| Thomas Brett - 1715 - 276 pages
...committed to his Prieft s, and to affure the Penitent of his Pardon: And hath given Pewer and Commandmtnt to his Ministers to declare, and •pronounce to his People being penitent 3 the Absolution and Remiflion of their Sins. Having thus declar'd God's good Will, and the Power committed... | |
| William Whiston - 1753 - 380 pages
...that he may turn from hiswickednefs and live; and hath given power and commandment to his Miuifters, to declare and pronounce to his people, being penitent, the absolution and remiffion of their fins: He pardoned! and abfolveth all them that truly repent, and unfeignedly believe... | |
| Peter Waldo - 1772 - 432 pages
...enables, us to " turn from our Wickednefs and live." And for our farther Comfort and Satisfaction,' He ** hath given Power and Commandment to his Ministers*...declare and pronounce to his People, being penitent, the Abfolution and Remiffion of their Sins." —To preach Repentance and RemiJJion of Sins in tbe Name... | |
| 310 pages
...in the words of your priest's 'Absolution,' that "Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, hath given power and commandment to his ministers...penitent, the absolution and remission of their sins." Where is it so stated in the Scriptures ? Having pronounced the so-called Absolution, your priest goes... | |
| 1814
...particular consideration in this form of absolution, is, that the Minister is made to assert that God " has given power and commandment to his Ministers to declare...penitent, the absolution and remission of their sins." And that, accordingly, as one of God's Ministers, charged with this commission and authority, he Solemnly... | |
| Ralph Williston - 1806 - 438 pages
...Absolution. forgiveness of sins, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. For the Lord hath given power and commandment to his ministers...pardoneth and absolveth all those who truly repent, and nnfeignedly believe his holy gospel. Rut on the contrary, I pronounce to all such as remain impenitent,... | |
| Episcopal Church - 1806 - 684 pages
...rather that he may turn from his wickednefs and live, hath given power and commandment to his Minifters to declare and pronounce to his People, being penitent, the Absolution and Remiffion of their fins. He pardoneth and abfolveth all thofe who truly repent, and unfeignedly believe... | |
| John Nelson - 1807 - 152 pages
...there, and heard no such thing mentioned." I replied, " No ! did you not hear him affirm, " That God had given power and commandment to his ministers, to declare...pronounce to his people, being penitent, the absolution of their sins ?' And he farther declared, « That God pardoneth and absolveth all those that truly... | |
| Episcopal Church - 1808 - 634 pages
...turn from his the body as the souL Wherefore, I pray and beseech you, as many as are here present, wickedness and live, hath given power and commandment to his Ministers to deto accompany me, with a clare and pronounce to his pure heart and humble voice, people, being penitent,... | |
| 1809 - 772 pages
...that lie would turn from his wickedness and live ; bath given power and commandment to his minister, to declare and pronounce to his people, being penitent, the absolution and remission of their sins. He parctoneth and absolvcth all them that truly repent, and unfeignedly believe his holy gospel." Your's,... | |
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