we think, that some even went so far as to petition the Legislature to pass an Act which should prevent their coming into the country to preach. It was said and said truly, when the * Dr. Stuart, of Kingston, Church of England, was the first minister in Upper Canada, Mr. Langworth, of the same denomination in Bath, and Mr. Scamerhorn, Lutheran minister at Williamsburgh, next. + Playter. I have in my possession an old manuscript book, written by my grandfather in 1796, in which this point is brought out. Being a Quaker, he naturally did not approve of the way those early preachers conducted services. Yet he would not be likely to exaggerate what came under his notice. This is what he says of one he heard: 'I thought he exerted every nerve by the various positions in which he placed himself to cry, stamp and smite, often turning from exhortation to prayer. Entreating the Almighty to thunder or rather to enable him to do it. Also, to smite with the sword, and to use many destroying weapons, at which my mind led from the more proper business of worship or devotion to observe what appeared to me inconsistent with that quietude that becometh a messenger sent from the meek Jesus to declare the glad tidings of the Gospel, If I compared the season to a shower as has heretofore been done, it had only the appearance of a tempest of thunder, wind and hail, destitute of the sweet refreshing drops of a gospel shower.' matter about this was placed before the Government, that the connection existing between the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States and Canada was, altogether, a spiritual and not a political connection; that the Methodists in Canada were as loyal to the British Crown as any of its subjects, and had proved it again and again in the time' of trouble. Yet looking back and remembering the circumstances under which the people came, it does not seem so very strange to us that they should have looked very doubtfully upon evangelists from a land, which not only stripped them and drove them away, but a little later invaded their country; neither do we wonder that some of them were roughly treated, nor that unpleasant epithets were thrown out against their followers. This was the outcome, not only of prejudice, but the recollection of injuries received. There were a good many angularities about Christian character in those days, and they frequently stood out very sharply. They were not friends or enemies by halves. Their prejudices were deeply seated, and if assailed were likely to be resisted, and if pressed too closely in a controversy, were more disposed to use the 'argumentum baculinum,'as being more effectual than the 'argumentum ad judicium.' But time gradually wore away many of those difficulties, and now few will deny that the position our Province holds to-day, is to a considerable extent owing to this large and influential body of Christians. They built the first house devoted to public worship in the Province; through their zeal and energy the people were stirred up to a sense of their religious obligations; their ac tivity infused life and action into other denominations. The people generally throughout the country had the bread of life broken to them with regularity, so that in the year of grace, 1830, a new order of things was inaugurated. But with all this a vastly different state of affairs existed then from that now prevailing. No one could accuse the preachers of those days of mercenary motives, for they were poorly paid and carried their worldly possessions on their backs. Their labour was arduous and unremitting. They travelled on foot and on horse-back at all seasons and in all weathers great distances to fill appointments through the bush, fording rivers, enduring hardships and privations that seem hardly possible to be borne. A circuit often embraced two or three districts. The places of public worship were small, and fitted up with rude pine benches, the men sitting on one side and the women on the other, and far apart. Often forty or fifty miles would have to be traversed from one appointment to another, and when it was reached, whether at a neighbour's house, a schoolhouse, a barn or a meeting house, the people assembled to hear the word, and then the preacher took his way to the next place on his circuit. Mr. Vanest says, 'In summer we crossed ferries, and in winter we rode much on the ice. Our appointment was thirty-four miles distant, without any stopping-place. Most of the way was through the Indians' land-otherwise called the "Mohawk Woods." In summer I used to stop half-way in the woods and turn my horse out where the Indians had had their fires. In winter I would take some oats in my saddle-bags, and make a place in the snow to feed my horse. In many places there were trees fallen across the path, which made it difficult to get around in deep snow. I would ask the Indians why they did not cut out the trees. One said, "Indian like deer; when he no cross under, he jump over." There was seldom any travelling that way, which made it bad in deep snow. At one time, when the snow was deep, I went on the ice till I could see clear water, so I thought it time to go ashore. I got off my horse and led him, and the ice cracked at every step. If I had broken through there would have been no |