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NUMB. 204. SATURDAY, February 29, 1752.

Nemo tam divos habuit faventes,
Crastinum ut possit sibi polliceri.

Of heaven's protection who can be
So confident to utter this?
To-morrow I will spend in bliss.



SEGED, lord of Ethiopia, to the inhabitants of the world: To the sons of presumption, humility and fear; and to the daughters of sorrow, content and acquiescence.

Thus, in the twenty-seventh year of his reign, spoke Seged, the monarch of forty nations, the distributor of the waters of the Nile: "At length, "Seged, thy toils are at an end; thou hast recon"ciled disaffection, thou hast suppressed rebellion, "thou hast pacified the jealousies of thy courtiers, "thou hast chased war from thy confines, and "erected fortresses in the lands of thine enemies. "All who have offended thee tremble in thy pre

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sence, and wherever thy voice is heard, it is "obeyed. Thy throne is surrounded by armies, "numerous as the locusts of the summer, and resist"less as the blasts of pestilence. Thy magazines


are stored with ammunition, thy treasures over"flow with the tribute of conquered kingdoms. "Plenty waves upon thy fields, and opulence glitters "in thy cities. Thy nod is as the earthquake that "shakes the mountains, and thy smile as the dawn

"of the vernal day. In thy hand is the strength of "thousands, and thy health is the health of mil

lions. Thy palace is gladdened by the song of "praise, and thy path perfumed by the breath "of benediction. Thy subjects gaze upon thy



greatness, and think of danger or misery no 66 more. Why, Seged, wilt not thou partake "the blessings thou bestowest? Why shouldst "thou only forbear to rejoice in this general felicity? Why should thy face be clouded with anxiety, when the meanest of those who call thee sovereign, gives the day to festivity, and the night "to peace? At length, Seged, reflect and be wise. "What is the gift of conquest but safety? Why are "riches collected but to purchase happiness ?"


Seged then ordered the house of pleasure, built in an island of the lake of Dambea, to be prepared for his reception. "I will retire," says he, "for ten


days from tumult and care, from counsels and "decrees. Long quiet is not the lot of the gover"nors of nations, but a cessation of ten days cannot "be denied me. This short interval of happiness


may surely be secured from the interruption of "fear or perplexity, sorrow or disappointment. I "will exclude all trouble from my abode, and re"move from my thoughts whatever may confuse "the harmony of the concert, or abate the sweet"ness of the banquet. I will fill the whole capacity "of my soul with enjoyment, and try what it is to "live without a wish unsatisfied."

In a few days the orders were performed, and Seged hasted to the palace of Dambea, which stood in an island cultivated only for pleasure, planted

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with every flower that spreads its colours to the sun, and every shrub that sheds fragrance in the air. In one part of this extensive garden, were open walks for excursions in the morning; in another, thick groves, and silent arbours, and bubbling fountains for repose at noon. All that could solace the sense, or flatter the fancy, all that industry could extort from nature, or wealth furnish to art, all that conquest could seize, or beneficence attract, was collected together, and every perception of delight was excited and gratified.

Into this delicious region Seged summoned all the persons of his court, who seemed eminently qualified to receive or communicate pleasure. His call was readily obeyed; the young, the fair, the vivacious, and the witty, were all in haste to be sated with felicity. They sailed jocund over the lake, which seemed to smooth its surface before them: Their passage was cheered with musick, and their hearts dilated with expectation.

Seged, landing here with his band of pleasure, determined from that hour to break off all acquaintance with discontent, to give his heart for ten days to ease and jollity, and then fall back to the common state of man, and suffer his life to be diversified, as before, with joy and sorrow.

He immediately entered his chamber, to consider where he should begin his circle of happiness. He had all the artists of delight before him, but knew not whom to call, since he could not enjoy one, but by delaying the performance of another. He chose and rejected, he resolved and changed his resolution, till his faculties were harassed, and his thoughts

confused; then returned to the apartment where his presence was expected, with languid eyes and clouded countenance, and spread the infection of uneasiness over the whole assembly. He observed their depression, and was offended, for he found his vexation increased by those whom he expected to dissipate and relieve it. He retired again to his private chamber, and sought for consolation in his own mind; one thought flowed in upon another ; a long succession of images seized his attention; the moments crept imperceptibly away through the gloom of pensiveness, till, having recovered his tranquillity, he lifted up his head, and saw the lake brightened by the setting sun. "Such," said Seged sighing," is the longest day of human existence: "Before we have learned to use it, we find it at 66 an end."

The regret which he felt for the loss of so great a part of his first day, took from him all disposition to enjoy the evening; and, after having endeavoured, for the sake of his attendants, to force an air of gaiety, and excite that mirth which he could not share, he resolved to refer his hopes to the next morning, and lay down to partake with the slaves of labour and poverty the blessing of sleep.

He rose early the second morning, and resolved now to be happy. He therefore fixed upon the gate of the palace an edict, importing, that whoever, during nine days, should appear in the presence of the king with a dejected countenance, or utter any expression of discontent or sorrow, should be driven for ever from the palace of Dambea.

This edict was immediately made known in every

chamber of the court, and bower of the gardens. Mirth was frighted away, and they who were before dancing in the lawns, or singing in the shades, were at once engaged in the care of regulating their looks, that Seged might find his will punctually obeyed, and see none among them liable to banishment.

Seged now met every face settled in a smile; but a smile that betrayed solicitude, timidity, and constraint. He accosted his favourites with familiarity and softness; but they durst not speak without premeditation, lest they should be convicted of discontent or sorrow. He proposed diversions, to which no objection was made, because objection would have implied uneasiness; but they were regarded with indifference by the courtiers, who had no other desire than to signalize themselves by clamorous exultation. He offered various topicks of conversation, but obtained only forced jests, and laborious laughter; and after many attempts to animate his train to confidence and alacrity, was obliged to confess to himself the impotence of command, and resign another day to grief and disappointment.

He at last relieved his companions from their terrours, and shut himself up in his chamber to ascertain, by different measures, the felicity of the succeeding days. At length he threw himself on the bed, and closed his eyes, but imagined, in his sleep, that his palace and gardens were overwhelmed by an inundation, and waked with all the terroùrs of a man struggling in the water. He composed himself again to rest, but was affrighted by an imaginary irruption into his kingdom; and striving, as is usual in dreams, without ability to move,

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