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A description of a party of brother Indians roasting a bear; the circle is enlarged to receive their friends. An Indian youth, named Bloody Sack, challenges any one of the ring to wrestle with him: Edward accepts the challenge, and, having gained the best of five throws, proves victorious; Susannah, as a trophy, presents Edward with a powder-horn and splendid belt of her own working. Description of the feast. Susannah solicits a private interview with Edward, and retires through the woods to a cave upon the sea-side she there declares her passion for him; and to prevent her nuptials with Bloody Sack, to whom she is promised in marriage, meditates an elopement with Edward at midnight. Edward, in a short soliloquy, determines to run off with the Indian Princess.




BEHOLD a fire, enormous in its size,

Where logs of pine the raging flame supplies;
Where forty Indians form the savage ring,
While gentler Squa's the huntsman's glory sing.
A huge old bear suspended by the heels,
In frying fury takes his circular wheels;

While high aloft, amidst the branches lost,

Three hands are plac'd to rule th' unwieldy roast;

No hollow forms, no words distorting truth,

Salute the guests of equal cast uncouth.


The circle widens with a welcome face,

Where every one soon finds a warm place ;
All fill their pipes hung round with many a bead,
And both the sexes love the lulling weed;

While many a tongue the wond'rous chase relate, 15
How ran the youth, how smil'd propitious fate!
What famous dog th' unshapely paw first drew!
What vales, what swamps, he led the hunters

Till stains of blood of helpless victims slain,
The never-failing sign, where tyrants reign, 20
Betray'd his haunt, and show'd that gloomy place
Where, fenc'd with bones, he scorn'd the living race.
But now a youth, who spurns th' unactive ring,
With strength athletic makes an Indian spring;
For Bloody Sack (the titled hero's name)

By desperate acts had reach'd immortal fame:


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