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To the Eighty-first Volume of the 'British Quarterly Review.'

Abbott, Capt. J., Narrative of a Jour-

ney from Herat, 194.

Adams, Rev. H. C., Mystery of Beechy
Grange, 232.

Alexandrian Type of Christianity, The,
257; Comparison between Origen
and Augustine, 258; Modern opinion
tends to the views held by the
former, 260; How the Alexandrian
system arose, 261; Its philosophical
character, 268; The Alexandrian
conception of creation, 274; Free-
will, 278; The Fatherhood of God,
280; The future life, 281; Redemp-
tion, 284; Estimate of Alexandrian
Christianity, 287.

Allen, G., Strange Stories, 229.
Anglican Church, The, Strength and
Weakness of, 127; The Congress at
Carlisle, 128; Varied programme,
130; Efforts being made at last to
get hold of the working classes, 134;
The Church Army-its duty in rela-
tion to politics, 137; Relations be-
tween the clergy and the people in
the country, 141; Mediævalism,


Antiquity and Genuineness of the
Gospels, The, 506.

Arnold, M., God and the Bible, 246.

Bampton, C., Frank Seward, 224.
Bancroft, H. H., The Pacific States of
North America, vol. xiii., 428; His-
tory of Mexico, 428.

Barber, T., Scientific Theology, 490.
Barnes and Brown, C. G. Gordon, 448.
Basil, The Wearing of the Green, 469.
Beet, J. A., On the Galatians, 497.
Bell, H., A Forgotten Genius, 193.
Benham, Rev. W., Sermons, 239.
Bersier, E., D.D., Coligny, 192.
Besant, W., Uncle Jack, 476.

Bible Pictures, 235.

Biblia Pauperum, A Smaller, 247.
Blind, M., Tarantella, 229.

Bo-Peep, 238.

Bosboom-Toussaint, A. L. G., Major
Frank, 475.

Box, C., Church Music in the Metro-
polis, 251.

[blocks in formation]

158; Death, 159.

Case, Rev. J., Sermons, 508.
Cassell's Family Magazine, 238.
Cavour's Letters, Count, 288; Value
of the book, ib.; Cavour's youth,
289; Agricultural pursuits, 290;
Beginning of political life, 291;
Marriage of Princess Clotilde, 294;
War begun by Austria, ib.; The
peace of Villafranca, 295; Cavour
sent to Paris, ib.; Garibaldi, 297;
Difficulties of the Roman situation,
298; Cavour's death, 299.

Chatterjee, B. C., The Poison Tree,

Chesney, J., The Land of the Pyra-
mids, 236.

Children of China, The, 235.
Christmas and Juvenile Literature,

Church, Rev. A. J., A Tale of Two
Roses, 234.


Clarke, Mrs. C. M., Con's Acre, 235.
C., When All was Young, 473.
Cobbe, F. P., A Faithless World, 505.
Colborne, Hon. J., With Hicks Pasha
in the Soudan, 195.
Commentary, The Pulpit, 1 Chron., 247.
Jeremiah and Lamentations, 497.
The Student's, Vol. I., 496.

Cox, S., D.D., Balaam, 506.
Crawfurd, Rev. G. H., The Unknown
God, 509.

Croker, The late Right Hon. J. W.,
Correspondence and Diaries of, 386.
Crowther, J., The Starry Cross, 234.

Dale, R. W., Laws of Christ for Com-
mon Life, 252.

Dictionary of English History, 170.

of National Biography, Vol. I.,
The Encyclopædic, Vol. I., Part
I., 499.
Disestablishment, The Case for, 453.
Dobson, A., Thomas Bewick, 189.
Dods, Dr. M., The Prayer that Teaches
to Pray, 251.

Dolby, G., Charles Dickens as I Knew
Him, 441.
Doris, 226,
Doudney, Miss S., A Long Lane, 232.
The Strength of her Youth, 236.
Drummond, J., Introduction to the
Study of Theology, 250.
Duruy, V., Rome, Vol. III., 425.

[blocks in formation]

ib.; The novels, 325; Great dra-
matic power but with limitations,
ib.; Her poems, 327; Intellectual
and religious nature, 328; Social
life, 331; Mr. Lewes's death, and
her Marriage with Mr. Cross, ib.;
Her own death, 332.

Gibbon, B., By Mead and Stream, 227.

A Hard Knot, 476.
Gilbert, J., Landscape in Art before
Claude and Salvator, 454.
Glover, W., Memoirs of a Cambridge
Chorister, 179.

Godwin, Professor J., Active Principles,


Good Words, 1884, 237.
Gray, W. A., The Shadow of the Hand.
and other Sermons, 509.
Grimm's Household Tales, 211.
Grindrod, The late R. B., M. D., The
Nation's Vice, 201.

Hall, M., Andrew Marvel, and his
Friends, 233.

Hamerton, P., Human Intercourse, 207,
Hanson, C. H., The Wanderings of
Æneas, 234.

Hare, A. J. C., Sketches in Holland
and Scandinavia, 446.
Hawthorne, J., Nathaniel Hawthorne
and his Wife, 184.

J., Miss Cadogna, 472.
Hays, F., Women of the Day, 444.
He, She, It, 210,

Heard, Rev. J. B., Old and New
Theology, 482.

Hittites, The, 112; Reconstruction of
history from monuments, ib.; Dr.
Wright's book, 113; Importance
found to belong to the Hittites, ib.;
They are identified with the nation
of the Kheta, 114; Inscriptions
found, ib.; Others are to be ex-
pected, 115.

Hoey, Mrs. C., The Lover's Creed,


Holmes, O. W., Ralph Waldo Emerson,


Hood, E. P., The World of Proverb
and Parable, 204.

Hope, Lady, A Simple Life, 473.

Inspiration, 493.
International Policy, 451.
Irish Question, The Present State of
the, 1; A partial calm, but the
elements of disaffection still active,
2; There is always a dangerous
class in Ireland, 5; Some ground
for the hatred of the landlords, ib.;
A favorable change owing to recent
legislation, 6; The Crimes Act, 7;
The Land Act, ib.; Some amend-
ment required, 11; Ill will towards
the Government and the law, 12;
Harm done by demagogues and by
the Irish Party' in the House of
Commons, 14; The demand for
Home Rule, 17; Though this cannot
be conceded some reforms are justly
demanded, 21; The Franchise should
be extended, 22; and legislation of a
private kind carried out in Dublin,
23; A firm Executive is needed, 24;
Parties should unite in settling diffi-
cult matters, 25.


Jackson, M., The Pictorial Press, 205.
Jamieson, Rev. G., Profound Problems

in Theology and Philosophy, 478.
Jennings, H. J., Lord Tennyson, 191.
Jenkins, A., The Wreckers of Laver-
nock, 231.

Johnson, Major, On the Track of the
Crescent, 445.

Jones, H. M., M.D., Hints on the
Health of the Senses, 456.

Jubilee Singers, The Story of the,


Karaka, D. F., History of the Parsis,


Katscher, L., Charakterbilder aus dem
neunzehnten Jahrhundert, 463.
Kegan Paul, C., The Thoughts of
Blaise Pascal, 245.

Kennedy, J., Life and Work in Benares
and Kumaon, 198.

Kenyon, E. C., Daring Tom, 235.
Ker, D., The Wild Horseman of the
Pampas, 232.

Kielland, A. L., Garman and Worse,

Kroeker, K. F., Fairy Tales from
Brentano, 234.

Lamb, C., Poems, Plays, and Miscel-
laneous Essays of, 216.

Lane-Poole, S., Selections from the
Prose Writings of Jonathan Swift,

Larter, E., Heart Within and God
O'erhead, 235.

Lawrence, L. T., Essays on some Dis-
puted Questions in Modern Interna-
tional Law, 200,

Lord, Life of, 439.


Lewin, Col., A Fly on the Wheel, 437.
Lewis, Professor, Heroes of Science :
Mechanicians, 100.

Library, The Gentleman's Magazine,


Little Blossoms, 235.
Folks, 238.

Lloyd, W. W., Much Ado About
Nothing, 218.

Lynch, T. T., The Mornington Lec-
tures, 493; Gatherings from Notes of
Discourses, 508.

Lyrics, English Sacred, 222.

Macdonald, G., The Tragedy of Ham-
let, 458.

Unspoken Sermons, 508.

Rev. F. W. Fletcher, of Madeley,


Mackennel, Mr., Sermons, 251.
Maclaren, A., D.D., A Year's Ministry,


Macleod, A., D.D., The Children's
Portion, 236.

Rev. D., D.D., The Sunday Home
Service, 236.

Magazine of Art, The, Vol. VII., 237.
The Sunday, 237.
The Child's Own, 238.

The Homiletical, Vol. VI., 239.
Malmesbury's Memoirs, Lord, 77; The
nature and object of the book, ib.;
The three Derby administrations, 78;
Offices held by Lord Malmesbury,
79; The peace of Villafranca, 81;
Disraeli's character, 82; Louis Na-
poleon and his schemes, 83; His
leaning towards England, 85; His
fall, 87; Sketches of aristocratic
society, 88.

Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huck-
leberry Finn, 465.

Martineau, J., D.D., Types of Ethical
Theory, 501.

Mateaux, C. L., Rambles round Lon-
don Town, 235.

Matheson, Rev. G., Moments on the
Mount, 509.

McCarthy, J., A History of the Four
Georges, Vol. I., 165.

McDougall, J., The Ascension of
Christ, and other Sermons, 254.

McLaughlin, F., Rome, 426.
Meade, L. T., Scarlet Anemones, 235.
The Autocrat of the Nursery, 235.

Men Worth Remembering, 449.
Miall, E., The Life of, 186.

Lechler, Professor, John Wycliffe, and Minchin, J. I., The Divine Comedy of
his English Precursors, 251.

Leisure Hour, The, 1884.

Dante Alighieri, 220.

Minister's Diary for 1885, 239.

Miss Olive's Boys, 231.
Mivart, St. George, M.D., A Philoso-

phical Catechism, 505.
Molloy, J. F., The Life and Adven-
tures of Peg Woffington, 178.
Momerie, Rev. A. W., Agnosticism

and other Sermons, 508.
Monod, A., Life and Letters of, 449.
Mozley, Rev. J. B., Letters by, 208.
Rev. T., Reminiscences, 443.

Mull, M., Paradise Lost, 219.
Muller, F. Max, Biographical Essays,

Murphy, J. G., The book of Daniel,

Murray, D. C., A Bit of Human Na-
ture, and The Lively Fanny, 476.

Naville, E., The Store-City of Pithom,

[blocks in formation]

Obiter Dicta, 208.

Offerings of the Dead, The, 47; Much
of the world's worship is paid to
ancestors, ib.; Ceremonies practised
under Brahmanism, 48; and Budd-
hism, 49; similar to those of the
Roman Church, 50%; The worship
of ancestors reaches its greatest
height in China, 53; Sacrifices to
Confucius, 54; to Shang-te, 55; and
to the Emperor and Empress, 56;
The mysterious Fung Shiu, 57;
Superstitious views regarding archi-
tecture, 58; Importance of having a
son to perform the necessary rites,
60; Female infanticide, 61; Baby- |
towers, 62; Awful penalties on
embracing Christianity, ib.; Pro-
vision for the propitiation of un-
known spirits, 63; The three souls,
65; The first thing to be done after
a death, 67; Cities of the Dead, 68;
Profit made by the priests, 70; Little
belief in the blissful Nirvana, 71;
Similar customs of the American
Indians, 72; The grand Festival
All Souls in China, 75; Immens
sums altogether expended in the
various ways, 76.

[ocr errors]

Ollier, E., Cassell's Illustrated Univer
sal History, 175.

O'Reilly, Mrs., Meg's Mistake, 231,

Orient Boys, The, 232.

Ottley, H. B., Modern Egypt, its Wit-
ness to Christ, 245.
Our Little Life, 464.
Out of the Depths, 234.

Park, E. A., D.D., Discourses, 507.
Parker, J., D.D., The People's Bible,
Vol. I., 496.
Pater, W., Marius the Epicurean, 461.
Pattison, M., Memoirs, 442.

Paull, M. A., I, Benjamin Holbeck,


Payn, J., Some Literary Recollections,

The Talk of the Town, 468.
Phillips, E. C., Grandfather, 231.
Pictures, Prose, and Rhymes, 235.
Pidgeon, D., Old World Questions, and

New World Answers, 450.
Plumptre, Dean, The Spirits in Prison,
and other studies on the life after
Death, 489.

Political Survey of the Quarter, 160;
Mr. Gladstone's wise and moderate
behaviour, 161; The Redistribution
Bill, 162; Strange part taken in its
construction by the Tories, 163,

Political Review of the Quarter, 415;
Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Grenfell,
and their followers, ib.; The true
story of Gordon, 417; Absurd charge
brought against the Government,
418; Abuse showered on Mr. Glad-
stone, 421; Attempt at a vote of
Censure, 423; Our gloomy prospects,


Porter, N., D.D., The Elements of

Moral Science, 500.
Power, C., Philistia, 227.
Price, E. C., Gerald, 472.
Probyn, J. W., Italy, 433.
Proctor, R. A., The Universe of Suns,

and other Science Gleanings, 202.
Psalter, The, 95; Various meanings
found in the Psalms by readers, id.;
Certain aspects of the Psalter, 96;
The Latin Version, 97; Various
writers of the Psalms, 99; Their
outward structure, 100; Parallelism,
ib.; Absence of love for nature, 102;
Indications of village life, 106;
Warlike references, ib. The great
religious lessons of the Psalms, 107;
A gradual development of worship
indicated, 108; Denunciatory Psalms,


Quiet Waters, 199.
Quiver, The, 1884, 238.

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