as to be precluded from the possibility of raising himself not only to opulence, but to office and rank. Here, wealth is shifting hands with such rapidity that, in one or two generations, the hills sink, and the vallies rise. Now, as this condition of things animates thousands, with the spirit of enterprize, so it occasions, in many, a restlessness and instability of feeling. Possessing freedom of choice, and having before them so many objects to choose betwixt, they never come to an election that fully satisfies them.--Add to this, that the last twentyfive years have, (by reason of the unexampled state of Europe) furnished instances, in almost every district of our country, of some rising suddenly to great opulence, by a single stroke in the experiments of speculation, and without any attention at all to the process of patient industry: a circumstance that has operated powerfully on young minds, and on minds not young, in rendering them dissatisfied with slow gains or small profits, and impatient of the drudgery of any laborious calling. Not to mention that our country has, of itself, for a very long time past, furnished magnificent scenes and numerous opportunities of speculation, altogether unexampled perhaps in the history of man. Moreover, it is obvious to remark, that our enterprizing youth, are necessarily, as it were, tinctured with a romantic disposition. The books that they most read are of the romantic kind; alike inflaming the imagination and misleading the judgment, by descriptions "of a world of wonders where events are produced by causes widely and manifestly different from those which regulate the course of human affairs." Also, for almost the term of a whole generation, there has been constantly exhibited to view such a series of wonders in the civilized world, that the history of real life carries on it the appearance of romance. Nothing very strange is it therefore, that the minds of a great many are unsettled, notional, and fraught with extravagant expectations; and this is the less to be wondered at, as it is customary for our youth to step into manhood earlier than in former ages, or perhaps than in any other country. Commencing men at an immature period, and under such powerful impulses to wild extravagances of imagination, it would be strange indeed if they were not, many of them, averse to any sober, rational, and steady plan of life. To contrast the past with the present-in a short biographical notice of one of the first and wealthiest merchants of the last age, the writer remarks:-" It was an invariable rule with him to avoid every kind of dangerous experiment, and to confine himself to such branches of trade as admitted the surest principles of calculation." This golden rule of business, which in former times of "steady habits," was sacredly regarded, not merely by that merchant, but generally ;-this golden rule of business, has, by a concurrence of unparalleled circumstances, been made to give place to rashness of speculation and a restless spirit of adventure: an evil which nothing but length of time and the smart-giving rod of stern experience, will, in any likelihood, be able to cure. CHAP. III. Of Troubles of our own making. THERE is in our nature such a restlessness of disposition, that we commonly make to ourselves more than half the evils we feel. Unsatisfied with what we are, or possess, we are still craving after something past or to come, and by regrets, desires and fears, are perpetually poisoning the streams of present enjoyment. The weather is too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry. If we have nothing to do, time hangs upon us as an insupportable burden. If our circumstances compel us to daily labor, we repine that others are enjoying their leisure. Although we have food and raiment enough, still we are dissatisfied that we are not rich. If, on the contrary, we chance to be rich, the weight of cares, the pains of getting, the difficulty of keeping, and the fears of losing, give us incessant disquiet and fatigue. Mrs. Thrift has a decent competence, together with a kind husband and fine children; but her heart is sick because she cannot live in the splendid style of her wealthy neighbor, Mrs. Modish: at the same time Mrs. Modish, yoked to a surly, snappish, gouty husband, is secretly envying the condition of Mrs. Thrift. Honest Abraham has a good farm, and is an excellent farmer, and free of debt, but the peace of his mind is destroyed by being disappointed of an office; an office too without emolument. Farmer Thomas, his more artful neighbor, who got the office, no sooner received his commission than he began to dash like a gentleman, and, consequently, neglected his farm and impoverished his family; and by this time he sincerely regrets his having been so foolish as to barter solid substance for empty honor. Mercator, having acquired an estate, by trade, grows uneasy, and sighs for a country life. Purling brooks, vocal groves, fragrant meadows, blooming orchards and fields covered with a golden harvest, enchant his imagination. He sells his stock in trade and purchases a farm: which he manages with about as much skill as a mere landman would manage a ship at sea: it brings him in debt; and, venting upon it no very gentle epithets, he longs to leave it, and go back to the situation he had abandoned. Agricola, weary of a dull plodding way of living and of slow gains, leaves the plough and becomes a merchant. He sells his fast estate and purchases with it goods; running in debt a few thousands, as he would have a handsome assortment. His goods are unskilfully chosen, and meet with a wretched market. Pay day comes, and his creditors, blest with excellent memories, are prompt in urging him to a settlement; but, alas! of money he has none. And now, "to break, or not to break, that's the question." He struggles hard, makes new debts to pay old ones, sells at great loss, borrows money at 30 or 40 per cent. but breaks at last; and whereas he merely imagined himself unhappy while holding the plough, he now feels that he is so indeed. Thus mankind, from a restless disposition, render themselves wretched when they might be much at their ease. It would be worth to one, more than all the arts and sciences, to learn the art of living happily. I do not mean perfect happiness, which is not to be enjoyed here : but such a degree of happiness as our Maker has put in our power. The art of living happily does not lie in stoical apathy; for as to the real and severe afflictions of life, while one ought "to bear them like a man, he should also feel them like a man." Nor does he know the sweets for friendship, who feels no pain at being sundered from a near friend. Much less does it lie in the nauseating lap of gross sensuality; for the enjoyment of the mere sensualist is no higher than that of the pampered horse in the stable. Indeed the brute has much the advantage, as it lives according to its nature and destination, while the man is haunted with a perpetual consciousness of the shameful degradation of his moral and intellectual faculties. The following maxims or rules of action might, if strictly observed, go far to increase the happiness, or at least, to diminish the inquietudes and miseries of life. 1. Live constantly in the unshaken belief of the overruling Providence of an infinitely wise and good, as well as Almighty Being; and prize his favour above all things. 2. Observe, inviolably, truth in your words, and integrity in your actions. 3. Accustom yourself to temperance, and be master of your passions. 4. Be not too much out of humour with the world; but remember, 'tis a world of God's creating, and however sadly it is marred by wickedness and folly, yet you have found in it more comforts than calamities, more civilities than affronts, more instances of kindness toward you than of cruelty. 5. Try to spend your time usefully both to yourself and others. 6. Never make an enemy, or lose a friend, unnecessarily. 7. Cultivate such an habitual cheerfulness of mind and evenness of temper, as not to be ruffled by trivial inconveniences and crosses. 8. Be ready to heal breaches in friendship and to make up differences, and shun litigation yourself, as much as possible; for he is an ill calculator who does not perceive that one amicable settlement is better than two law suits. 9. Be it rather your ambition to acquit yourself well in your proper station, than to rise above it. 10. Despise not small honest gains, nor risk what you have on the delusive prospect of sudden riches.If you are in a comfortable way, keep in it, and abide in your own calling rather than run the chance of another. In a word, mind to "use the world as not abusing it," and probably you will find as much comfort in it as is most fit for a frail being, who is merely journeying through it toward an immortal abode. CHAP. IV. Of Self-Inflicted Tortures. NOTHING is more common than the discontent of those who have not even a shadow of cause for discontent. They are neither sick, nor pinched with poverty, nor called to sustain distressing hardships. They enjoy both food and appetite. They have raiment to put on, and friends to converse with; and if not rich, have fully enough for the moderate supply of all their real wants : yet these enjoyments, these bounties of indulgent heaven, are poisoned as it were by the discontent of their minds, so that they are wretched amidst health and competence. What are the illusions that thus obstruct the sources of enjoyment, and, in this favored country, cheat so many out of the happiness of which Providence had put them in possession?-They are such as usually spring from one or other of the three following causes: perverseness of temper; false theories of worldly happiness; the influence of opinion. With respect to enjoying ourselves well or ill in life, a great deal more depends upon temper than upon circumstances. Not but that our enjoyments are always |