INDE X. Academy, proposed English, 147. Radicalism, 11; his science, 12; his relation to Goethe, 13; his Transcendentalism, 14, 16, 57; his style, 15, 30, 40; his inconsisten. Emerson and, 134. 19, 56-7; his literary genius, 23; his preju- dices and politics, 23; his inaction and barrenness, 24, 26; his influence for good, 26-30; his cant, 28; his sermonising, 31; his earnest platitudes, 33; his criticisms, 34-8; ; Colenso, 155, 177, 198. Lord, 140. nationalism, 161-2; his militarism, 173-4. Comte, 214, 229, 238, 251, 263. Conscience, Arnold on, 156. Conservatism, 255, 257-8, 262. Continental Freethought, 152, 163. Conway, M. D., cited, 25, 55. Courtney, W. L., cited, 68.9, 103. Criminal treatinent, 56-7. Cromwell, Carlyle and, 36, 53. Darwin, 234. Deism in England and Scotland, 11, 117. Democracy and culture, 271-2. Derby, Lord, 149. Devil, belief in, 140. Diderot, Carlyle on, 37. Draper, Dr., 225. Economics, Smith's and Mill's, 97-102. Ruskin's, 200-3, Edinburgh in 1810, 11. Edison, 114. Education, 77, 250. Edwards, Jonathan, 112. on, 118-121; his literary gift, 121; his helpful. Ireland, Mill and, 107. Jeffrey and Carlyle, 8, 12, 31. Arnold on, 158-9, 172. Jevons, 81. Johnson, Dr., 4, 36, 59. Justice, the idea of, 108. costless, 240. Kingsley, C., 58. Kuenen, 154. Laissez-faire, not modern, 51, Landor, Carlyle on, 49. Lange, F. A., 235. Lecky, W. E. H., 19. Lewes, G. H., 219, 220. Liberalism, 101-2, 129, 255, 257, 262. Longfellow, 112, 131. Lowell, J. R., 113, 128; cited, 31, 35, 41, 43, 53, 115-6. Macaulay and Carlyle, 38-9. and James Mill, 91-4. M'Culloch, economics of, 102. Magellan, 215. Malthus, 98, 101-2. Manners, Lord J., 26. Martineau, Harriet, 1-2, 209. Masson, Prof., cited, 29. Materialism, 235-6. Maurice, F. D., 48, 68. Mill, James, 63-5, 66, 77-8, 87, 91-102, 116. Mill, J. S., 14, 62-110, 144, 213-4, 233; Carlyle on, 48; his heredity, 62-5; his training, 65; his originality, 14; his life, 35; his philosophy, cism of Bentham, 66, 70; his early depres- sion, 67-9; Carlyle's influence on him, 170; his steady democratism, 71; his worship of his wife, 73-5; his emotional susceptibilities, 75; his goodness, 76; his education, 76; his literary conscientiousness, 78; his religious theories, 80-86 ; his reticences, 87; Church Herald on, 88; on Indian questions, 88-9; his politics, 90; his socialism, 96; his econ. omics, 97-102, 103 ; his Neo-Malthusianism, 102 ; his practical ethics, 105 ; his psycho- logy, 107; his feeling for beauty, 109; his good influence, 108-110. Mill, Mrs., 73-5. Minto, Prof., cited, 11, 29, 108, 110. Money, 201-2. Morley, John, cited, 17, 37, 44, 102, 103, 177. Napoleon III., Carlyle on, 55. National character, 107. Debt, 198-9, 263-272. Negative criticism, 243, 261. Neo-Malthusianism, 244, 250, 270. Newman family, the, 137. F. W., 149. Nihilism, sociological, 242. Saving, fallacy of, 97-102, 200, 265, 269. Schopenhauer, 15, 119, 236. Science, method of, 145. Emerson on, 122. Secularists, Spencer and, 222. Senancour, 141. Seneca, Carlyle on, 26. Shakspere, the life of, 35. Shelley, 5, 13, 74, 154. Smith, Adam, 5, 97. Social Reconstruction, 261-272. Socialism, 96, 247, 270-1. Spencer, Herbert, 18, 163, 212-260; his self- absorption, 214-5; his laboriousness, 215-7; his influence, 217, 258, 260 ; his early life and culture, 218; his circle, 219; his de- velopment, 221; his view of religion, 222-7, 233, 245; on self-expression, 237; on judi- 246; his treatment of the population pro- blem, 241-2, 249, 259 ; his fatalism, 244, 252, 258-9; his retrogressions, 246-9, 250 ; his class bias, 247 ; his inconsistencies, 248, 251; his fallacies, 253-7, 259; his final import- ance, 260. Spinoza, 18. Stephen, Leslie, cited, 21. Sterling, John, 28, 68. Strauss, 141, 155. Swinburne, cited, 140, 147. Taine on Carlyle, 2. on English art, 32. Taxation, principles of, 264. Tennyson and Carlyle, 55. Thackeray, 113, 142. Theism, 80-1, 125-8, 173, 190-4, 209, 231. Thompson, D. G., 113. Thoreau, 130, 133. Titian and Tintoret, 192. on, 184; his despondency, ib., 206; his par- Transcendentalism, 14, 16.18, 119, 125-8, 172. 49. Ruskin on, 209. Gurney on, 120. Ward, Lester, 113, 217, 259. Whitman, Walt., 115, 124, 132. Wolf, cited, 146. Woman Suffrage, 94-5. Wordsworth, 5, 13, 14, 69, 78, 129. OF THE REESE LIBRARY CALIFORNIA |