If through the garden's flow'ry tribes I stray, Where bloom the jes'mins that could once allure, Hope not to find delight in us, they say, For we are spotless, Jessy, we are pure. Now the grave old alarm the gentler young; Thus for your sake I shun each human eye: Lest my sad fate should nourish pangs for you. Raise me from earth; the pains of want remove, Force not my tongue to ask its scanty bread, Haply, when age has silver'd o'er my hair, She spoke nor was I born of savage race; And vow'd to waste her life in pray'rs for mine. I saw her foot the lofty bark ascend; I saw her breast with ev'ry passion heave; 1 I left her, torn from ev'ry earthly friend; Brief let me be; the fatal storm arose; The billows rag'd; the pilot's art was vain: And-see my youth's impetuous fires decay; / THE HERMIT. PARNELL. FAR in a wild unknown to public view, A life so sacred, such serene repose, |